
  1. 方法:对40例动脉粥样硬化(AS)患者祛瘀消斑胶囊治疗前后和40例对照者正常动脉管壁及粥样斑块进行AD检测。

    Methods : In 40 patients treated with drugs and in 40 control cases , we detected the normal arterial wall and different types of atherosclerotic plaques with AD technique .

  2. Mallory三色染色见肝内门静脉、肝动脉管壁纤维结缔组织增多,中膜平滑肌增殖肥大。

    Mallory trichrome staining showed hyperplasia of portal vein and hepatic artery wall fiber connective tissue , and proliferation and hypertrophy of the smooth muscle of middle membrane .

  3. HP组的肺细小动脉管壁面积/管总面积比值(WA/TA)和中膜厚度(PAMT)均明显低于HH组(P0.01),且低于HL组(P0.05)。

    Light microscopy showed WA / TA ( vessel wall area / total area ) and PAMT ( media thickness ratio of pulmonary arterioles ) were significantly lower in rats of HP group than those of HH group ( P 0.01 ) .

  4. 糖尿病组及IGR组颈总动脉管壁短轴方向彩色M型解剖速度、应变、应变率参数图显示色彩紊乱,无明显规律变化,糖尿病组在这一特点上表现更为突出。

    Diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose regulation group of common carotid artery wall of short axis color M anatomy of velocity , strain , strain rate parameter graph display colour disorder , no obvious variation of impaired glucose regulation , diabetes group than group is behaved more apparently . 3 .

  5. 男性高脂蛋白血症患者髂动脉管壁内膜-中膜厚度的研究

    Iliac Artery Intima media Thickness in Middle aged Male Subjects with Hyperlipoproteinemia

  6. 非技术性因素为冠状动脉管壁的弥漫性钙化导致的高密度及其伪影。

    The non-technical factors was extensive calcification of coronary artery .

  7. 肺动脉管壁Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原变化在慢性低氧肺动脉高压形成中的作用

    Relationship between pulmonary arterial wall collagen and pulmonary hypertension in chronic hypoxic rats

  8. 吸烟对动脉管壁很有害。

    Smoking is very damaging to the arterial walls .

  9. 糖尿病患者下肢动脉管壁内膜-中层厚度的研究

    Ultrasonic study of artery intima-media thickness in diabetes subjects

  10. 运动与动脉管壁的弹性

    Physical Exercise and the Elasticity of Arterial Walls

  11. 速度向量成像技术评价原发性高血压患者颈动脉管壁运动的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of Carotid Arterial Wall Motion in Patients with Essential Hypertension by Velocity Vector Imaging

  12. OVX+E组与OVX+HC+E组动脉管壁结构正常。

    OVX + E group and OVX + HC + E group had a normal arterial wall .

  13. 受累动脉管壁不同程度地向心性或偏心性增厚,管腔狭窄或闭塞。

    The affected artery wall had varying degrees of concentric or eccentric thickening , and stenosis or occlusion of lumen was observed .

  14. 脂肪肝患者在颈动脉管壁发生形态学改变之前,血管内皮细胞功能已经发生改变,即动脉弹性功能已经发生改变。

    Before arterial wall morphological changes , endothelial cell function have changed , namely the artery elasticity function have changed . 3 .

  15. 本文考虑到血液粘度与动脉管壁的非线性特性,利用特征线法数值求解了主动脉和一根分枝动脉(桡动脉)中的脉搏流。

    In this paper some numerical solutions of the pulsatile flow in the aorta with a branching artery ( radial artery ) are obtained .

  16. 这种模型引起巨噬细胞等炎症细胞的侵入,并导致动脉管壁基质的破坏和再塑,以及随后动脉瘤的形成。

    This model causes an initial influx of macrophages leading to destruction and remodeling of the aorta wall matrix , and subsequent aneurysm development .

  17. 提示脑动脉管壁结构未能恢复正常是抗高血压治疗不能完全防止脑卒中的原因之一。

    These results indicated that abnormal structure of cerebral arterial wall is the one of the causes why antihypertensive therapy could not prevent stroke entirely .

  18. 与正常动脉管壁和下肢动脉硬化血管壁相比较,基质金属蛋白酶9在腹主动脉瘤瘤体组织中的表达具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    There was a significant difference of the expression of MMP-9 in the arterial wall between the AAAs and AODs ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 结论动脉管壁Ⅲ型胶原的沉积增加可能在大动脉功能异常中发挥作用,且其作用并非由于增龄所致,但其对小动脉顺应性影响较小。

    Conclusion Increases in serum type ⅲ collagen may be associated with large arterial stiffness , but is not relevant to the compliance of small artery .

  20. 结果:人窦房结中央动脉管壁的纤维网架分为内膜、中膜和外膜3层;

    Results : The collagen fibers of the central artery penetrated to the node may be divided into 3 layers : intima , media and adventitia .

  21. 结果:模型组子宫内膜螺旋动脉管壁变性严重,管腔扩张较明显,对照组为正常行经前期图像,螺旋动脉强烈收缩,内皮细胞无变性。

    Results : Compared with that of control group , the degenerative changes of spiral arteriolar wall were more severe and dilatation of lumen was more obvious .

  22. 作者认为支气管动脉管壁平滑肌结构的重建引起支气管动脉中膜的增厚,递增的动脉管壁平滑肌是对低氧环境适应性结构的一种改建。

    Author thought the structural rebuilding of bronchial arteries which lead to media thicken , and the increase of smooth muscle was a structure adaptation to the hypoxia .

  23. 活动期10例动脉管壁增厚呈环状高密度影或分层状,内壁光滑。非活动期7例管壁增厚程度轻,呈低密度环。

    EBCT features of wall thickening appeared as a concentric wall thickening or double density ring in10 patients with active disease and low density ring in7 patients with inactive disease .

  24. 成年和5月龄牦牛肺动脉管壁内平滑肌排列的层数近似,1日龄的略小。

    The layer of smooth muscle in adult pulmonary artery was similar to that of five-month-old yak , and the layer of smooth muscle in one-day-old was the thinnest . 4 .

  25. 磷脂近年来受到人们的格外关注,研究表明,它们具有活化细胞、促进脑发育、改进动脉管壁的组织结构、保持体内水分、参与机体代谢的功能。

    The research indicates that phospholipid have the function of activating ceil , promoting brain growth , improving artery blood vessel structure , keeping body water and participating in body metabolize etc .

  26. 主动脉弓动脉管壁厚薄不均,内膜增厚和脂质沉着,主动脉内皮细胞严重破坏,内膜不连续,大量的泡沫细胞沉积于内膜下层,可见病变脂纹脂斑。

    The arterial wall of the aortic arch uneven thickness , intimal thickening and lipid calm , severely damaged aortic endothelial cells , endometrial discontinuous foam cells are deposited in the intima lower spot visible lesions fatty streaks fat .

  27. 结果表明,锥度角和动脉管壁的曲率变化对非定常状态下的脉动流的压力、速度分布、血流的局部能量损失的影响很大,这与实际情况相符。

    The results of numerical simulation indicate that , the influence of the tapered angel and the change of curvature of aortic arch on the distributions of velocity , and pressure for the pulsatile flow , and the local energy loss is very great .

  28. 结论高分辨率磁共振冠状动脉管壁成像可显示粥样硬化的冠状动脉狭窄段管壁及管腔异常,为冠心病的诊断提供了有力的数据支持,是一种很有潜力的检查方法。

    Conclusions High-resolution magnetic resonance coronary vessel wall imaging , which is a potential imaging modality for coronary artery disease , can visualize the abnormalities of the wall and lumen of atherosclerotic coronary arteries and provides predominant data supports to the diagnosis of coronary heart disease .

  29. 治疗前后进行血脂分析,治疗结束取主动脉组织作脂质及钙定量,并对主动脉作病理学检查,测量动脉管壁厚度、内膜厚度、管壁面积、内膜面积及管腔面积。

    Serum lipid was tested before and after treatment . After treatment , aortic tissue was taken for quantitative estimation of lipid and calcium , and also for pathophysiological analysis , including vascular wall thickness , intimal thickness , vascular wall area , intimal area and arterial lumina area .

  30. 注射后21d,中央动脉的管壁增生明显,个别细胞核呈分裂相,血管腔闭锁;

    21 days later , the wall of the ear central artery was proliferative obviously and the artery had sclerostenosis , while cell division was observed .