
huǒ shì
  • lively;flourishing;prosperous
  • intensity of a fire
火势 [huǒ shì]
  • [fire] 火燃烧的态势

  • 火势蔓延

  • (1) [lively]∶热闹

  • 这个晚会开得真火势

  • (2) [flourishing]∶红火

  • 他俩的小日子过得挺火势

  1. 该舱室内放着松油与松节油以及其他货物,这些货物是易燃的,因而加强火势,并增加灭火的困难。

    Pine oil and turpentine were placed in this compartment , together with other items of cargo , which were highly inflammable , thus contributing considerably to the intensity of a fire and increasing difficulty of extinguishing the fire .

  2. 花了两个小时才控制住火势。

    It took two hours to bring the fire under control .

  3. 借助高温和大风,火势迅速蔓延。

    Aided by heat and strong winds , the fire quickly spread .

  4. 由于火势蔓延,须要立即采取行动。

    Prompt action was required as the fire spread .

  5. 消防队员仍在尽力控制火势的蔓延。

    Firefighters are still trying to control the blaze .

  6. 已经向住在火势下风处的人们发出不要出门的警告。

    Warnings were issued to people living downwind of the fire to stay indoors .

  7. 市中心的火势失去了控制。

    Fires were burning out of control in the center of the city

  8. 直升机帮助消防队员控制住了火势。

    Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze

  9. 7支消防队被派来控制火势。

    Seven fire brigades were deployed to contain the blaze .

  10. 大壁炉里火势正旺。

    There was a fire burning in the large fireplace

  11. 消防队员说他们已经控制住了火势。

    Firemen said they had the blaze under control

  12. 一辆装有化学品的卡车爆炸后,火势迅速蔓延。

    Fire spread rapidly after a chemical truck exploded

  13. 上百名消防队员仍在试图控制工厂的火势。

    More than a hundred firemen are still trying to contain the fire at the plant

  14. 火势在这个遭受旱灾的州里迅速蔓延,消防队员疲于应对,接近极限。

    Firefighters are being stretched to the limit as fire sweeps through the drought-stricken state .

  15. 消防队员希望趁着风还没有起来将火势完全控制住。

    Fire crews are hoping they can achieve full containment of the fire before the winds pick up .

  16. 火势很盛。

    The fire is raging .

  17. 火势炽盛。

    The fire is blazing .

  18. 消防人员尽他们最大的努力把火势控制住。

    The firemen tried their best to keep the flame under .

  19. 我们花了几个小时才控制住火势。

    We spent several hours bringing the fire under control .

  20. 消防员与烈火斗争以控制火势。

    The fireman battled to control the flames .

  21. 到白天,火势被完全控制住了。

    The fire was completely overcome by day .

  22. 这晚会开得真火势。

    The party was a great success .

  23. 夜间火势进一步蔓延。

    The flames spread further at night .

  24. 火势很猛。

    The fire burned fiercely .

  25. 他们砍倒了一些树以控制火势,使火不再蔓延开去。

    They cut down some trees to knock down the fire and prevent it from spreading further .

  26. 当然,他们小心地控制了火势。

    Of course , they carefully control the fires .

  27. 火势很快就会蔓延到整个房子。

    Fire can spread through a house soon .

  28. 风让火势更加迅猛。

    The wind spreads a fire quickly .

  29. 幸运的是,一个邻居在火势蔓延之前来帮助他。

    Luckily , one of the neighbors came to help him before the fire could spread .

  30. 他的果断行动制止了火势的蔓延。

    His prompt action prevented the fire from spreading .