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  1. 人们容易感到自己不该在这段无业时光去享受生活,但花在放松上的时间实际上能让你精神焕发、帮助管理情绪和无业压力。

    It 's easy to feel that you don 't " deserve " to enjoy unemployment , but taking time to relax will actually revitalize you mentally and help manage the emotions and stress of unemployment .

  2. 从物流业发展水平、货物交流量和产业结构相似性等方面综合考虑新亚欧大陆桥中国段沿线物流业发展格局,进而对其发展定位进行初步探讨。

    The paper analyzes the logistics development pattern in the area along China section of the new Eurasian land bridge based on the logistics level , freight exchange volume and the industrial structural likeness and further more , discusses its orientation .

  3. 从上世纪20年代初到上海解放这段时期,纺织业作为上海的“母亲工业”开始迅速发展。

    From the early20s of last century Shanghai liberation period , the textile industry of Shanghai 's " mother industry " began to develop rapidly .

  4. 通常一段关系由灵魂业力和基因业力所共有,因为这段关系是几个特殊的灵魂选择步入一个特殊的形态所造成的。

    There is generally a relationship between soul karma and genetic karma , and it is because of such a relationship that any particular soul chooses to incarnate or walk into a particular form .

  5. 第二章从时间角度入手,将英国的养羊业划分为三个时间段来进行具体分析,并阐述了每个时间段养羊业的特征。

    In the second chapter , starting from the time perspective , England sheep industry is divided into three time periods for specific analysis and presents the characteristics of the sheep industry in each time period .