- 名virusoid

Wheat germ DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II cannot transcribe velvet tobacco mottle virus ( vtmov ) and its virusoid
Method : 60 borderline case with child viral encephalitis were checked by PRD-2000A digital EEG quantitative analyzer .
An Investigation of Coxsackie B virus ( CBV ) infection in 1 790 patients with suspected viral myocarditis in 15 hospitals in Shanghai from Jan. 1987 to June 1990 are reported .
The RT PCR was tested on 53 pharyngeal swabs collected from infants and young children with acute lower respiratory infection during the epidemic season of RSV and 28 of them were positive ( 52.83 % ) .
Thus , so many kinds and high-active nucleases in the alimentary canals should have other significant biological functions , such as eliminating the nucleic acids in the food , preventing the invasion of foreign genes , killing viruses and microbes .
Temporal-impaired aphasia caused by herpes simplex encephalitis : two-cases analysis