
huǒ xiàn
  • Firewire;live wire;firing line;battle line;caustic line
火线 [huǒ xiàn]
  • (1) [firing line;battle line]∶作战双方对峙的前线

  • (2) [live wire]∶电路中馈电的电源线。对市电,是指对地电压高的一根导线。在直流电路中是指接正极的导线

火线[huǒ xiàn]
  1. 他虽然身负重伤,但坚决不下火线。

    Although he was seriously wounded , he flatly refused to quit the battle line .

  2. 在连接UPS的交流引入线时,火线零线不允许接反(注意某些UPS还有相序之分)。

    UPS to connect the exchange to introduce line , the battle line is not allowed to access anti-Line ( Note that there are certain sequence of UPS 's ) .

  3. 出演《火线狙击》以前,马尔科维奇从未演过动作片。

    Until he appeared in ' In the Line of Fire ' Malkovich had been an action-movie virgin

  4. 在著名电视剧集《迷失》(Lost)和《火线警告》(BurnNotice)中,它们也闪亮登场。

    They were featured in TV shows like lost and burn notice .

  5. 在他自己的一个首播于1966年的节目《火线》(FiringLine)中,巴克利展现了极具挑衅性的辩术;

    Buckley showcased provocative debate on " Firing Line , " his program which had its debut in 1966 ;

  6. IEEE1394火线技术与USB串行接口的比较

    The Comparison of IEEE 1394 and USB

  7. 很多城市都有一名神秘的当地作者,而佩雷卡洛斯便是华盛顿特区的那位。他写过书,并担任过电视剧《火线》(TheWire)其中几集的导演。

    Lots of cities have a local mystery writer and Pelecanos is the one for D.C. He wrote and directed a few of the episodes of The Wire .

  8. 所以《丑闻》(Scandal)这样的新剧也要和《火线》(TheWire)这样的老剧竞争。

    So a new season of " Scandal , " for example , is also competing against old series like " The Wire . "

  9. 预计公司将公布“英雄联盟”(LeaguesofLegend)收入的最新数据,同时“地下城与勇士”(DungeonFighter)、“穿越火线”(Crossfire)和“剑灵”(BladeandSoul)等微信游戏出现强劲增长。

    Expect an update on revenues from Leagues of Legend and solid growth of WeChat games including Dungeon Fighter and Crossfire , and Blade and Soul .

  10. 我会问的第一个问题就是大卫·西蒙拍没拍“火线”(美国HBO剧集)的续集。

    the first thing I would ask is whether David Simon had done a sequel to " The Wire . " I would want to know .

  11. 腾讯还曾与韩国游戏开发商SmileGate合作,将游戏《穿越火线》(SmileGate)引入了中国市场;它目前也在与韩国的主要移动游戏生产商CJGames合作,将该公司旗下的游戏本地化。

    Tencent has also partnered with Korean developer SmileGate to bring CrossFire to China , and it is working with leading Korean mobile game maker CJ Games to localize its games as well .

  12. 诺兰拍摄了这个场景,还有其它三个场景,在IMAX巨屏上播出,经过对设计动作的精妙处理,效果可以与迈克尔。曼的《盗火线》相媲美。

    Nolan shot this sequence , and three others , for the IMAX screen and with a finesse for choreographing action that rivals Michael Mann 's Heat .

  13. 2011年,伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(他后来在HBO的电视剧《火线》中扮演斯金格·比尔而广为人知)获得了多次艾美奖提名,并获得迷你剧最佳男主角奖。

    In 2011 , Idris Elba ( the actor then best known for portraying Stringer Bell on HBO 's " The Wire " ) earned the first of multiple Emmy nominations as Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries .

  14. 软件可以实现读取DEM数据,设置起火点、风速、大气湿度,加载小班数据,可视化模拟林火蔓延趋势,统计过火面积、火线长度和蔓延速度等功能。

    Its functions consists of reading DEM data , setting fire point , wind speed and direction and humidity , loading tree data , simulating fire spread with visibility , summing up the fired area and perimeter and calculating fire speed and so on .

  15. 妈妈,他们会不会将我派往火线?

    Mother , will they put me in the firing line ?

  16. 美式电插头有两个火线插脚,一个地线插脚。

    US electrical plugs have two live pins and one ground .

  17. 小心不要踏进火线里,好吗?

    Be careful not to step in any fires , okay ?

  18. 钢轨淬火线轨头信息在线检测

    An Approach to Detect Rail Ends of Steel Rail Quenching Line

  19. 这个游戏(火线小组3)中,狙击需要很多技巧与耐心。

    Real sniping in this game takes alot of skill and patience .

  20. 冷轧退火线计算机系统无负荷试运转

    Unload Trial Running of Computer System for Cold Rolling Annealing production Line

  21. 你问我连长是不是可以不亲临火线?

    You ask if I could keep from opening fire ?

  22. 他夹在三条火线中,这是事实;

    There was no denying it : he was between three fires ;

  23. 他受了伤,但不肯离开火线。

    He was wounded but refused to leave the line .

  24. 改防火线为防火林带试验初报

    Preliminary Experiment Report on Transforming Fire Line to Fire Belt

  25. 火线(绝缘)刺孔连接器斯科特式变压器接线法

    Live-line ( insulated ) piercing connector Scott connected transformator

  26. 介绍变频调速器在连续光亮退火线中的应用。

    Review on continuous annealing technology of hot dip galvanizing sheet for automobile ;

  27. 现在,教练科林提醒大家,他不会下火线。

    Now , Coach Coughlin reminds everybody , he did not go down .

  28. 我越过停火线刚好2千米。

    I 'm exactly two clicks past the line .

  29. 就像接驳火线暴露于空气之中。

    Appointed air Iike an exposed Iive wire .

  30. 从两处或多处射击以至于火线交叉。

    Fire from two or more points so that the lines of fire cross .