
  • 网络Western Australia;Perth;West Australia
  1. EnergyMetals在北领地和西澳大利亚州拥有9个项目,覆盖范围超过4000平方公里。

    Energy Metals has nine projects in the Northern Territory and Western Australia covering more than 4,000 sq km .

  2. 不过西澳大利亚州州长科林•巴尼特(ColinBarnett)对此却并没有放在心上,该州所有的资源似乎都像受到磁力吸引一般流向了中国。

    But Colin Barnett , the premier of Western Australia , where all resources seem magnetically drawn to China , is unconcerned .

  3. 在位于西澳大利亚州首府帕斯的控制中心,力拓正努力将其“未来之矿”(mineofthefuture)的愿景变成现实。

    At its control centre in Perth , it is trying to translate its " mine of the future " vision into reality .

  4. 西澳大利亚州矿产与石油部部长穆尔(NormanMoore)周二说,该州更多的铁矿石项目面临着延期的命运。西澳大利亚是澳大利亚矿产储量最大的一个州。

    Western Australian Mines Minister Norman Moore said Tuesday that more iron-ore projects in the state , which holds the country 's largest reserves , face being delayed .

  5. 平方千米阵项目(简称SKA)将建在西澳大利亚州。

    The Square Kilometre Array project will be built in the state of Western Australia .

  6. 此次事故之后,西澳大利亚州暂停了在PerthMotorplex的赛事,这里是西澳洲唯一的直线加速赛车场地。

    As a result of the accident , Western Australia has now suspended junior racing at the Perth Motorplex , the state 's only drag racing arena .

  7. 世界第四大铁矿石生产企业FortescueMetalsGroupLtd.(简称:FMG)周二表示,将削减3亿美元的营业成本,并将推迟西澳大利亚州皮尔巴拉(Pilbara)地区一座大型铁矿的开发,从而进一步节省16亿美元。

    The world 's fourth-largest producer of iron ore , Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. , said Tuesday it will slice operating costs by $ 300 million and save a further $ 1.6 billion by delaying the development of a large iron mine in Western Australia 's Pilbara region .

  8. 澳大利亚能源和资源部长马丁·弗格森(MartinFerguson)在北京出席了中石油(PetroChina)与埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)的签约仪式。根据协议,中石油每年将从埃克森美孚在西澳大利亚州海岸外的高更项目(Gorgon)购买225万吨液化天然气。

    Martin Ferguson , Australia 's energy and resources minister , was in Beijing to witness the signing of PetroChina 's agreement to buy 2.25m metric tonnes a year of liquid natural gas from ExxonMobil 's Gorgon project off the coast of the state of Western Australia .

  9. 报告还称,由于力拓和必和必拓产量提高、Fortescue在西澳大利亚州的扩张项目也使产量“迅猛增长”,今年澳大利亚的铁矿石出口量将增长12%,达到5.54亿吨。

    It said Australian iron ore exports would increase 12 per cent this year to 554m tonnes due to higher output at Rio and BHP mines and the " ramp-up " of production at Fortescue 's expansion projects in Western Australia .

  10. 这已经是最近一年内在西澳大利亚州发生的第三起鲨鱼袭击致人死亡事件了。

    It is the third fatal shark attack in Western Australia within 12 months .

  11. 珀斯是西澳大利亚州的首府,风景秀丽,气候宜人。

    Perth is the capital of Western Australia and is surrounded by spectacular nature .

  12. 西澳大利亚州政府已经开始放置诱饵钩和滚筒线。

    The State government of Western Australian has started placing baited hooks and drum lines .

  13. 日前,一名十几岁的女孩在西澳大利亚州冲浪时被鲨鱼袭击,最终身亡。

    A teenage girl has died after being attacked by a shark while surfing in Western Australia .

  14. 近日,西澳大利亚州一名八岁的小女孩,在她的初级组直线加速赛车撞上赛道之后,不幸身亡。

    An eight-year-old girl has died after crashing her junior drag racing car on a track in Western Australia .

  15. 西澳大利亚州的官员称,约有一半的鲸鱼已经死亡。

    About half of the whales were already dead , according to authorities in Western Australian ( WA ) .

  16. 人们对于全球局势迅速传导到国内,影响到我们西澳大利亚州的速度感到惊讶。

    People have been surprised at how quickly the global situation has started to come home to us in WA .

  17. 中国现代艺术家展望在接到西澳大利亚州旅游局的邀请后,特意为雕塑节打造了新的作品。

    Chinese contemporary artist Zhan Wang created his art work especially for the festival after he attend by Tourism Western Australia .

  18. 在澳大利亚,西澳大利亚州和昆士兰州的失业率最低,人口和经济的增长速度则最快。

    Western Australia and Queensland have the lowest unemployment rates in Australia and the fastest growth in population and the economy .

  19. 西澳大利亚州警方称:那座”桥“在周二一过半夜不久就断裂。35岁的这名男子坠落到下方一建筑物上。

    The bridge collapsed just after midnight Tuesday sending the35-year-old man plummeting into a building structure below , police in Western Australia state said .

  20. 原则上,澳大利亚储备银行可以改变其通胀目标,忽视矿业发达的西澳大利亚州(或许还包括北地)的价格。

    In principle the RBA could change its inflation target , ignoring prices in the mining state of Western Australia and perhaps the Northern Territory .

  21. 这场热潮主要集中在西澳大利亚州(拥有丰富的铁矿石、黄金和天然气储备)和昆士兰州(拥有丰富的煤炭资源)。

    The boom is centred on Western Australia , with its iron ore , gold and natural gas reserves , and on Queensland , with its coal .

  22. 从东海岸的昆士兰州到田园式的西澳大利亚州,中国投资者的到来有望让当地荒废的旅游胜地和房地产市场重获新生。

    Their arrival promises to give a new lease of life to dilapidated resorts and properties stretching from Queensland state on the eastern coast to rural Western Australia .

  23. 许多州西澳大利亚州、昆士兰州和南澳大利亚州因铜矿开采而迅速发展,工程师、勘测员和卡车司机已呈现不足。

    In states that are booming thanks to a mining bonanza Western Australia , Queensland and South Australia engineers , surveyors and truck drivers are in short supply .

  24. 从东南亚底端到南大洋,空间广阔但人却不多,但西澳大利亚州绝非空无一人。

    From the bottom of Southeast Asia to the southern ocean , there 's a lot of space and not many people , but Wa is far from empty .

  25. 调查显示,它们是两个友好程度最低的州。据统计,有16.5%的昆士兰州人和14%的西澳大利亚州人说不出邻居的名字。

    A survey rated them the two worst states for friendliness , with 16.5 per cent of Queenslanders and 14 per cent of Western Australians unable to name their neighbour .

  26. 创造千万富翁级高管的热潮在西澳大利亚州和昆士兰州得到了更为广泛的反映。截至上世纪末,这两个州的相对财富一直滞后于新南威尔士州和维多利亚州。

    The creation of multi-millionaire executives is being mirrored more widely in the two states , which , until the past decade , had lagged behind NSW and Victoria in relative wealth .

  27. 虽然一些公司的高级官员曾表示,西澳大利亚州的矿业繁荣将会遇到“暂时的挫折”,但是一些专业人士认为,现在,好时候已经过去。

    Although senior corporate figures have stated that WA 's mining boom was enduring a " temporary set-back ", some academics believe that , for now , the good times are over .

  28. 珀斯,西澳大利亚州的首府,长久以来就因碧海银沙、慵懒气息和土著民俗而闻名于世,但是近年来,这座澳大利亚第四大城市呈现出向时尚转型的迹象。

    Perth , the capital of western Australia , has long been feted for its beaches , laid-back vibe and Aboriginal heritage , but lately Australia 's fourth-largest city is exhibiting the signs of a trendy transformation .

  29. 在西澳大利亚州,我们享有得天独厚的自然条件,我这里所说的不仅是海岸线和气候,而且我们拥有巨大的、便于开采的自然资源。

    In Western Australia , we lead a very charmed existence ," said McGurk . " It 's not only our coastline and our weather , but we have enormous natural resources that we 've been able to exploit .

  30. 西澳大利亚州的大型矿业开发项目已经被搁置,数千份工作化为乌有。与此同时,中国等主要市场的需求下降使经济繁荣的西澳大利亚州感受到金融危机的影响,另外一些扩建项目也已经叫停。

    Major mining projects in Western Australia have been shelved , with the loss of thousands of jobs , while other expansion projects have been put on hold , as the country 's boom state feels the financial chill brought on by a fall in demand from key markets such as China .