
  1. 高校毕业生《就业协议书》法律效力探究

    An Exploration on the Legal Effect of Employment Agreement for College Graduates

  2. 就业协议书与劳动合同辨析

    On the Employment Agreement and the Employment Contract

  3. 《高校毕业生就业协议书》的法律性质及其完善

    On the Graduates ' Employment Agreements in Colleges and Universities and Its Legal Characteristic and Perfection

  4. 学生报名注册时,我校即与家长签订了“培养就业协议书”。

    When student registration registration , my school namely has signed " the raise employment agreement " with the guardian .

  5. 《全国普通高等学校毕业生就业协议书》(简称《就业协议》)作为毕业生、用人单位及学校在高校毕业生就业意向上达成一致的合同文本,是解决就业协议争议的合法依据。

    Employment contract of College Graduates in China , as a contract agreed on by graduates , colleges and employers , is a legal weapon to resolve disputes over employment .

  6. 高校毕业生就业工作的法律思考&简论《高校毕业生就业协议书》的法律完善

    Legal Reflection on College Graduates ' Employment & Brief on the Legal perfection of College Graduates Employment Agreement

  7. 对全国高校毕业就业协议的法律思考&兼论《全国普通高等学校毕业生就业协议书》之完善

    Employment Contract of College Graduate in China : A Legal Approach

  8. 通过图表形式简洁明快地展现就业协议的签订过程及在此过程中毕业生、高校、用人单位根据《暂行规定》和就业协议书而负有的职责、义务及违反职责、义务的责任。

    Clearly set out in tabular form of graduates , universities , employers under the " Interim Provisions " and their duties , obligations in the employment agreement .