
  • 网络scythian
  1. 斯基泰人是最早的人掌握骑马的艺术。

    The Scythians were among the earliest people to master the art of riding .

  2. 夏季和冬季的范围内,从斯基泰人的后裔,游牧特克人经常来往。

    The nomadic Teke people , descended from the Scythians , regularly traveled between summer and winter ranges .

  3. 斯基泰人成立了一个丰富,功能强大的帝国屈服在公元前4世纪的萨尔马提亚之前的几百年存活。

    The Scythians founded a rich , powerful empire that survived for several centuries before succumbing to the Sarmatians during the4th century BC .

  4. 俄罗斯人从何而来?究竟又是何时成为如今的俄罗斯人?科学家们意见不一,也无从回答。诺曼人、斯基泰人、萨尔马特人和南西伯利亚乌孙人里都有俄罗斯人的祖先。

    Scientists still cannot agree on their origins and answer the question when Russians became Russian.The ancestry of Russians were sought among Normans , Scythians , and Sarmatians , and even the South Siberian Usuns .

  5. 尽管在同时期,切索尼斯算是几个比较民主的社会之一,但据历史记载,这个城邦一直不断遭受着斯基泰人和罗马帝国之间的战争洗礼,最终落入了罗马人的手中。

    Though it was one of the few relatively democratic societies at the time , historical records have shown that this city-state was constantly at war against the Scythian people and the Roman Empire . It eventually lost its independence to the latter .