
huǒ jù jì huà
  • Torch Plan;Torch Program
  1. XH公司成立于1992年,坐落于国家火炬计划软件产业基地&大连软件园,是以大量的对日商业流程外包(BPO)为主要业务的信息技术公司。

    Established in 1992 in Dalian Software Park , the national software industry base of China , XH is a hi-tech company primarily focused on providing business process outsourcing ( BPO ) services to Japanese enterprises .

  2. AEI-CPS已列入2003年国家火炬计划,是采用先进的微波识别技术对铁路咽喉通道的列车数据进行实时采集、全天候监控列车信息的车号自动识别处理系统。

    AEI-CPS , which has already listed torch plan of our country in 2003 , is automatic identification system of number plate which adopts advanced microwave identification technique to collect railway throat-channels train data in spots and watch train information all day .

  3. 实施火炬计划发展高新技术产业

    Implement the torch project and develop hi - Technical Industry

  4. 国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业;

    Key high and new-tech enterprise of National Torch Plan ;

  5. 通过了2003年上海火炬计划评审。

    Passed the examine and approve of shanghai torch plan .

  6. 湖北省火炬计划十年发展构想

    Thinking of Ten-Year-Development of " Torch Program " in Hubei

  7. 火炬计划是推动山西省高新技术产业发展的有效途径

    Torch Programme Is an Effective Way for Development of High-tech Industry in Shanxi

  8. 并列入国家火炬计划项目。

    And included in the national Torch Program projects .

  9. 国家火炬计划看中澄海成为国内唯一的智能玩具创意设计与制造产业基地

    National Torch Plan Settles on Chenghai as Creative and Manufacturing Base for Intellectual Toys

  10. 火炬计划新材料产业的发展

    Development of New Material Industries of Torch Program

  11. 承担国家火炬计划项目、国家重点新产品计划项目。

    Commitment to national Torch Program projects , the state 's key new product projects .

  12. 此开发项目还被列为国家和省的火炬计划项目。

    The project has also been listed as the National and provincial Torch Plan Project .

  13. 我国高新区在国家火炬计划的推动下,经过二十多年的发展已然成为我国经济和科技发展的前沿。

    In China , high-tech districts have become the forefront of the economic and technological development .

  14. 温州惠利机械有限公司是一家高新技术企业,国家火炬计划项目企业。

    Wenzhou Huili Machinery Co. , Ltd is the enterprise which has high and new technology .

  15. 开发研制出的系列窑炉被列入国家“火炬计划”和“国家重点新产品”。

    Series of kilns developed by our company have qualified Torch program and National key new products .

  16. 因而该新型酶标分析仪已被列入了江苏省火炬计划进行推广。

    So the expansion usage of the new ELISA analyzer has been supported by the Torch Plan of Jiangsu Province .

  17. 该产品为全国首创,是国家火炬计划高新技术产品,也是我公司的专利产品。

    This series is a civil initiative and high technical product in the national torch plan and our patent product .

  18. 先后承担了国家多项火炬计划项目,公司现已拥有多项发明专利。

    Has undertaken a number of National Torch Program projects , the company now owns a number of invention patents .

  19. 由于最初的成功,及能明显确定火炬计划的达成,他得到高级方面的建议。

    In view of the initial successes and apparently certain outcome of Torch , a high-level suggestion had come to him .

  20. 2005年,公司的“大规格高纯石墨产业化项目”被定为国家火炬计划。

    In2005 , the " Large High-Purity Graphite Industrialization Project " of the company was assessed as a National Torch Program project .

  21. 国家级高新技术产业园区作为火炬计划最集中的载体,充分发挥了区域产业发展的带动作用。

    As the most intensive location for Torch Program , State-level Hi-Tech Industrial Parks play an important role in promoting regional industry development .

  22. 复合防渗面板堆石坝三维有限元分析土工膜是90年代为实现国家火炬计划、填补国内空白而开发的一种复合防渗材料。

    3D Finite element analysis of complex prevented-seepage face rockfill dam The geomembranes are of composite impermeable material listed in the Torch Plan 90 's.

  23. 青岛软件园是国家火炬计划软件产业基地,山东省服务外包示范基地。

    As a National Torch Plan Software Industry Base , Qingdao Software Park is awarded as " The Demonstration Outsourcing Base of Shandong Province " .

  24. 目前,对大豆纤维的研究已被列入国家火炬计划项目、国家重点新产品试制计划。

    The study of soybean fiber has been listed in the " national torch project " and " national project ' on key new product " .

  25. 由国家科委于1986年发起的火炬计划将使中国的高新技术产业进入一个新的阶段

    The torch plan , launched in 1986 by the State Scientific and Technological Commission , will enable China 's hi-tech industry to reach a new stage

  26. 公司开发的心电地形图产品先后获得国家级重点新产品奖和国家火炬计划奖;

    The ECG topographic map products have won national-level awards and the National Torch Program Awards and also it is one the of National Spark programs .

  27. 根据科技部《2004中国火炬计划统计资料》,我国共有各类科技企业孵化器506家,其中国家级创业服务中心98家。

    According to " 2004 annual bulletin of China Torch Programmer ", there are nearly 500 technology business incubators , including 98 national-level business centers in China .

  28. 注:本表前四项指标按地域统计,其余指标均为国家科委火炬计划值。

    Note : The first four indices in this table are on basis of region , and others refer to Torch Plan of State Scientific and Technological Committee .

  29. 作为“科教兴国”战略的重要部署,1988年国家科技部开始实施“火炬计划”,中国的科技产业园区应运而生。

    In1988 , the Ministry of Science and Technology approved " Torch Plan " and " Star-fire plan ", giving birth to China 's first hi-tech industrial park .

  30. 高新区作为国家火炬计划的重要组成部分,经过二十多年的发展变化,正在逐步成为我国高新技术产业集聚发展的基地。

    Through over 20 years ' evolution , being an essential part of State Porch Program , High-tech Industrial Zones have become a base for high-tech industry step by step .