
  • 网络clay sculpture
  1. 徽州传统建筑砖雕中的灰塑工艺研究

    A Study on the Clay Sculpture in Huizhou Traditional Brick Carving

  2. 那其中最有特点的就要数贝灰塑了。

    The most characteristic of them all are the shell power carvings .

  3. 庙宇正面饰有精致的灰塑及壁画,寓意吉祥。

    The facade of the temple is exquisitely decorated with plaster mouldings and murals of auspicious motifs .

  4. 二灰稳定低塑性土在底基层中的应用

    The Application of Low - Plastic Soil to Subbase

  5. 随着水灰比增大,塑性阶段时间延长,初终凝时间延迟,初凝时体积收缩率增加。

    With the increase of water to cement ratio , the plastic stage time extends , the initial set and final set prolongs , the volume shrinkage before initial set increase .