- 网络SARI;saree

She wears a blue cloak ," sari ," clothes and went into the monastery is very stiff .
We are all guilty of complimenting someone on a new dress or sari because they are so obviously proud of it .
There were traditional sari-like gowns as well as more European silhouettes , inspired largely by the regimes that preceded the English Raj , especially the Mughal dynasty .
Bangladeshi women habitually wear Sarees .
Saree is the common female clothing in Indian Bollywood films .
Workers collect colorful laundry from a rooftop clothesline in India .
We always attract attention , because we all wear pink saris .
Losari Beach Hotel and Losari Beach Inn are located at Penghibur Street .
One earns cash by sewing fancy beads on to cheap , plain saris .
These include carpets , shawls , waistbands , stitched garments , saris and so on .
The most common costume worn by Indian women is the national dress called a Saree .
She emphasised her Indian identity above her Italian , wearing only saris in public and adopting local mannerisms .
She watched closely as the son held on to his mother 's saree and plodded along with her .
Take a closer look at the more elaborate fabrics and you will see real gold and silver threads woven into them .
The wedding venue was decorated with lamps , colourful lights and flower garlands while two elephants named Laxmi and Mala were also part of the wedding ceremony .
It will happen like this - after her eighteenth birthday , she will be required to attend family weddings dressed in a sari , signaling her womanhood .
It will happen like this & after her eighteenth birthday , she will be required to attend family weddings dressed in a sari , signaling her womanhood .
Rita asked Shirish whether he could come on time because she was wearing a sari for the first time and didn 't want to go to the college alone .
Sometimes they express an inability to cope with pressure , as in the case of a Delhi student who hanged himself from a ceiling fan by his mother 's sari .
Women in white silk saris danced and sang , adorned with wooden jewelry , flowers and tiny knives tucked into their hair as a reminder of their daily confrontation with the forest .
We watch the women doing road work , busting up rocks under the sweltering sun , swinging sledgehammers , barefoot , looking so strangely beautiful in their jewel-colored saris and their necklaces and bracelets .
The young woman was placed in one of the waiting-rooms of the station , whilst Passepartout was charged with purchasing for her various articles of toilet , a dress , shawl , and some furs ;
The usual small talk , recipe exchange , and the latest saree in fashion , bored her and as she stepped away from the window , she heard one of the lady say something about a special school .
Bindeshwar Pathak felicitated each of the three brides with the bank draft of Rs.2 lakh , a shawl , a saree and a rose-sandalwood garland , and said that from now on , they would " try in their own humble ways to educate women around them the need of hygiene and sanitation . "