
nǐ hé
  • nucleoid
  1. 在病毒粒子中央部可观察到拟核(核衣壳),其直径约为40nm。

    The nucleoid ( nucleocapsid ) could be observed in the center of virus particles , and the diameter was about 40 nm .

  2. 研究表明,该病原体具有完整的细胞包膜,内部具有低电子密度拟核,在胞浆中以两种类型存在-繁殖型和静止型;

    The results showed that the RLO with an integrated cell membrane and a nucleoid of low electronic density appeared in the cytoplasm .

  3. 线粒体拟核蛋白对维持mtDNA拷贝数和结构稳定等具有重要作用。

    Mitochondria nucleoprotein has an important role in the maintenance of mtDNA copy number and structure stability .

  4. 幼年美菌体为椭圆形,里面有个拟核区,正常类菌体有完整的周膜和PHB颗粒。

    The younger bacteroid was elliptic and had a similar nucleus region in cell . The normal bacteroid had an intact membrane envelope and PHB granules .

  5. 关于细菌拟核染色规律的探讨

    On the Rules of Dyeing of Nucleoid of Bacteria

  6. n-预加法范畴中的拟核

    The Quasi-Kernels in an n-Preadditive Category

  7. 拟正定核Hammerstein方程非平凡解的个数

    Number of non & trivial solutions to Hammerstein integral equations with quasi-positive-definite kernels

  8. 在人们对福岛第一(FukushimaDaiichi)核电站的辐射泄漏所构成的长期健康风险越来越担心之际,政府宣布相关计划,拟将受损核电站周围的疏散区扩大至原先划定的30公里半径以外。

    Amid growing concern about the long-term health risks posed by radiation leaks from the Fukushima Daiichi atomic power station , the government announced plans to widen evacuation zones around the crippled plant to beyond the previous 30km limit .

  9. 拟想云核浓度与云滴浓度之间有或多或少的一一对应关系是合理的。

    It is legitimate to envisage a more or less one-to-one correspondence between cloud nucleus concentration and the concentration of cloud droplets .

  10. 暴风云(暴风雨时出现的或预示暴风雨将至的浓密的乌云).拟想云核浓度与云滴浓度之间有或多或少的一一对应关系是合理的。

    Storm-cloud ( large black cloud coming with a storm or indicating that a storm is likely to happen ) It is legitimate to envisage a more or less one-to-one correspondence between cloud nucleus concentration and the concentration of cloud droplets .

  11. 采用STF理论和Frank源分布&紧密拟合法对国外核潜艇潜望状态进行了纵荡、垂荡、纵摇、横荡、横摇、艏摇和垂向加速度等波频运动耐波性理论预报。

    Using the STF theory and Frank source close-fit method , given is the results on the motion responses of different foreign nuclear power submarines at the periscope depth , including surge , sway , heave , roll , pitch , yaw and vertical acceleration of specified points .

  12. 拟前束合取核范式函数

    Quasi-prenex conjunctive kernel normal form function

  13. 例如,中国大力发展核能源,如今已成为核工业发展的一个关键驱动因素:全球拟修建的新核反应堆,有近三分之一是在中国。

    Its embrace of nuclear energy , for example , is now a key driver for that industry : nearly a third of the proposed new reactors in the world are in China .