
  • 网络Keiko Fujimori
  1. 现年35岁的藤森庆子是目前正在坐牢的前总统阿尔韦托藤森(AlbertoFujimori,日本名:藤森谦也)之女。

    The 35-year-old Ms Fujimori is the daughter of an imprisoned former president , Alberto Fujimori .

  2. 如今的总统候选人中很大一部分是铁腕人物的女儿:韩国的朴瑾惠、法国的玛琳??勒庞、秘鲁的藤森庆子、危地马拉的ZuryRíosMontt、哈萨克斯坦的DarigaNazarbayeva。

    A remarkable number of today 's presidential contenders are daughters of strongmen : Ms Park in South Korea , Ms Le Pen in France , Peru 's Ms Fujimori , Zury R í os Montt in Guatemala , Dariga Nazarbayeva in Kazakhstan .

  3. 原因在于:朴瑾惠的母亲遭暗杀,藤森庆子的父母在其父亲任总统期间离婚。

    Ms Park 's mother was assassinated ; Ms Fujimori 's parents divorced during her father 's presidency .

  4. 藤森庆子曾努力推行自由市场改革,但是批评家担心如果她当选,她可能会赦免自己的父亲。

    Ms Fujimori has campaigned on a programme of free market reforms , but critics fear she may pardon her jailed father if she 's elected .

  5. 乌马拉在5日大选中打败右派议员藤森庆子,在接受《路透》访问当日仍有倦容。他在访问中表示,绝不会引进任何外国的经济模式。

    Visibly weary following Sunday 's election victory over right-wing lawmaker Keiko Fujimori , Humala told Reuters he would not be importing any economic model from abroad .

  6. 韩国的朴瑾惠和秘鲁的藤森庆子很早就开始继承家族政治事业:她们两人还在读书时就必须接替她们母亲的职责,担当起第一夫人。

    Park Geun-hye in South Korea and Keiko Fujimori in Peru got early starts in the family business : both had to step into their mother 's shoes and act as first lady while still at school .