
  • 网络DoT;Department of Transportation;U.S. Department of Transportation;US Department of Transportation;US DOT
  1. 用该产品试制的尼龙轮胎胎面胶和胎侧胶,其室内性能全部达到美国运输部(DOT)轮胎安全标准A级水平;

    All test properties of nylon tread rubber and sidewall rubber using this wax in room condition met the specification of DOT A grade .

  2. 与此同时,GDS游说美国运输部强制航空公司在给GDS的费用中加上核心费用(如行李费和检查费),这可以更加公平地对比航空公司之间的完全报价。

    The GDSs , meanwhile , are lobbying America 's Department of Transportation to force airlines to include core extras ( such as bag fees and check-in charges ) in the fares they quote to the GDSs , to make for fairer comparisons with carriers that offer all-inclusive fares .

  3. 根据美国运输部(TransportationDepartment)的最新统计数据,在截至去年9月30日的12个月中,航空公司总计收取行李托运费和机票改签费61亿美元。

    Airlines charged $ 6.1 billion in baggage and reservation-change fees in the 12 months ended Sept. 30 , the most recent counted by the Transportation Department .

  4. 公司已经支付了美国运输部(DepartmentofTransportation)和美国国家公路运输安全局(NationalHighwayTransportationAdministration)开具的3500万美元罚款。面对持续的点火开关故障丑闻,公司在未来可能还会收到司法部(JusticeDepartment)更大的罚单。

    The company took a $ 35 million fine from the Department of Transportation and National Highway Transportation Administration , and could still be looking at even bigger charges from the Justice Department for the ongoing faulty ignition switch scandal .

  5. 美国运输部部长安东尼·福克斯(AnthonyFoxx)表示,本田自称并非有意违法是于事无补的。

    Anthony Foxx , the secretary of transportation , said it did not matter that Honda said it had not meant to violate the law .

  6. 与此同时,GDS游说美国运输部强制航空公司在给GDS的费用中加上“核心”费用(如行李费和检查费),这可以更加公平地对比航空公司之间的完全报价。

    The GDSs , meanwhile , are lobbying America 's Department of Transportation to force airlines to include " core " extras ( such as bag fees and check-in charges ) in the fares they quote to the GDSs , to make for fairer comparisons with carriers that offer all-inclusive fares .

  7. 美国运输部部长安东尼·福克斯(AnthonyFoxx)周四在法兰克福与来自其他G7国家的运输交通部长召开会议。他表示,传统汽车厂商正在尽可能快地推出新技术,而硅谷的科技公司则想一步到位地推出自动驾驶汽车。

    Anthony Foxx , the United States transportation secretary , in Frankfurt for a meeting on Thursday with his counterparts from other G7 nations , said conventional automakers were trying to roll out technology as fast as they can , while some in Silicon Valley were aiming to leap straight to self-driving cars .

  8. 达美告诉美国运输部,公司计划在明年夏天重新调整航班为每天一次。

    Delta told the department it plans to go back to daily service next summer .

  9. 然而,在和平时期,海岸警卫队又隶属于美国运输部,有着名目繁多的职责。

    In times of peace , however , the Coast Guard is part of the Unites States Department of Transportation .

  10. 与此同时,美国运输部表示,可能考虑对飞行期间禁止打电话进行深入调查。

    At the same time , the U.S. Transportation Department said it might look into banning cell calls during flights .

  11. 基础花费减少:美国运输部估计,在未来的20年内,用于维修和维护所有美国境内的桥梁的花费每年会超过200亿美元。

    Reduced infrastructure costs : The Department of Transportation estimates that it would cost $ 20 billion per year over the next 20 years to repair and maintain all US bridges .

  12. 你可以通过美国交通运输部的网站查看假日航班的统计数据。

    You can check holiday flight statistics from the Transportation Department on its website .

  13. 按照我们过去三年的观察,感恩节旅游季期间的航班晚点率实际上有所下降&据美国交通运输部的数据显示,去年感恩节航班的晚点率仅为12%,低于2010年的19%。

    Over the three-year period we examined , late arrivals actually declined during the Thanksgiving travel season & just 12 percent of Thanksgiving flights were delayed last year , compared with 19 percent in 2010 . according to the Transportation Department .

  14. 按照我们过去三年的观察,感恩节旅游季期间的航班晚点率实际上有所下降——据美国交通运输部的数据显示,去年感恩节航班的晚点率仅为12%,低于2010年的19%。

    Over the three-year period we examined , late arrivals actually declined during the Thanksgiving travel season - just 12 percent of Thanksgiving flights were delayed last year , compared with 19 percent in 2010 . according to the Transportation Department .