
  • 网络SARI;saree
  1. 她披着一袭蓝色“纱丽”服,非常拘谨地走进寺院里。

    She wears a blue cloak ," sari ," clothes and went into the monastery is very stiff .

  2. 当我们恭维某人的新衣服或者纱丽的时候会感觉到愧疚,这是因为我们的赞美会让这个人自鸣得意。

    We are all guilty of complimenting someone on a new dress or sari because they are so obviously proud of it .

  3. 发布会既展出了浓郁欧式风格的服装,也不乏印度传统的纱丽长袍,它们的设计灵感主要来自大英帝国统治(EnglishRaj)前的各个朝代、尤以莫卧尔王朝(Mughaldynasty)为甚。

    There were traditional sari-like gowns as well as more European silhouettes , inspired largely by the regimes that preceded the English Raj , especially the Mughal dynasty .

  4. 孟加拉国妇女习惯上都穿纱丽(Sarees)。

    Bangladeshi women habitually wear Sarees .

  5. 纱丽是印度宝莱坞电影中常见到的女服装。

    Saree is the common female clothing in Indian Bollywood films .

  6. 印度的工人们收集华丽色彩的布料――纱丽,在屋顶晒衣绳凉晒。

    Workers collect colorful laundry from a rooftop clothesline in India .

  7. 我们总是惹人瞩目,因为我们统一穿着粉红的纱丽。

    We always attract attention , because we all wear pink saris .

  8. 锡江罗纱丽酒店和锡江罗纱丽宾馆位于在罗纱丽海岸长堤,娱乐街。

    Losari Beach Hotel and Losari Beach Inn are located at Penghibur Street .

  9. 其中一个赚钱的方式,就是把花俏的珠子缝在普通的廉价纱丽上。

    One earns cash by sewing fancy beads on to cheap , plain saris .

  10. 陈列品包括地毯、披巾、腰带和纱丽服等。

    These include carpets , shawls , waistbands , stitched garments , saris and so on .

  11. 印度女子最常穿的服饰是一种叫纱丽服的民族服装。

    The most common costume worn by Indian women is the national dress called a Saree .

  12. 她强调自己的印度身份比意大利血统更重要,在公开场合只穿着纱丽,并遵循印度本国习俗。

    She emphasised her Indian identity above her Italian , wearing only saris in public and adopting local mannerisms .

  13. 儿子紧紧抓住母亲的纱丽服,迈着沉重的脚步跟母亲一起走着。与此同时,他的母亲正密切地注视着他。

    She watched closely as the son held on to his mother 's saree and plodded along with her .

  14. 仔细一瞧,您会发现某些纱丽布料中织入了真的金丝和银线!

    Take a closer look at the more elaborate fabrics and you will see real gold and silver threads woven into them .

  15. 上周五,两人着当地传统的纱丽出席婚前庆祝。而婚礼现场被灯饰,五彩的更黄和花环所装点,两支大象也出现在了典礼之上。

    The wedding venue was decorated with lamps , colourful lights and flower garlands while two elephants named Laxmi and Mala were also part of the wedding ceremony .

  16. 依照预期——过了十八岁生日,她得穿上纱丽参加家族的婚礼,表示她已是成年女子了。

    It will happen like this - after her eighteenth birthday , she will be required to attend family weddings dressed in a sari , signaling her womanhood .

  17. 依照预期&过了十八岁生日,她得穿上纱丽参加家族的婚礼,表示她已是成年女子了。

    It will happen like this & after her eighteenth birthday , she will be required to attend family weddings dressed in a sari , signaling her womanhood .

  18. 丽塔问谢瑞什能否准时出门,因为那天是她第一次穿上纱丽,她不想一个人回学校。

    Rita asked Shirish whether he could come on time because she was wearing a sari for the first time and didn 't want to go to the college alone .

  19. 有时候他们表示自己无法应对沉重的压力,比如一名来自德里的学生,他用母亲的纱丽缠在吊扇上自缢身亡。

    Sometimes they express an inability to cope with pressure , as in the case of a Delhi student who hanged himself from a ceiling fan by his mother 's sari .

  20. 该部落的女性身穿白色丝质纱丽,载歌载舞。她们戴着木制饰品、鲜花,发髻上还插着象征与森林抗衡求生的小刀头饰。

    Women in white silk saris danced and sang , adorned with wooden jewelry , flowers and tiny knives tucked into their hair as a reminder of their daily confrontation with the forest .

  21. 我们看妇女从事道路施工,在炎炎烈日下敲石头,赤脚挥着大锤,身穿珠宝色的纱丽、戴项链和手镯,看起来美得出奇。

    We watch the women doing road work , busting up rocks under the sweltering sun , swinging sledgehammers , barefoot , looking so strangely beautiful in their jewel-colored saris and their necklaces and bracelets .

  22. 他们把艾娥达送到车站上一间屋子里,路路通负责去设法替她买各式各样的装饰品、衣服、纱丽、皮外衣等他所能弄到的一切东西。

    The young woman was placed in one of the waiting-rooms of the station , whilst Passepartout was charged with purchasing for her various articles of toilet , a dress , shawl , and some furs ;

  23. 只不过是普通的闲聊、菜谱交流,以及最新款式的纱丽服,这些话题使她感到很是无聊。当她迈步离开窗户旁时,她听到其中的一位女士谈到了特殊教育学校的事情。

    The usual small talk , recipe exchange , and the latest saree in fashion , bored her and as she stepped away from the window , she heard one of the lady say something about a special school .

  24. 班德什瓦·帕塔克给她们三个每人颁发了3600美元奖金,并赠送了围巾,纱丽和玫瑰白檀交织的花环。他说,从此以后,他们将“不遗余力地教导周围的夫人,让她们了解卫生意识和卫生设备的必要性。”

    Bindeshwar Pathak felicitated each of the three brides with the bank draft of Rs.2 lakh , a shawl , a saree and a rose-sandalwood garland , and said that from now on , they would " try in their own humble ways to educate women around them the need of hygiene and sanitation . "