
jiù yè fú wù
  • employment service
  1. 本文设计并实现了基于Web的学生就业服务系统。

    This thesis designs and let the employment service system of students based on Web become true .

  2. 就业服务网是基于web的平台级网站应用,使用.NET作为开发、应用环境,以最新版的SqlServer2008R2作为数据库。

    Employment service network is based on the web website platform application with the latest version of SQL Server 2008 R2 as database . Application of AJAX control , dynamic generation in . NET as the development and application of environment .

  3. 提供全方位公共就业服务,促进高校毕业生等青年群体、农民工多渠道就业创业。

    We will provide extensive public employment services to open more channels for college graduates and other young people as well as migrant rural workers to find jobs and start their own businesses .

  4. 这些标准在1999年被MBA就业服务委员会正式采用。

    Those standards were officially adopted by the CSC in 1999 .

  5. 但在欧洲,伦敦商学院(londonbusinessschool)就业服务负责人菲奥娜桑福德(fionasandford)表示,欧元危机和经济紧缩让招聘企业态度谨慎。

    But in Europe , the euro crisis and economic austerity has resulted in recruiter caution , says Fiona Sandford , director for career services at London Business School .

  6. 牛津大学就业服务负责人乔纳森•布莱克(JonathanBlack)表示,海外实习经历解决了学生们关心的一个主要问题:向雇主证明自己的“商业意识”。

    Jonathan Black , director of Oxford university 's career service , says overseas internships address one of students " chief concerns : proving their " commercial awareness " to employers .

  7. 此外,牛津大学萨伊德商学院(Sa?dBusinessSchool)就业服务主管德里克?沃克(DerekWalker)表示,MBA的主要雇主银行没有遇到什么变化。

    And , adds Derek Walker , director of careers at Sa ? d Business School at the University of Oxford , the banks , which are big MBA recruiters , are holding steady .

  8. 再就业服务机构Challenger,Gray,andChristmas的CEO约翰·查林格建议,求职者们应该“让雇主现报出一个数目&这个数目可能会超出你的预期。”

    John challenger , CEO of outplacement firm challenger , gray , and Christmas , urges applicants to " let the employer name a salary first & it may be higher than you expect . "

  9. 基于公共就业服务的属性和NPO的特性,公共就业服务NPO途径不仅必要而且可行。

    Based on the public employment service properties and the characteristics of NPO , the NPO approach of public employment service is not only necessary but feasible .

  10. 伦敦商学院(LBS)就业服务主任格雷厄姆•黑斯蒂(GrahamHastie)将目前的就业市场描述为狂热,他补充指出,就业前景很好。

    Graham Hastie , director of career services at London Business School describes the current employment market as frenzied and adds that employment prospects are buoyant .

  11. 用维克森林大学校长内森·哈奇(NathanHatch)的话来说,许多年来,在管理优先次序上,大多数文理学院似乎都把就业服务办公室的重要性放在停车位之后的位置。

    For years , most liberal-arts schools seemed to put career-services offices somewhere just below parking as a matter of administrative priority , in the words of Wake Forest 's president , Nathan Hatch .

  12. 本文选取山东省X县作为调查研究个案,通过问卷调查及实地走访,从就业服务对象需求的角度出发,对X县公共就业服务体系的供给现状进行了分析。

    The paper selects X county of Shandong Province , as case study . Through questionnaires and site visits , the paper which starts from the point of view of the employment service object needs studies on the supply status of the X county public employment service system .

  13. 与十年前相比,MBA毕业生如今考虑的择业面更宽,但用人单位看重的技能与衰退前大同小异,麻省理工斯隆管理学院MBA就业服务主管苏珊克莱恩(SusanKline)如是说。

    Graduates are considering a wider range of jobs than a decade ago , but recruiters are looking for very much the same skills as before the recession , says Susan Kline , director of MBA career development at MIT Sloan .

  14. 欧洲工商管理学院就业服务主管克莱尔勒科克(clairelecoq)表示,自2004年以来,选择金融职业的学生数量不断上升。

    Claire Lecoq , director of INSEAD Career Services says that year on year since 2004 , more and more students have chosen careers in the financial sector .

  15. 哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)mba就业服务主管亚娜基尔斯泰德(janakierstead)表示,尽管金融公司的复苏快于预期,但银行今年不得不大规模招聘,是因为过去两年很少招聘。

    At Harvard Business School , Jana kierstead , managing director for MBA careers , says that although the return of finance companies has been faster than expected , banks have had to recruit heavily this year because of low levels of hiring in the past two .

  16. 该引擎已经被调整与斯洛文尼亚就业服务局VT2-600增压器设置,其荧光棒权力,赛道上经过验证的性能选择,和可靠性。

    The engine has been tuned with an ESS VT2-600 supercharger setup , chosen for its copious power , race-proven performance , and reliability .

  17. Coursera在官方博客上这样写道:如果你选择加入我们的就业服务,我们就会基于你的兴趣、技能和知识的帮你匹配公司。

    In a blog post Tuesday , the company said : If you opt-in to our Career Services , we will try to find companies that match your interests , skills and knowledge .

  18. 根据Chronicle的报道,Coursera的就业服务项目会向参与雇主提供一个满足他们要求的学生列表,该列表通常都会显示在某个特定地区(Coursera面向全世界)、特定学科的优等生。

    According to the Chronicle , through Coursera 's Career Services program , participating employers are provided lists of students who meet their requirements , which typically includes the top-performing students in a given discipline in a geographic area .

  19. 另外,尽管这个就业服务项目目前的结果非常积极,但他预期Coursera未来更多的收入依然会来自出售证书(Coursera计划在未来几月推出该项服务)。

    He also said that while results of its Career Services program have been positive , they expect to make more revenue from selling certificates , something it plans to do in the coming months , the Chronicle reported .

  20. 大部分就业服务中心主任均认为,审计非常必要。

    Most career services directors agree that the audits are necessary .

  21. 唐山市劳动就业服务体系建设的探讨

    An Inquiry into the Construction of Employment Service System in Tangshan

  22. 进一步规范和完善大学生就业服务体系

    Further regulation and improvement of college graduates employment service system

  23. 中小劳动就业服务企业的经营实践与理论思考

    Manage Practice and Theoretical Think of Medium-and Small-size Labour Employment Service Enterprise

  24. 图书馆馆藏建设的就业服务功能研究

    Research on the Functions of Collection Construction of Library for Employment Service

  25. 美国高校大学生就业服务体系研究及启示

    Study of the University Employment Service System of the U.S.A

  26. 本论文的研究对象是城市社区就业服务的建设。

    This thesis focuses on the development of urban community employment service .

  27. 试论公共图书馆如何为下岗职工再就业服务

    How the Public Library Serves for the Jobless Regaining job

  28. 高校图书馆为毕业生就业服务的举措

    Methods Taken by the University Library to Help College Graduates Find Jobs

  29. 建设特色图书馆,为读者就业服务

    Build Library with Special characteristics , Help Readers with Employment

  30. 中国公共就业服务体系效率衡量与政策研究

    Measuring Efficiency of the Public Employment Service System in China