
léi jī huǒ
  • Lightning fire;fire caused by lightening
  1. 结果表明,NB和ZINB模型对数据拟合较好,模型内各气象因子显著性水平较高,对雷击火发生次数均具有较好的预测能力。

    Comparison of the two models according to AIC , Vuong and other methods showed that the fitting ability and predictive power of ZINB model are better than those of the NB model .

  2. 雷击火有其地理、时间和地形分布特征。

    Lightning fire has its own geographical , temporal and spatial characteristics .

  3. 雷击火物理机制和监测、防御研究综述

    Physical Mechanism of Lightening-caused Fire and Research Review on Monitoring and Prevention

  4. 雷击火有其独特的时间、空间发生规律。

    There were unique rules about time and space occurrence for lightning fire .

  5. 大兴安岭雷击火时空分布及预报模型

    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Lightning Fire and Forecasting Model for Daxing'anling Region

  6. 应用空间点模式方法研究大兴安岭雷击火空间分布格局

    Spatial point process for spatial distribution pattern of lightning-caused forest fires in DaXing'an Mountains

  7. 森林雷击火的预报监测

    The prediction and monitoring for lightning forest fire

  8. 黑龙江大兴安岭林区雷击火发生、监测与扑救的研究

    Study on Occurrence , Monitoring and Suppression of Lightning Fires in Daxing'anling Region of Heilongjiang Province

  9. 2000~2008年大兴安岭森林雷击火特征分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on The Characteristics of Lightning Fires in Daxing'anling Mountains during 2000 ~ 2008

  10. 雷击火发生较分散,该地区各地都有雷击火灾发生。

    Lightning fire which occurs dispersively , took place almost in each part of this area .

  11. 雷电做为一个随机干扰因子引发森林火灾,使对雷击火的预防与扑救变得更加困难。

    Since lighting is random , it is very difficult to prevent and put out forest fire .

  12. 雷击火作为天然火源是一种难以控制的自然现象,其形成机理极为复杂。

    As one type of natural fires , lightning fire was very complex and difficult to control .

  13. 国内的雷击火监测预报与发达国家相比起步较晚,有待快速提高。

    Domestic lightning fire monitoring and forecasting was later than developed countries and needed to be further improved .

  14. 雷暴,尤其是干雷暴的出现时,遇到森林火灾多发地区,雷击火常常也多。

    Lightning fires occur frequently when lightning storms , especially dry lightning storms happen in frequently burned area .

  15. 通过个例检验证明,特大森林火灾和雷击火都发生在高森林火险等级的背景下。

    Through the single example , catastrophic forest fire and lightning fires have occurred in high forest fire danger rating background .

  16. 海拔对雷击火和人为火的分布均有一定的影响,雷击火分布的海拔总体上比人为火分布的海拔高。

    Altitude is correlated with the distribution of human caused fires and lightning fires , the lightning fires distribute in higher altitude than human caused fires as a whole .

  17. 雷击火和人为火的聚集程度与研究尺度有关。

    The aggregation degree of human caused fires and lightning fires is correlated with study scale , and the aggregation degree will change along the change of study scale .

  18. 系统建成后,将能够及早发现雷电和雷击火的发生,避免雷击火蔓延,最大程度减少火险损失。

    After the completion of the system , will be able to early detection of lightning and lightning fire occur , avoid Lightning fire spreading , and minimize fire loss .

  19. 本文运用电子信息技术和电场数字化技术,设计了大兴安岭北部林区雷电监测定位和雷击火预警系统。

    In this paper , the electronic information technology and electric field digital technology , design the Northern Great Xing ' an Mountains orientation and Lightning fire lightning monitoring alarm system .

  20. 当一种高火险天气形势持续多日时,发生特大森林火灾的几率呈上升趋势。(5)雷击火是危险的自然火源。

    When a high fire the weather situation continued some days , the chance of catastrophic forest fire happened a rising trend . ( 5 ) Lightening Fire is dangerous natural fire .

  21. 这一方面是资料的原因,另一方面是多因子森林火险等级预报方法没有预报雷击火的能力。

    On one hand , it is the cause of the data , on the other hand is the multiple factor forest fire forecast method not forecast Lightening Fire level of ability .

  22. 为了解决长期困扰林区的雷电侵害问题,降低雷电和雷击火造成的损失,必须建成一套行之有效的防雷防火系统。

    In order to solve long plagued the infringement problems in thunder , lightning and reduce the loss caused by Lightning fire , must build up a set of effective lightning protection fire prevention system .

  23. 尽管它在业务应用中效果很好,但由于订正因子的存在,对在发生在干旱背景下干冷锋过境造成的雷击火和林火大面积蔓延预报偏差较大。

    In spite of its effect in operational application is well , as a result of correct factors existed , its departures are larger to lighting fire and forest fire extensive spread for drought and cold front occurred in the context of drought .

  24. 大兴安岭北部林区是我国最大的国有林区,由于雷电天气频繁,该区域容易发生雷击火,引发大面积森林火灾,给国家造成极大的经济损失和生态灾难。

    Northern Great Xing ' an Mountains is the largest state-owned forest region , because the weather frequent lightning , the area prone to Lightning fire , cause large forest fires , to the state of the economy by a loss and ecological disaster .