
jī pín
  • fundamental frequency;base frequency
基频 [jī pín]
  • (1) [fundamental frequency]

  • (2) 自由振荡系统的最低振荡频率

  • (3) 复合波中的最低频率

  • (4) [fundamental]∶复合振动或波形(如声波)的谐波成分,它具有最低频率,且通常具有最大振幅--亦称基谐波

基频[jī pín]
  1. 我可以这样做,我将n等于,基频。

    I could do this . I could call this n equals one , the fundamental frequency .

  2. 系统设计中采用锁相环控制的四阶带通跟踪滤波、FFT实现了不平衡(基频)信号幅值和相位的精确提取。

    The system has picked up unbalanced ( fundamental frequency ) signal amplitude and phase accurately by adopting the fourth order band-pass following filter controlled by phase-lock loop and FFT .

  3. 考虑语速和前后环境的基频Target模型及实现

    Pitch Target Model 's Realization Considering Speech Speed and Environment

  4. 聚集体分子的基频和高阶线性Raman散射研究

    A study on fundamental and higher order linear Raman scattering of aggregated molecule

  5. 文中指出,音节的target必须不受语速影响,但同时受前后语言环境影响,实际的基频曲线是在前后的韵律曲线作用下向target的一个逼近过程。

    In this paper it is proposed that the target of a syllable is independent on speech speed while it is effected by the linguistic environment .

  6. 应用Rayleigh方法,求出含多处裂纹简支梁的弯曲振动基频,得到了梁的近似基频的闭式表达式。

    The closed-form expressions for the fundamental frequency are obtained by using the Rayleigh method .

  7. 根据分析结果设计LD端面泵浦Nd:YVO4声光调Q激光器作为基频光源。

    According to the analysis results to design LD end-pumped Nd : YVO4laser as acousto-optic Q baseband source .

  8. 再利用Matlab系统仿真,数字模拟了各种支撑条件下板的基频振动的振动控制响应和控制电压。

    Then using the system simulation of Matlab , the response and control voltage of plate were numeric simulated under different boundary condition .

  9. 基于ICA的重叠语音基频提取和语音增强

    Independent Component Analysis and its Application to Overlapping Speech Pitch Extraction and Speech Enhancement

  10. 稳态基频等值阻抗控制是TCSC装置的基本控制对象目的。

    TCSC is mainly used to control its fundamental equivalent reactance .

  11. 基于MMSE准则的基频模型

    Study on Fundamental Frequency Model Based on MMSE Principle

  12. TCSC动态基频阻抗对距离保护的影响

    The influence of TCSC dynamic power frequency impedance on distance protection relay

  13. 快速建立振荡的低噪声Ku波段基频双极压控振荡器

    Fast-Settling , Low Noise Ku Band Fundamental Bipolar VCO

  14. 本文介绍应用离子束刻蚀技术减薄石英晶片,把石英晶体谐振器的基频提高到60~300MHz。

    The application of ion-beam milling to raise the fundamental frequencies of quartz crystal resonators to the range of 60-300 MHz is reported .

  15. 利用一种常用的简化HVDC输电系统模型,基于基频的系统变量分析了直流系统功率传送达到极限的条件。

    This paper analyzes the condition in which HVDC system reaches the limit of power transmission with fundamental frequency quantities .

  16. TCSC的动态基频阻抗特性分析

    Analysis of TCSC dynamic power frequency impedance

  17. 在SoC上集成了进行蓝牙通信所需的RF收发单元、基频单元、微处理器、以及flash等单元。

    SoC focuses RF receiving and sending cell , base frequency celL microprocessor and flash etc. All of them play a key role in Bluetooth communications .

  18. 输入的语音信号首先经过STRAIGHT分析得到精确的基频参数和谱参数,然后通过时域抽取和频域建模实现有效的编码压缩。

    The input speech signals are firstly decomposed into pitch parameters and spectral parameters by STRAIGHT , and then compressed effectively by sampling in temporal domain and modeling in frequency domain .

  19. 结果表明:一侧或双侧声带麻痹对基频(F0)的影响不恒定,有的升高、有的下降;

    The results showed that unilateral or bilateral paralyses had an inconsistent .

  20. 基于实测基频和裂缝特征将整桥的动力特性分解为单梁的动力特性,应用钢筋混凝土单梁模型试验研究成果,对RC梁桥结构性能进行评估。

    Based on the measured basic frequency and crack characteristic , the dynamic characteristic of the whole bridge was divided into the dynamic properties of single beams .

  21. 指出以PLL器件锁相跟踪被测信号基频时,在频率快速变化的情况下可能隐含的问题。

    Some existed problems are investigated when the PLL chip is used to lock and track signal frequency and the frequency changes quickly .

  22. 并对在谐波含量较多的变电站中如何应用傅氏算法精确测量基频U、I进行了探讨。

    Combine to in a transformer substation with more content of power system harmonics how applied the FFT precision to measure the basic frequency U , I to carry on the study .

  23. 采用改进的基于数字信号处理器(DSP)基波提取的混合型检测方案,既有效减小了时延和误差,又使得时延的影响仅局限于基频分量;

    The improved design scheme based on fundamental component extraction using digital signal processor ( DSP ) is a mixed system , which can reduce time delay greatly and limit its influence only on fundamental component .

  24. 一种适用于实体与非实体的快速区域编码算法基于RFC模型的基频曲线导数域编码方法研究

    Fast connect component labeling algorithm for solid and non-solid object The Derivative Domain Codes of Pitch Curse and Applications

  25. 将SVC基频等值电抗及电纳表达为其控制角的显函数,推导了SVC线性化牛顿潮流方程;

    Base frequency equivalent reactance and susceptance of SVC are expressed as an explicit function of its control angle and Newton-Raphson power flow equations are derived .

  26. 而体现声调的最主要的特征就是声调的基频FO,有效的利用声调信息,必须对基频FO进行准确的提取与分析。

    The main characteristic of tone is fundamental frequency F0 and the effective approach to make use of tone information is to abstract and analyze F0 accurately .

  27. 可控串补基频等效阻抗与TCR基频电抗关系的仿真和动模实验研究

    Research of the Numerical Emulation and Dynamic Simulation of the Relation Between the Basic Frequency Equivalent Impedance of the TCSC and Basic Frequency Reactance of the TCR

  28. 此论文提出一个新颖的基频处理方法来估计和补偿在MIMO-OFDM系统下,频率相依的I/Q不平衡效应。

    In this thesis , a novel baseband I / Q estimation and compensation technique is proposed to overcome the frequency dependent I / Q imbalance in MIMO-OFDM systems .

  29. 选取适合汉语语音基频提取的小波函数,给出基频提取的应用实例和基于FCM模糊聚类分析的汉语四声调值识别结果。

    The wavelet function is selected to detect the Chinese speech pitch . The pitch detection and Chinese four-tone recognition based on FCM algorithm are taken as examples to show the practical application .

  30. 当808nm基频GaAlAs半导体激光功率为473mW时,获得了390μW、404nm紫光输出。

    With 473 mW input power of 808 nm GaAlAs diode laser , 390 μ W output at 404 nm violet light were produced .