
  • 网络Infrastructure Investment;infrastructure spending
  1. 同时,意大利是申请加入北京牵头的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank,简称“亚投行”)的首批欧洲国家之一,尽管华盛顿对该银行强烈反对。

    Italy , meanwhile , was one of the first European countries to sign up to the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , despite strenuous objections from Washington .

  2. 德国计划明年初推出新一轮刺激措施,但规模不及GDP的1%,而且主要为基础设施投资。

    Germany plans another stimulus early next year , but of less than 1 per cent , and mostly on infrastructure investment .

  3. PPP在基础设施投资领域中运用的生态承载力分析

    Analysis of Ecological Carrying Capacity When PPP Applied in Infrastructure

  4. 尽管政府主导的基础设施投资继续发挥着领头羊作用,私营部门的投资也显示出积极的迹象,高盛经济学家宋宇(YuSong)表示。

    While government-led infrastructure investments continue to lead the charge , private investments are showing positive signs as well , said Yu Song , Goldman economist .

  5. 中国中央政府近期宣布的政策举措,例如建立亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank,简称亚投行)以及合并国有企业,可能对全球商业界产生巨大影响。

    Recent policy initiatives , such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and mergers across state-owned enterprises announced by China 's central government , could influence the world of international business enormously .

  6. 即使在当选总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)出台基础设施投资项目之前,明年的赤字估计已经高达12.5%。

    Even before President-elect Barack Obama launches his promised infrastructure investment programme , estimates of next year 's deficit run as high as 12.5 per cent .

  7. 本•伯南克(BenBernanke)表示,北京之所以推动发起亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank,简称亚投行),是因为美国国会议员拒绝在现有多边机构中给予中国更大投票权。

    Beijing was pushed into launching the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank by US lawmakers ' refusal to give China greater clout in existing multilateral institutions , Ben Bernanke has said .

  8. 一位中国官员周一示意,由于对用什么名称的分歧一直没有解决,台湾将不作为创始成员加入亚洲基础设施投资银行(AsianInfrastructureInvestmentBank)。

    Taiwan will not join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a founding member , a Chinese official signaled on Monday , as a disagreement over what the island would be called has not been resolved .

  9. Grey和Sadoff指出了四个通过水务管理和基础设施投资帮助发展中国家减轻贫困的方法

    Grey and Sadoff pinpoint four ways that investments in both water management and infrastructure can help reduce poverty in the developing world

  10. BOT是现代经营管理的新模式,是政府为了吸收资本进行基础设施投资而采用的投资融资方式。

    BOT is a new model used in modern management and it is a kind of investing and financing model widely used by governments at all levels in the construction of infrastructure .

  11. 目前,在基础设施投资随经济增长不断增加的情况下,BOT模式在基础设施建设中被广泛应用。

    At present , BOT model is widely used in infrastructure development due to the increasing infrastructure investment with economic growth . However , a lot of problems are exposed at the same time .

  12. 澳大利亚投资银行麦格理集团(macquariegroup)已重组基础设施投资业务,裁减了逾一成的员工,缩短了旗下最新欧洲基金的寿命,并向投资者提供收费折扣。

    Macquarie Group , the Australian bank , has shaken up its infrastructure investment business by cutting more than a 10th of its staff , curtailing the life of its latest European Fund and granting investors a discount on fees .

  13. 在中国科学院(CAS)提交给国务院的一份报告中,专家们敦促相关方面进行反思:是否应把重点放在大规模基础设施投资、尤其是放在高铁扩张计划上。

    In a report submitted by the China Academy of Science to the State Council , experts urged a rethink of the emphasis on massive infrastructure investment , particularly the bullet train expansion programme .

  14. 摩根士丹利联席总裁詹姆士•戈曼(JamesGorman)表示:成功的融资行动表明,市场对于基础设施投资需求强劲,更广泛地说,对于那些能够产生长期稳定现金流的另项资产,投资者投资兴趣浓厚。

    James Gorman , Morgan Stanley 's co-president , said : The successful fundraising underscores the particular demand for infrastructure investment and , broadly , for alternative assets that generate long-term stable cash flows .

  15. 丹尼爵士将担任亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称:亚投行)副行长一职,但中国对乔治攠斯本(GeorgeOsborne)派出一名“前政客”来亚投行工作的决定不太满意。

    Sir Danny will have a vice-president role at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , but China is not impressed that George Osborne has chosen to send a " former politician . "

  16. 通过改变原有政府对污水处理设施单独投资的模式,引进公私合营PPP(Public-Private-Partenership)模式可以解决污水处理基础设施投资不足和运营管理效率低下的问题。

    By changing the government separate investment model in sewage disposal facilities in the past , the introduction of public-private partnership PPP ( Public-Private-Partnerships ) mode could solve the lack of sewage disposal infrastructure investment and inefficiencies of operational management .

  17. 公私合作(Public-Private-Partnership,PPP)作为一种能够有效缓解政府部门在公共基础设施投资领域资金不足的融资模式,近年来越来越受到政府部门和私人投资者的青睐。

    As a form of project financing , Public-private partnership ( abbreviated as PPP ) which can effectively alleviate the shortage of funds of the government department has become more and more popular by both the government and the private investors in recent years .

  18. 印度已经是中国主导创立的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称亚投行)的成员国之一,而该行将为很多基础设施项目提供资金,这可能会使印度在该计划如何展开的问题上具有一些影响力。

    India is already a member of the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , which will finance much of the infrastructure , potentially giving it some leverage over how the plan unfolds .

  19. “耕地是风险最低的价值链的一部分,但它也是一个生产的一个关键组成部分,”圣何塞米纳亚,自然资源和基础设施投资,TIAA-CREF的负责人说。

    " Farmland is the lowest-risk part of the value chain , but it 's also a key part of production ," says Jose Minaya , TIAA-CREF 's head of natural resources and infrastructure investments .

  20. 这恰巧发生在美国未能阻止或加入亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)的同时,标着在中国展示肌肉之时美国对亚洲缺乏承诺。

    Coming on top of US failure to stop or join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank , it would signal a lack of US commitment to Asia at a time when China is flexing its muscles .

  21. 如何提升农村基础设施投资效率具有重要意义。

    How to improve rural infrastructure investment efficiency is very important .

  22. 现代化的奥运主要场馆的建设代表着一项重要的基础设施投资。

    The modern major Olympic venue represents a significant infrastructure investment .

  23. 本月,中国承诺对巴基斯坦进行450亿美元的基础设施投资。

    This month China promised $ 45bn infrastructure investment to Pakistan .

  24. 城市环境基础设施投资现状的反思

    Introspection on the Current Situation of Urban Environmental Infrastructure Investment

  25. 我国城市基础设施投资体制改革研究

    A Research on Urban Infrastructure Investment Regime Reformation in China

  26. 城市基础设施投资对城市经济增长的影响研究

    Research on the Impact of Urban Infrastructure Investment to Urban Economic Growth

  27. 校本管理的基本内涵;山西省基础设施投资对经济增长的数量分析

    Quantity Analysis on the Fundamental Installations Investment of Shanxi Province for Economic Growth

  28. 中国基础设施投资及其经济影响研究

    Study on Chinese Infrastructure Investment and Its Economic Influence

  29. 分类基础设施投资与城市化进程的相关性分析及实证

    Empirical Study on the Correlation between Different Forms of Infrastructure Investment and Urbanization

  30. 地方政府公共基础设施投资的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Public Infrastructure Investment of Local Governments