
  • 网络employment policy
  1. 劳动力二元流动与就业政策取向

    Dualism Model of the Labor Flow and Employment Policy in China

  2. 我国现阶段就业政策及效果分析

    An Analysis on China 's Current Employment policy and its Effectiveness

  3. 委员会左右着政府就业政策的制定。

    The committee was influential in formulating government policy on employment .

  4. 辽宁省城镇就业政策浅析

    Analysis for Employment Policy for Cities and Towns in Liaoning Province

  5. 建国初期就业政策的演变及其原因

    Changes and Reasons for Employment Policy of Early Days of China

  6. 其目标主要是:为政府制定劳动就业政策提供依据;

    Providing basis for government to formulate labor and employment policies ;

  7. 我国下岗再就业政策存在问题的制度思考

    Institutional Analysis of Problem in the Policies of Our China 's Re-employment

  8. 西方大学生就业政策述论

    Discussion of Employment Policies for College Students in Western Countries

  9. 中外就业政策及其实践效应国际比较研究

    Chinese and Foreign Employment Policy and Its Practice Effect International Comparison Research

  10. 劳工及就业政策管理研究计划

    Long Term Fellowship Project on Labour and Employment Policy Administration

  11. 欧盟女性就业政策透析

    Deepen Analysis on the Woman Employment Policy of European Union

  12. 城乡分离的歧视就业政策评价

    Comment on the Discriminatory Policies on Employment Between Urban and Rural Areas

  13. 试论罗斯福新政的就业政策

    On the Employment Policy in F.D. Roosevelt 's New Deal

  14. 欧盟共同就业政策的作用与影响因素分析

    Analysis on Function and Influence Factors of Common Employment Policy of European Union

  15. 日本大学生就业政策环境的优化及其启示

    The Optimization of Japan 's University Graduates ' Employment Policy Environment and Its Inspirations

  16. 新时期中国就业政策选择

    Choice of Chinese Employment Policy in New Period

  17. 实施更加积极的就业政策。

    We implemented a more active employment policy .

  18. 大学生就业政策在独立学院学生就业中的执行偏差及对策

    On the Implementation Deviation of Employment Policy among Independent Institute Graduates and Its Countermeasure

  19. 社会政策目标选择对就业政策的影响

    Impact of the Choice of Goals of the Social Policy on the Employment Policy

  20. 我国近期就业政策选择的重点

    The Key Field of China 's Employment Policy

  21. 在第二部分,进行就业政策的现状分析。

    In the second part , he analyses the current situation of employment policy .

  22. 我国劳动力市场中的就业政策支持

    Policy Support for Employment in Chinese Labor Market

  23. 采取积极的就业政策、教育政策和劳动力流动政策;

    Adopt positive policies of employment ? education ? mobility within the labour force ;

  24. 英国积极的就业政策研究

    The Study on British Active Employment Policy

  25. 从此以后,欧盟就业政策的调和与制定都有较大的发展。

    From then on , there is great development on employment policy mix and making .

  26. 而残疾人就业政策的实施情况对于残疾人就业保障有着重要的影响。

    Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities have an important impact to Disabled employment security .

  27. 第四章对我国大学生就业政策模型、作用、演变及存在问题进行了分析。

    The fourth chapter analyzed the effect , development and problems of the employment policy .

  28. 论我国的就业政策与大学生就业问题大学生就业:国外促进政策及对中国的借鉴

    Employment Policy of University Graduates : Experiences from Some OECD Countries and Implications for China

  29. 实施积极的就业政策,扩大城乡居民的就业;

    Third , implement active employment policy and do everything possible to create more jobs .

  30. 西方国家劳动就业政策的变革

    The changes of the western employment policy