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nǐ ɡǔ
  • model one's literary or artistic style on that of the ancients
拟古 [nǐ gǔ]
  • [model ones literary or artistic style on that of the ancients] 模仿古代的风格、形式,特指模拟古人的诗文

  1. 拟古乐府的创作不仅影响到茶陵派成员,对时人和后人也有影响。

    Not only affects to Chaling sends the member , also has the influence to the time person and the posterity .

  2. 南朝作家江淹以善于拟古而著称,其《杂体诗三十首》包含着独特的文学批评见解。

    Jiang yan , a writer in southern Dynasties was famous for being good at modeling one 's literary style on that of the ancients .

  3. 拟古对中国画来说是一个老话题,每当国画发展受挫时,总有人提出借古开今以继香火。

    Learning the traditional Chinese painting is an old topic , the development of traditional Chinese painting when setbacks , the total was raised to the following incense .

  4. 在画风、画派争奇斗艳,技法、手段层出不穷的繁荣景象中,拟古风尚和现代诉求是隐藏在中国工笔人物画发展中的两股潜流。

    In style , School flourish techniques , means endless flourishing , traditional learning and learning modern ; hidden meticulous figure painting in China in the development of the two undercurrent .

  5. 太康时期文人成了清流侍从,文坛出现拟古风气和追求形式技巧的倾向。

    Taikang times had become a period in which literary turned into leisure high-ranking officials and the literary world emerged the tendency of archaism and the pursuit of forms and skills .

  6. 从这个意义上讲,我们已不可能生活于古人澄怀观道的审美境界,除非你的艺术只是在虚假的生活状态中拟古和仿古。

    As far as this implies , we can no longer live in the aesthetic realm that the ancients inhabited , unless your art is an imitation made within a fake state of existence .

  7. 在与道学传统和拟古主义的颉颃中成长起来的晚明尚情思潮,力求摆脱封建伦理道德的过分束缚,争取个性的自由发展。

    The pro-emotion trend in Late Ming Dynasty growing in the conflict with the traditional confucianism and ancient-modeling , tries to shake off the trammels of the feudal ethical and develop its personalities freely .

  8. 以具有历史意义的文学自觉为视角,研究汉魏晋时期的拟古之风,从而发掘出拟作在历史发展过程中的积极意义与独特价值。

    To the historic perspective of literary consciousness , studying the style of Han , Wei , Jin period archaism , and thus intended to explore the positive and unique value of the history of the development process .