
  • 网络Haze;smog;Dust-haze;dust haze
  1. 珠江三角洲气溶胶云造成的严重灰霾天气

    Heavy haze weather resulting from aerosol cloud over Pearl River Delta

  2. 对广州灰霾天气中单个气溶胶颗粒物的研究

    Study on Single Aerosol Particle in Haze in Guangzhou City

  3. 1月份灰霾天气出现频率高达60.9%,灰霾天气下大气能见度与PM2.5浓度密切相关;

    The hazes occured in high frequency in January , the frequency equaled to 60.9 % . There was close relation of visibility with PM_ ( 2.5 ) concentration in the haze weather .

  4. 新标准首次将有害健康的灰霾元凶PM2.5(直径小于2.5微米的颗粒物)纳入常规空气质量评价体系。

    The new standards will , for the first time , include readings of concentrations less than PM2.5 ( particulate matters smaller than 2.5 micrometers ), a major cause of haze harmful to health , the ministry said in a statement .

  5. 在灰霾降临时点亮你的心灵。

    To brighten your heart when the gray shadows fall .

  6. 细粒子污染形成灰霾天气导致广州地区能见度下降

    Study on the visibility reduction caused by atmospheric haze in Guangzhou area

  7. 关于城市灰霾的治理&以珠江三角洲地区为例

    Urban haze control : taking the Pearl River Delta area for Example

  8. 气溶胶卫星滴结构粒子与灰霾天气的相关性

    Correlation Between Particles with Satellite Droplet Structure and Haze

  9. 近年来,杭州市灰霾天气频发。

    Haze happened frequently in recent years in Hangzhou .

  10. 城市灰霾数值预报模式的建立与应用

    Development and Application of Urban Haze Numerical Forecast Model

  11. 有多少灰霾的日子?

    How many haze days have we gone through ?

  12. 江西省一次冷空气过程中的灰霾天气过程分析研究

    Analysis of a Large-scale haze in a cold air invasion process over Jiangxi province

  13. 广州市灰霾天气对呼吸系统健康影响的研究

    Effect of Haze on Respiratory Health in Guangzhou

  14. 广州市灰霾期间大气颗粒物中有机碳和元素碳的粒径分布

    The size distribution of organic carbon and elemental carbon during haze period in Guangzhou

  15. 在灰霾天气,常可以观察到一些特殊的颗粒物,它们带有卫星滴结构。

    It was often found that some particles with satellite droplet structure in the haze .

  16. 广州市灰霾与非灰霾期间大气中的低分子量羰基化合物

    Low-molecular-weight carbonyl compounds in ambient air during haze and NON-HAZE periods in guangzhou , china

  17. 沿海工业城市灰霾天气增多与海盐气溶胶粒子的关系

    The Relationships between Increased Haze Weather in Coastal Industrial Cities and Sea Salt Aerosol Particles

  18. 广州市灰霾天气对城区居民心血管疾病影响的时间序列分析

    Effect of Atmospheric Haze on Cardiovascular Diseases of Urban Residents in Guangzhou : a Time-Series Analysis

  19. 比值TPAHs/TSP在灰霾期前后有较大的变化;

    The ratios of TPAHs / TSP changed more greatly before and after the haze period ;

  20. 灰霾天气下大气能见度还与细颗粒物的粒径分布密切相关。

    There was also close correlation between visibility and the aerodynamic diameter distribution of fine particulate mater .

  21. 中国近日受大范围雾霾天气影响,灰霾面积达130万平方公里。

    The smoggy weather has affected a total area of 1.3 million square kilometers in China recently .

  22. 但科学家们还不知道这些次生气溶胶在灰霾天气中起到什么样的作用。

    Yet scientists don 't know how big of a role these secondary aerosols play in smog .

  23. 西安市灰霾天气时间和区域分布特征及影响因素

    The regional distributive characteristics , the influencing factors and time of the ash haze weather in Xi'an City

  24. 灰霾天气条件下天津市环境空气中颗粒物污染特征分析

    The Level of Particle Pollution and Its Variation Traits in Tianjin Area ′ s Atmosphere under Hazy Conditions

  25. 在沙尘天气和灰霾天气下,大气气溶胶的光学特性有显著的差异。

    And the aerosol optical and physical characteristics are very different under weather conditions of dust storm and haze .

  26. 有关研究表明,氮氧化物排放加剧了大气酸沉降、光化学烟雾和城市灰霾的污染。

    The study showed that nitrogen oxide emissions contribute to atmospheric acid deposition , photochemical smog and urban haze pollution .

  27. 城市里是看不见星星的,不知是灰霾太重遮蔽了星空,还是霓虹太闪掩盖了星光?

    One cannot see stars in cities , either because there is too much dust or too many neon lights .

  28. 由于经济规模的迅速扩大和城市化进程的加快,都市霾现象或灰霾天气日趋严重,霾与雾的区分成为一个非常现实,又迫切需要解决的问题。

    With the rapid development of economic scale and urbanization , the phenomena of haze or haze weather have become increasingly serious .

  29. 我要为你画一道彩虹高挂在墙上,在灰霾降临时点亮你的心灵。

    I 'll paint you a rainbow to hang on the wall , To brighten your heart when the gray shadows fall .

  30. 本概念模型有助于开展珠江三角洲地区大气扩散能力的分析与气流停滞区或灰霾天气的预测预报。

    The model can be used to the diffusion capability analysis , the forecasting of air pollution potential or haze forecasting , etc.