
  • 网络Greyhound;Greyhound Bus;grey hound;Greyhound Lines
  1. 该支撑大盘与飞机是一架E2鹰眼和其他道具飞机是芹菜灰狗。

    The prop plane with the big dish is an E2 Hawkeye and the other prop plane is a C2 Greyhound .

  2. M8灰狗不在对装甲车造成叠加性的引擎损害。

    M8 Greyhound no longer does incremental engine damage to vehicles .

  3. 这是猫王歌曲《猎犬》Hounddog的歌词我的那只老灰狗死了。

    My old hound dog just died .

  4. 乘“灰狗”要10小时到达佛罗里达。

    It takes ten hours to get to Florida by Greyhound .

  5. 灰狗汽车公司原址博物馆座落在明尼苏达的希宾镇。

    The Greyhound Bus Origin Museum is located in Hibbing Minnesota .

  6. 它有一个修长的身材,类似一个灰狗。

    It had a slender body , similar to a greyhound .

  7. 而在今天,乘灰狗长途汽车专车要花费131美元。

    Today , Greyhound will make the trip for $ 131 .

  8. 灰狗是人们不得已时廉价而肮脏的旅行选择。

    It was the cheap and dirty travel option of last resort .

  9. 这个镇上的灰狗长途汽车公司的汽车站在哪?

    Where is the Greyhound bus depot in this town ?

  10. 在英国培育的一种小而瘦长的灰狗。

    Small slender dog of greyhound type developed in England .

  11. 灰狗巴士站离这儿只有几个街区。

    The Greyhound bus depot is only a few blocks from here .

  12. 我然后乘“灰狗”长途汽车穿过费城向南旅行。

    I then travelled south by Greyhound bus through philadelphia .

  13. 您可以上灰狗的网站,在线购买一张。

    You may go to the Greyhound Website and get one online .

  14. 您可以乘车时到“灰狗”车站去买。

    You can buy it when you go to the Greyhound station .

  15. 国家电视台的人在灰狗汽车站等着他们。

    Nationai teIevision was waiting for them at the Greyhound bus station .

  16. 把全国的灰狗公交线都给我弄来。

    Get every doggone Greyhound bus line in the country .

  17. 我希望我也能搭灰狗巴士做一次横跨大陆的旅行。

    I wish I could make a transcontinental trip by Grey hound bus .

  18. 顺便一提的是,灰狗巴士的速度非常快。

    Incidentally , the Greyhound bus is very first .

  19. 我们赶到汽车站,但未能赶上灰狗大巴。

    We rushed to the bus station but failed to catch the Grey-hound .

  20. 要占用一辆灰狗长途巴士那么大的空间

    could be the size of a Greyhound bus ,

  21. 在20世纪初期,看灰狗赛跑的人越来越多。

    In the early 1900s , huge crowds would gather to watch greyhound coursing .

  22. 灰狗巴士车站在哪?

    Where is the Grey Hound bus stop ?

  23. 在外观相比,猎豹或罚款灰狗一个不准确。

    The comparison in appearance to a cheetah or fine greyhound is not inaccurate .

  24. “灰狗”汽车公司是美国最大的长途汽车公司,有月票出售。

    Greyhound is the largest long distance coach company , which offers the monthly pass .

  25. 早晨好,您能告诉我如何预订灰狗巴士的车票吗?

    Good morning , could you tell me how to reserve a ticket for Greyhound Bus ?

  26. 高大敏捷、视力敏锐的古老品种,与灰狗相象;来自埃及和亚洲西南部。

    Old breed of tall swift keen-eyed hunting dogs resembling greyhounds ; from Egypt and southwestern Asia .

  27. 父亲在南部创建了灰狗巴士公司,赚了不少钱。

    his father built the Greyhound Bus Linein the South , expanding his fortune along with the routes .

  28. 为此,在7月21日早上,我乘坐灰狗巴士从洛杉矶前往弗雷斯诺。

    So , on the morning of July 21 I took a Greyhound bus from Los Angeles to Fresno .

  29. 2008年,加拿大曾发生一起骇人听闻的惨案,一名精神有疾病的华裔灰狗乘客在巴士上用刀刺死邻座,甚至把对方的头和其他身体器官砍了下来。

    In 2008 , a mentally ill passenger repeatedly stabbed and decapitated his seatmate on a Greyhound bus in Canada .

  30. 有朋友住在那里,我将毫无问题到工作在“灰狗”汽车产业在那里。

    Having friends living over there , I will have no problem to work in the greyhound industry over there .