
  • 网络volcanic products;pyroclastic ejecta
  1. 偏光显微镜下光性鉴定表明该样品具有显著的火山喷出物指征性结构。

    Optical verification under a polarizing microscope showed these black deposits have strong indicative structure of volcano extrusive .

  2. 这是首次在柯林斯冰帽冰芯中发现并得到鉴定的火山喷出物。

    It is volcano extrusive be found and verified at the first time in an ice core from Collins Ice Cap .

  3. 本文扼要介绍了独山子地区特有的地质背景&最新的造山运动、独特的泥火山喷出物、广阔的戈壁平原和特殊的洼地沉积。

    This paper briefly describes the peculiar geologic background of Dushanzi area , such as the newest erogenic movement , distinctive materials produced by mud eruption , broad gobi plain and particular deposits of depression .