
  • 网络Maidan Square
  1. 美国参议员约翰•麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)也投入俄罗斯和西方之间的地缘政治角力,他在基辅独立广场向人群发表演讲。

    John McCain , US senator , also weighed into the geopolitical tussle between Moscow and the west , addressing the crowds in Independence Square , Kiev .

  2. 在总统维克多•亚努科维奇(ViktorYanukovich)的领导下,乌克兰政府的这些特点变得更为糟糕,在基辅独立广场爆发抗议后,亚努科维奇在上月遭到驱逐。

    These features of Ukraine 's regime grew worse under President Viktor Yanukovich , ejected last month after the protests in Kiev 's Maidan Square .

  3. 周日,大约30000名乌克兰反对党支持者聚集在基辅独立广场。

    About 30000 Ukrainian opposition supporters rallied in Kiev 's independence square Sunday .

  4. 但是,一些反政府示威者不满反对派领导人的决定,今天他们占据基辅独立广场要求就这份协议做出解释。

    However , some anti-government protesters booed opposition leaders to take the stage today in Kiev Independence Square to explain the deal .

  5. 仅仅两周半以前,许多示威者在基辅独立广场被杀,乌克兰前总统被迫下台。

    It has been just two and a half weeks since scores of demonstrators were killed around Kiev 's Independence Square , and Ukraine 's former president was forced from office .