
kāi fàng xìng
  • open;patent
开放性[kāi fàng xìng]
  1. 目的:探讨闭合性及开放性肝脾创伤的CT表现及诊断价值。

    Purpose : To discuss the CT appearance and diagnostic value of closed and open hepatic and splenic trauma .

  2. 工程制图CAI课件开放性的探讨

    An Approach to Open Engineering Drawing CAI Courseware

  3. Internet安全性与开放性浅析

    Analyze the open property and the security property of Internet

  4. 既要实现WebServices安全的服务,又必须保证WebServices的开放性和跨平台性,是解决WebServices安全问题的一个根本目标。

    Providing secure services and insuring the interoperability is an essential aim for web services security .

  5. 开放性的网络,导致电子商务系统面临着多方面的破坏和攻击,如何保护商业信息不被非法获取、盗用、篡改和破坏,已成为所有Internet参与者共同关心的重要问题。

    Electronic Commerce systems have to face kinds of attacks and wrecks from the open Internet .

  6. 近年来,Web服务以其开放性、标准性和简便性而得到了迅速推广,被广泛应用于Internet应用程序中。

    Web service is used widely in Internet applications recently by its ' opening , standard and simplification .

  7. 但是,由于Internet固有的开放性和匿名性特征,导致其安全问题成为了网络应用的主要障碍。

    However , security becomes the main obstacle of network application because of the inherent property of Internet for opening and anonymity .

  8. 锅炉房汽水系统CAD设备库的开放性研究

    Study on the open architecture of equipment base of steam and water system CAD in boiler houses

  9. 因此,本文选择支持跨平台、开放性、可组合和屏蔽数据源异构的基WEBService的数据集成方案。

    Under the analysis , the paper puts forward a new open integration solution of supporting cross-platform and shielding heterogeneous data sources based on Web Service .

  10. 以PC为基础的CNC及其开放性

    PC-based CNC and Openness

  11. 由于Internet网络本身的开放性,使每一个网络用户在为网络的受益者的同时,也可能成为网络的破坏者。

    Due to the publicity of the Internet , every network user could possibly destroy the network at the same time they could benefit from the network .

  12. ERP系统的开放性和兼容性为两者融合提供了可能。

    What 's more , the open and consistence of ERP make the integration of ABC and ERP possible .

  13. 它充分利用虚拟分散控制系统(DCS)技术的高度逼真性和开放性,实现了控制功能;

    It takes full advantage of the high fidelity and openness of virtual DCS to realize the control function .

  14. Slotted髓腔棒内固定治疗小腿开放性粉碎骨折

    Open Comminuted Fracture in Leg Treated by Intramedullary Fixation with Slotted Rod

  15. 开放性数控是数控技术发展的必然趋势,开放性的体系结构给CNC生产厂家、机床制造厂和用户都带来了许多益处。

    Open architecture controllers are inexorable trend for numeric control and it can benefit CNC manufacturers , machining tool manufacturers and users .

  16. 相对于其他几种ERP软件在二次开发功能方面的局限性,ORACLEERP的二次开发方法具有特有的开放性和灵活性。

    Compared with other ERP software in customized development limitations , Oracle ERP customized development method has its unique openness and flexibility .

  17. 老师家长一线通系统结合了Internet开放性和电话网极大用户群的双重特点,以低廉的成本来提供基于电话通信网的高质量服务。

    " Teachers and parents one line communication system " combines the opening of internet and huge number of telephone network providing high quality service by telephone network in very low cost .

  18. 但是,Internet所具有的开放性、国际性和自由性在增加应用自由度的同时,对安全也提出了更高的要求。

    However , internet posses an open , international and freely shaped feature which increases the application of degree of freedom at the same time , security also puts forward higher requirements .

  19. 提出了采用软件复用技术解决数控系统的开放性和可靠性问题,应用COM标准研制数控软构件,以构建可重构式数控系统。

    This paper brings forward an approach to improve CNC system 's open character and reliability with the software reuse technology .

  20. 因为其开放性和大量的开发人员,Linux是且将继续是文件系统和通用存储研究的目标。

    Linux is and will continue to be the target for file systems and general storage research because of its openness and large community of developers .

  21. 随着手持设备的飞速发展,嵌入式GIS(地理信息系统)的应用日益广泛,而嵌入式Linux由于其开放性、廉价性、健壮性和安全性,越来越广泛地成为嵌入式GIS的主要开发平台。

    With the rapid development of handheld device , the embedded GIS is more and more widely used . Embedded Linux is becoming the main platform of embedded GIS .

  22. FIRE模型改进了SPORAS模型,更适用于开放性的问题求解要求。

    FIRE model improve SPORAS model to create effective interactions in open environment .

  23. Hybrid骨外固定结合Ilizarov骨段延长术治疗股骨开放性骨折

    Treatment of the Femoral Open Fractures and Enormous Bone Segment Defects with the Hybrid External Fixation Combined with Ilizarov Bone Transport

  24. 目的评估AO微型不锈钢钢板螺钉在手部开放性短管骨骨折中应用的治疗效果。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of AO mini stainless plate and screw used in open hand bone fracture .

  25. 介绍了一种基于嵌入式Linux的分布式网络RTU,它具有强大的网络通信功能和良好的开放性。

    A distributed network RTU based on embedded Linux is developed . It has powerful network communication ability and an open architecture .

  26. Internet的开放性导致了攻击者可以对网络的任何地方进行攻击,即使使用了性能极强的加密技术建立VPN隧道,攻击者仍可能从局域网接入点进行攻击。

    Attacker can initial security threat in the open Internet . Even we use encryption algorithm to protect VPN tunnel , the attacker still can attack at the LAN area .

  27. PK属于开放性二室模型。

    PK : open bicameral model .

  28. Android操作系统凭借着出色的稳定性和源代码的开放性,不断地提高在智能终端市场的份额。

    Android operating system , by virtue of the excellent stability and openness of the source code , constantly improve the intelligent terminal market share .

  29. 实验结果显示,本方案对提高远动监控系统的开放性、可视性、分散性、移动性、数据/图像高速传输,以及铁路专用网、无线通信网络和internet之间的互联互通等均有所提高;

    Experimental results show that the scheme improve openness , visibility , dispersivity , mobility and high speed transmission of data / image . Besides , special network for railway , wireless communication network and Internet are well connected .

  30. 犯罪青少年的身体健康水平和心理健康主要受神经质(N)和开放性(O)的影响,而宜人性能缓减焦虑和紧张的发生。

    The physical health of young offenders and the level of mental health is mainly affected by neuroticism ( N ) and open ( O ) the impact of mitigation and pleasant performance anxiety and tension from happening .