
  • 网络Osamu Fujimura
  1. 日本内阁官房长官藤村修(OsamuFujimura)周三拒绝对购岛交易的报道予以证实或否认。他说,日本政府目前仍在与栗原家族进行商谈,不便透露详情。

    Japan 's Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura refused on Wednesday to confirm or deny reports of a deal , saying the government is still in talks with the Kurihara family and could not give specifics .

  2. 日本内阁官房长官藤村修(OsamuFujimura)告诉记者,除了将领土争议提交海牙国际法庭外,包括日本贸易和经济官员在内的一些内阁大臣将推迟与韩国官员的会议。

    In addition to taking the case to the ICJ , Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told reporters that some Japanese cabinet ministers ─ including the trade and economy ministers ─ would put off meetings with their South Korean counterparts .

  3. 藤村修说,日本中央政府和岛主上周五已经就购岛事宜达成协议,不过他拒绝透露价格。

    The central government and the owner had agreed on the purchase Friday , Mr. Fujimura said , although he declined to comment on the price .

  4. 藤村修强调称,日本政府将坚持其和平主义原则,仅允许在不会“加剧国际冲突”的情况下出口防务装备。

    Mr Fujimura stressed that Tokyo would stick by its pacifist principles , only allowing defence exports where they do not " foster international conflict " .

  5. 藤村修说,两国政府一直在通过外交途径密切沟通,以免发生误解和始料未及的事件;我们不希望此事对两国关系产生负面影响。

    ' Both governments have been communicating closely through diplomatic channels to avoid misunderstandings and unforeseen incidents ' pertaining to the situation , Mr. Fujimura said . ' We do not wish for this matter to adversely affect the bilateral relationship . '

  6. 此外,藤村修还对日本政府购岛决定可能会令中日关系恶化的看法不予理会,他重申这些岛屿不存在领土争端问题。藤村修说,这是一个国内问题,不应引发任何外交争端。

    Mr. Fujimura also shrugged off views that the decision may worsen ties with China , reiterating that no territorial dispute exists over the islands . ' This is a domestic matter which should not trigger any diplomatic issues , ' he said .