
jiù yè lǜ
  • employment rate
  1. 在就业率接近历史最高水平的形势下,该报告警示说,那些无视年长工作者的公司可能会面临劳动力和技能短缺,因为富有经验的员工离职后,可以接替其岗位的年轻候补人数太少。

    With the employment rate at a near-record high , the report warns that businesses that disregard older workers could face a labour and skill shortage - as experienced staff depart , leaving too few younger candidates to replace them .

  2. 对于持有副学士学位(associate’sdegree,完成社区大学、二年制专科学校课程后取得的学位,相当于四年制大学的首两年课程。——译注)的年轻人,就业率从经济衰退前的64%下降至衰退后的57%。

    For young people with an associate 's degree , the employment rate fell from 64 percent to 57 percent .

  3. 年轻的无技术人群的就业率下降,而老龄的高技术人群工作年份却越来越长。

    Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people , whereas older skilled folk are working longer .

  4. 同待业的年轻男性相比,有工作的年轻男性住在家里的可能性更小,年轻男性在近几十年里,就业率大幅下降

    Employed young men are much less likely to live at home than young men without a job , and employment among young men has fallen significantly in recent decades .

  5. 而中国的就业率和gdp却将因此减少3%以上。

    China , on the other hand , will see employment and GDP drop by over 3 per cent .

  6. 但在高就业率的情况下,美国可能也会让经常账户赤字占到gdp的4%。

    But the US would also probably run a current account deficit of 4 per cent of GDP at high levels of employment .

  7. 今年1-6月份,中国GDP增长7.6%,就业率和物价总水平都保持稳定。

    In the first six months of this year , Chinas GDP grew by 7.6 % , and employment rate and overall prices were both stable .

  8. FDI进入对东道国资本形成,提高就业率,国际收支调整和促进国际竞争,提高引资国的国民经济综合实力和国际竞争力,都具有重要作用和积极贡献。

    FDI into the host country is good for its capital formation , raising the employment rate , adjust the balance of payments and promote international competition .

  9. 美国上周公布月度就业率4年来首次下滑,使美联储(Fed)本月降息已势成必然。

    Last week 's announcement of the first US monthly fall in employment for four years has made a cut in interest rates from the Federal Reserve this month a virtual certainty .

  10. 比如,现在的GDP会被影响GDP过去的就业率,通胀以及一些预期外的突发事件(误差)影响。

    For example , current GDP is influenced by what happened to GDP , employment , and inflation in the past , and by unexpected shocks ( the error term ) .

  11. NPR的史蒂夫·马丁报道说就业率下降的原因是更多的人放弃找工作。

    NPR 's Steve Martin reports the decline is being attributed to more people giving up their job search .

  12. 根据中国社会科学院和北京教育咨询公司麦可思研究院(MyCOSResearchInstitute)的调查,去年中国高校毕业生就业率为90%。

    The employment rate of college graduates last year was 90 % , according to a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and MyCOS Research Institute , a Beijing-based education consulting firm .

  13. 我们的保守估算显示,在美国,如果女性就业率追平男性,总体GDP将增加5%。

    Our estimates ( which are conservative ) show that if female employment rates were to match male employment rates in the United States , overall gross domestic product ( GDP ) would increase by 5 % .

  14. 因此,21世纪头十年美国实行宽松货币政策的原因,主要不是归因于美联储(Fed)的决策,而是中国低估了人民币汇率,以形成出口产业的高就业率。

    Thus loose monetary policy in the US in the 2000s is ascribed not so much to decisions of the Federal Reserve , but to the Chinese undervaluation of the renminbi in order to produce high levels of employment in export industries .

  15. 韦尔斯资本(WellsCapital)股票策略师詹姆斯保尔森(JamesPaulsen)指出,在1970年、1975年和1990年的经济衰退时期,股市的回升始于就业率下降第二个月的数周之内。

    James Paulsen , equity strategist at Wells Capital , points out that in the recessions of 1970 , 1975 and 1990 , the stock market 's recovery started within weeks of the second month of falling employment .

  16. QS是依据以下5项指标编制了这份榜单:雇主评价、校友成就、大学与雇主合作关系、雇主与学生关系以及毕业生就业率。

    QS uses five indicators to compile the ranking : employer reputation , alumni outcomes , partnerships with employers , employer / student connections and graduate employment rate .

  17. Clement说中石油的计划将会增加就业率并且保留一个主公司在阿尔伯达也是一个贡献性因素。

    Clement said PetroChina 's plan to increase employment levels at the projects and to maintain an Alberta head office for their operating companies was a contributing factor .

  18. 它们包括“毕业3个月后就业率”数据,以及从“女性师资比例”到“外籍理事比例”、从“国际经验排名”到“ft博士排名”等各项指标。

    These include the figures for " employed at three months " , all criteria from " women faculty " to " international board " and from " international experience rank " to " ft doctoral rank " .

  19. 根据英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)的最新数据,当前英国抚育孩子的女性比没有孩子的女性更有可能拥有工作,前者的就业率是69.6%,而后者的就业率为67.5%,这种现象在英国还是第一次出现。

    For the first time in the UK , mothers raising children are more likely to have jobs than women without young families , according to the latest UK figures from the Office for National Statistics . Employment rates among women with childcare responsibilities stand at 69.6 per cent , compared with 67.5 per cent for women without .

  20. Klein教授说,各个城市的就业率差别很小,可以认为差异不显著。政策比较强硬的社区比那些只采取局部禁令或完全没有禁令的就业率每一万人中少九人。

    Professor Klein says the employment differences were so small that they could not be considered Communities with the strongest policies had nine fewer employees per ten thousand community members than those with partial bans or none at all .

  21. 就业率上升,这是个好信号。

    Job rates are up , that 's a good sign .

  22. 青年劳动力就业率相对较低;

    The trend to lower employment for young people is evident ;

  23. 就业率信息公开后的高校应对之策探讨

    Publication of Information on Employment Rate : Countermeasures for the University

  24. 第四,扶持第三产业,增加国内就业率。

    Forth , Support third industry to increase a local employment rate .

  25. 高校毕业生就业率成为社会各界关注的焦点。

    The employment rate of college graduates has become the social focus .

  26. 简论提高高职生就业率的主要途径

    On Approaches to High Employment Rate of Vocational College Students

  27. 目的从多角度探索提高就业率的对策。

    Objective : Variously discussing the tactics to enhance the employment rate .

  28. 利润和就业率不断提高经济不断增长的状态。

    An economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment .

  29. 对提高当前高职毕业生就业率的思考

    Thinking of improving employment rate of higher vocational school graduates

  30. 师范院校提高非师范生初次就业率的思考

    On the Improvement of the Non-pedagogic Students Employment Rate for Normal Schools