
  • Givenchy;Hubert de Givenchy;Parfums Givenchy
  1. 最佳女演员获奖者EmmaStone穿着纪梵希长裙看上去十分迷人。

    Best Actress winner Emma Stone looked stunning in a gold custom Givenchy gown at the 2017 Oscars .

  2. 纪梵希的档案是在乔治五世大道(AvenueGeorgeV)上的地下室,其他大多数品牌〔路易威登品牌〕都在巴黎郊外的温控仓库里。

    The Givenchy archives are in the basement of Avenue George V , and most other [ LVMH brands ] are outside Paris in temperature-controlled warehouses .

  3. 让·保罗·高缇耶(JeanPaulGaultier)和纪梵希的里卡多·堤西(RiccardoTisci)等设计师从她的风格中汲取灵感;

    that designers - like Riccardo Tisci of Givenchy and Jean Paul Gaultier - have drawn inspiration from her style ;

  4. 虽然如此,路威酩轩旗下另一知名品牌纪梵希(Givenchy)的创意总监里卡尔多舠希(RiccardoTisci)是显而易见的候选对象。

    Even so , Riccardo Tisci of Givenchy must be an obvious frontrunner .

  5. 但劳多米亚发现这是个挑战。她只为自己的父亲、以及纪梵希(HubertdeGivenchy)的生产部门工作过。

    But Laudomia-who had worked only for her father , and in production for Hubert de Givenchy for three years-found it a challenge .

  6. 里卡多·蒂西(RiccardoTisci)在2005年加入纪梵希时也关闭了自己品牌。

    and Riccardo Tisci , who closed his own brand when he joined Givenchy in 2005 .

  7. 是克莱尔·韦特·凯勒(ClareWaightKeller)为纪梵希(Givenchy)设计的高级定制服装,这位英国女士是这家法国传奇品牌的首位女性设计师。

    It was haute couture by Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy , a British woman who was the first female designer of the storied French brand .

  8. 最近,《MarieClaire》和《W》都在哈瓦那拍了时装照片,《MarieClaire》把图片用在9月刊,是身穿普拉达、巴尔曼和纪梵希的模特,她们身后是贫困的街景。

    Recently Marie Claire and W showcased fashion shoots in Havana , the former in its September issue , with a model in Prada , Balmain and Givenchy posed against the backdrop of gritty street life .

  9. 里卡尔多•蒂希(RiccardoTisci)端坐在巴黎纪梵希(Givenchy)总部镶花地板的陈列室里的桌子旁,想着即将到来的自己担任纪梵希创意总监的10周年纪念。

    Riccardo Tisci is sitting at a table in the parquet-floored showrooms of Givenchy in Paris , contemplating his upcoming 10-year anniversary .

  10. 罗莎(Rochas)的褶皱如同纸杯蛋糕的褶边一样闪亮。纪梵希(Givenchy)的褶皱在美艳的及踝露背裙上与五色缤纷的亮片错综复杂地交织在一起。

    They were cupcake-wrapper shiny at Rochas and intricately embroidered with a rainbow of sequins on stunning ankle-length halter gowns at Givenchy .

  11. 2010年奚梦瑶亮相纪梵希2011春夏高定时装秀,自此开启了她的国际模特生涯,此后同年更是得到了ChristianDior、JohnGalliano、VivienneWestwood以及Kenzo等一线品牌的青睐。

    She kicked off her international modelling career for Givenchy 's 2011 Haute Spring Show , before wowing at the likes of Christian Dior , Vivienne Westwood and Kenzo the same year .

  12. 他是最早的奢侈品巨头之一,把路威酩轩打造成世界上最大的奢侈品企业集团,拥有60多个品牌,包括路易威登(LouisVuitton)、马克·雅可布(MarcJacobs)、纪梵希(Givenchy)、芬迪(Fendi)和宝格丽(Bulgari)等。

    The first of the luxury titans , he built LVMH into the largest luxury conglomerate in the world , owner of more than 60 brands including Louis Vuitton , Marc Jacobs , Givenchy , Fendi and Bulgari .

  13. 这不由得让我想起了纪梵希(Givenchy),两位英国年轻设计师,他们对于纪梵希久负盛名的花哨图案与运动装设计立下大功。

    This came to mind at Givenchy . I can think of two British graduates whose work has had a major impact on the Givenchy signature of loud graphics and sportswear cuts .

  14. 在我看来,最好的是迪奥和纪梵希(Givenchy)。香奈儿我就不说了,因为它的运作团队最大,有250人为整个高级定制服装工作。

    For me , the best - I won 't talk about Chanel , because they have the biggest operation , with 250 workers for the whole couture - is Dior and Givenchy .

  15. 这件在婚礼前的几周里由法国纪梵希(Givenchy)时装设计室的首位女性艺术总监克莱尔·维特·凯勒(ClareWaightKeller)设计的礼服,一直是人们激烈讨论的话题。

    The dress , which had been the subject of agitated speculation for weeks leading up to the wedding , was designed by Clare Waight Keller , the first female artistic director at the French fashion house Givenchy .

  16. 他创立自己的品牌,很快获得赞扬(评论家们偶尔也嘲笑他,甚至出现“一位厌恶女人的设计师”这样的标题)。他被任命为纪梵希(Givenchy)的设计师,事业出现重大转机。

    The start of his own label , the early acclaim ( coupled with occasional critical derision and headlines like " The Designer Who Hates Women " ) and the career-making appointment at Givenchy .

  17. 纪梵希的创意总监里卡多·提西(RiccardoTisci)认识周女士已经七年了,他形容她的风格是“非常时髦,非常强烈,性感而不粗俗。”他补充说:

    Givenchy 's creative director , Riccardo Tisci , who said he has known Mrs. Chow for seven years , described her style as " very chic , very strong , sexy without being vulgar . " He added :

  18. 周一晚上,在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅,37岁的梅根身穿单肩黑色长裙走到舞台前,她的婚纱的设计者——纪梵希设计大师ClareWaightKeller颁发奖项。

    Meghan , 37 , wowed guests at the star-studded event when she stepped out on stage to present a gong to her wedding dress designer , Clare Waight Keller of Givenchy , at the Royal Albert Hall on Monday evening , wearing a beautiful black one-shoulder dress .

  19. 如今,他的影响力已经如日中天,从好莱坞(凯特•布兰切特(CateBlanchett)、鲁妮•玛拉(RooneyMara)到蕾哈娜(Rihanna))的红地毯到寻常阡陌:印有流行文化标识的纪梵希运动衫已成为离经叛道奢侈一族的周末必备行头。

    Today , his influence reaches from the Holly ­ wood red carpet - Cate Blanchett , Rooney Mara and Rihanna are all devotees of his darkly sensuous gowns - to the street : Givenchy printed sweats featuring totems of popular culture have become mandatory uniform among the louche-luxe weekend set .

  20. 不过,名人对纪梵希的认可并没有止于此。

    But Givenchy 's celebrity seal of approval didn 't end there .

  21. 从情感上讲或许是如此,但如今的纪梵希早已今非昔比。

    Emotionally , maybe , but times have changed .

  22. 纪梵希的伴侣于贝尔?塔凡证实了这一消息。

    His partner Philippe Venet , a former couture designer , confirmed the news .

  23. 纪梵希的优势就在于他的设计的朴素。

    Givenchy 's strength was his simplicity .

  24. 在其他设计师以冲击效果为目标的时候,纪梵希却以突出低调的优雅和精致的女性气质为荣。

    Where other designers aimed for shock value , Givenchy honoured understated elegance and refined femininity .

  25. 纪梵希为那部电影设计的戏服获得了奥斯卡奖,之后,奥黛丽·赫本就多次请他设计礼服。

    Givenchy 's costume designs for that film won an Oscar and afterwards she repeatedly requested his dresses .

  26. 此外,她还和很多奢侈品设计师合作过,包括“老佛爷”卡尔•拉格斐、杰瑞米•斯科特以及纪梵希的里卡多•堤西。

    She previously collaborated with luxury designers , including Karl Lagerfeld , Jeremy Scott and Givenchy 's Riccardo Tisci .

  27. 继1994年以来的伊丽莎白赫利的低胸别针晚装和1954年奥黛丽赫本在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上穿的纪梵希花瓣式礼服之后,茱莉亚罗伯茨成为了第三个荣登此位的明星。

    behind Elizabeth Hurley 's Versace safety-pin dress from 1994 and Audrey Hepburn 's Givenchy floral outfit at the 1954 Oscars .

  28. 大约那个时候,她和纪梵希建立起了长期的友谊,设计师纪梵希把赫本奉为他的缪斯。

    Around this time she began a lifelong friendship with fashion designer Hubert de Givenchy , who used Hepburn as his muse .

  29. 但纪梵希本人最知名的设计作品还是奥黛丽?赫本在影片《蒂凡尼的早餐》中身穿的小黑裙。

    But the designer is best known for the " little black dress " worn by Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany 's.

  30. 他没有对此表示出一丝“悔改”,更有甚者,他坚称自己设计的纪梵希与贵族家庭出生的创始人于贝尔在情感上是一脉相承的。

    He makes no apology for it . Furthermore , he argues , his Givenchy reflects the same sensibility of its patrician founder .