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  1. 法律事务部所拟备有关“在各条例中司级官员在关乎金融管理专员和证券及期货事务监察委员会方面的职能及角色”的文件

    Paper prepared by legal service division on " functions and roles of policy secretaries in ordinances relating to the monetary authority and the securities and futures commission "

  2. 按公共财政条例,财政司司长会在下一财政年度开始前,将有关的拨款条例草案提交立法会。

    Under the public finance ordinance , the financial secretary will table the relevant Appropriation Bill to the Legislative Council before the commencement of the next financial year .

  3. 贸易条例和消费保护司

    Bureau of Trade Regulations and Consumer Protection