
  • 网络review;Technical Review
  1. 供应商审核,技术评审,新产品APQP开发跟踪,PPAP批准,PPM管理。

    Supplier audit , technical review , follow new component APQP , PPAP approval and PPM managment .

  2. 参与工程合同的技术评审把关工作。

    To participate in the project contract technical job screening assessment .

  3. 待完成技术评审后,才可拆阅并评审收费建议。

    Only after completion of the technical assessment will the fee proposals be opened and evaluated .

  4. 从2003年10月开始国家食品药品监督管理局对保健食品进行审批。保健食品的审批分四个阶段:产品检验、申报受理、技术评审审查批准。

    In October , 2003 , National Food and Drug Agency starts to carry out the examination and approval for the health foods .

  5. 文摘:通过对施工方案进行技术评审,建立了标价与施工方案间的量化关系,提出了一种确定合理低标价的新方法。

    Abstract : after giving technological assessments on construction schemes , the quantizing relations between bid prices and construction schemes are set up ; and a new method for determining reasonable low bid price is put forward .

  6. 本文的第二章从基于BP神经网络的电子评标方法、标底保密技术、评审专家随机选取技术和身份认证技术几个方面对招投标系统的相关技术进行了简单的分析和介绍。

    The second part introduced the key technology such as electronic evaluation method based on BP neural network , baseprice security technology , evaluation experts randomly selected technology and identity authentication technology .

  7. 专业技术职务评审工作的实践与探讨

    The practice and Research on the work of evaluating personnel technology post

  8. 专业技术职务评审网络集成系统的研究与应用

    Research and application of network integrating system for profession technique post evaluation

  9. 专业技术职务评审管理系统的设计与实现

    Design of post evaluation management system for railway professional technical staff and its implementation

  10. 军队高校专业技术资格评审指标体系研究

    A Study of Appraising Indicators System for Personnel Qualification and Professional Titles in Military 's Institution of Higher Education

  11. 进一步完善高校专业技术职务评审量化工作促进师资队伍的优化

    Further perfection in the grading of the technical or professional post in the colleges and universities and promotion the optimization of teachers contingent

  12. 本文主要是研究军队高校专业技术资格评审指标体系的建立方法和内容。

    This thesis focuses on the means of establishment and content of indicators system of qualification appraisal for technical specialty in military academies .

  13. 专业技术职务评审中学术论文的量化考核我国先进核燃料循环技术发展战略的一些思考

    The quantitative check of academic thesis on evaluating technical or professional title ; Some Strategic Considerations on the Development of Advance Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technologies in China

  14. 建立了高校教师专业技术资格评审条件基本结构和具体评价指标体系,提出了完成主讲课程课时系数、著作重版系数、核心期刊论文系数、论文被检索引用系数等若干新的评价指标;

    The author puts forward new appraisal indicators such as " lecuring hours coefficient ", " republication coefficient ", " thesis of core journals coefficient " and " citation coefficient " .

  15. 对高校教师专业技术职务评审工作来讲,采用何种方式,关系到评审工作的质量与效率,关系到评审结果的可靠程度。

    As to the appraisal of professional titles of university teachers , the method will relate to the quality and effect of the job and the credit level of the result .

  16. 本文对军队专业技术职务评审过程中存在的主要问题进行了分析;针对存在的问题,对改革军队卫生专业技术职务评审提出了相应对策,对组织好职务评审工作具有较好的参考价值。

    The main problems in the course of evaluating title of technical post for health specialty cadres were analyzed , and the countermeasures were proposed which would be of good reference value to carry out this work .

  17. 招标资格预审是项目建设单位制定承包商能否圆满履行合同的关键,文中介绍了预审的程序、管理、标准、资格评审等内容。军队高校专业技术资格评审指标体系研究

    The paper introduced the process , management , standard , qualifications evaluation of highway engineering construction bidding etc. A Study of Appraising Indicators System for Personnel Qualification and Professional Titles in Military 's Institution of Higher Education

  18. 结合等级医院评审工作的具体情况,介绍了基于Browser/Server技术的医院评审系统的系统结构和实现技术,并给出一个在该系统中实现Web服务器与数据库SQL服务器连接的实例。

    The structure and the implementation method of Hospital Accreditation System based on the browser / server SQL server technique are introduced . A case of linkage way between web server and database SQL server is also given .

  19. 在此基础上,运用PERT技术(计划评审技术)对活动乐观、最可能、悲观时间的估计值进行整理计算,得出了该项目在要求工期内完成的概率。

    Based on this , there obtains the probability of completing the project within the time limit by exerting PERT ( Program Evaluation and Review Technique ) to calculate the optimistic , favorite and pessimistic estimated time .

  20. 川东丘陵区提灌工程系统技术经济定量评审方法

    A quantitative technical and economic evaluation method for lift irrigation engineering system in hilly areas of Eastern Sichuan

  21. 然后,我创造出整个书的的工作草案来接受技术、内容评审。

    Then I produced a working draft of the entire book to send out for technical / content review .

  22. 国家科学技术奖的评审、授予,不受任何组织或者个人的非法干涉。

    The evaluation and grant of the State science and technology prizes shall not be illegally interfered by any organizations or individuals .

  23. 推荐参加国家技术发明奖评审的技术发明,应当具备有关知识产权证明,经过三年以上较大规模的实施应用,取得良好实用效果。

    The nominated invention under STIA should have relevant intellectual property evidence , demonstrated its extensive application for more than three years and have achieved significant results .

  24. 关键路线法、计划评审技术、图示评审技术和风险评审技术是四种具有代表性的网络分析方法。

    Critical Path Method , Program Evaluation and Review Technique , Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique and Venture Evaluation and Review Technique are all representative network analysis methods .

  25. 该方案解决了水印数据时信息隐藏和网络安全传输问题,已运用于国家科学技术奖励网络评审系统中。

    The scheme solved the problems of the information hiding and the network transmission of watermark data , and has been successfully applied to the Network Evaluation System of China National Science and Technology Awards .

  26. 本文结合广州国际会议展览中心大型特殊工程的招标实践,对其中设计标与技术标的评审要索设置进行了深入的探讨。

    In terms of the bid practice for the large-scale special project-Guangzhou International Conference Exhibition Centre , this paper makes a detailed discussion on the ascertainment of key element in assessing the design standard and technical standard .

  27. 专利文献检索在应用技术研究课题立项评审中的应用

    The Index of Patent Document Applied for Application of Technology Research Task

  28. 论档案系列专业技术职务资格量化评审体系的建立

    On the Establishment of Quantitative Assessment System for Professional Title of Archives Management

  29. 该文介绍了在卫生高级专业技术职务任职资格评审面试中引入量化评价标准的具体方法。

    The paper introduced a quantitative appraising criterion and method for senior health professional post .

  30. 利用军卫一号平台开发新技术新项目申报评审系统

    Development of application and appraisal system for new technologies and projects based on No.1 Military Medical Project