
jù fǎ chénɡ fen
  • syntactic component
  1. 然后再从句法成分分析了没X没Y作为谓语、状语、定语、补语的四种成分。

    Then we analyze the four elements of predicate , adverbial , attributive , complement from syntactic component .

  2. 该理论着眼于词汇层面,主要目的是建立语句中各词汇或短语等句法成分之间的语义关系。

    This theory focus on the lexical level and its purpose is to find the semantic relations between syntactic component such as word and phrase of a sentence .

  3. 二是考察X化充当句法成分、同其他句法成分的组合搭配情况;

    Two , the inspection " X " acts as the syntax ingredient , matches the situation with other syntax ingredients combinations ;

  4. 非主谓句的句法成分分析及其他

    The sentence composition analysis of the non-subject-verb pattern and other problems

  5. 试论汉语的句法成分与语义成分的关系

    On Relationship Between the Syntactic and Semantic Components in Chinese

  6. 汉语句法成分特有的套叠现象决定了这类实体表达的复杂性。

    Special nesting phenomena of Chinese constituents determine the complexity of the entity .

  7. 句子中心的跨语言差异和词类与句法成分的是否对应

    Cross-Linguistic Differences in Sentence Head and Correspondence and Non-Correspondence between Parts of Speech and Syntax Constituents

  8. 谓语中心词的识别是句法成分分析中的一个非常重要的部分。

    Recognizing the predicate head is an important part of the syntactic analysis of Chinese sentences .

  9. 论英语句法成分结构

    On English Syntactic Constituent Structure

  10. 它们不充当句法成分,却发挥重要的语用作用。

    They are outside the syntactic structure , but they count a lot from the pragmatic angle .

  11. 虚词不能充当句法成分,但用法比较复杂多样。

    Although the functional words can not act as syntactic components , its usages are more complex and diverse .

  12. 三大句法成分:作定状补的语法成分更加丰富灵活,如作状语的复音副词大量增加,名词、动词及其短语基本都可以充当定状补成分,等等。

    The three syntax elements : the syntax elements as attribute , adverbial or complement is more rich and flexible .

  13. 他们为句法成分贴上不同的标签,这些标签仅仅是标示了句法成分的功能,并没有提及这些标签对句法结构的影响;

    But these labels only indicate the functions of different syntactic constituents , without involving their effect on syntactic construction .

  14. 主要从情态副词所充当的句法成分、情态副词的连用和语义问题进行了考察。

    Adverbs are mainly from modal as a method of composition , modal the names and semantic problem of the investigation .

  15. 汉语缺少严格意义上的形态变化,词性与句法成分并不是一一对应的关系。

    The Chinese lack morphological changes in the strict sense , the component of speech is not corresponding to the syntactic one .

  16. 现代汉语非主谓句的句法成分分析问题,长期未能很好解决。

    The problem of sentence composition analysis of the non - subject-verb pattern in modern Chinese has not been solved so far .

  17. 动词重叠式在句法成分方面主要是进入动词重叠句和作谓语。

    The overlapping type of the verb mainly enters verbs and overlaps sentences and makes predicate in composition of the sentence structure .

  18. 跨层结构词汇化是指跨层结构的两个句法成分发展演变为一个词汇单位的词汇化过程,是汉语词汇形成中的一种特殊现象。

    Lexicalization from trans-layered structure is a lexicalized process in which two syntactic components on trans-layered structure evolve into a lexical unit .

  19. 汉语状态词与韩国语状态词都具有多种语法功能,能够在句子中充当多种句法成分。

    The state words in both Chinese and Korean have many grammatical functions . They are able to play different roles in different sentences .

  20. 心理动词的语法功能包括心理动词充当句法成分的功能和心理动词与别的词结合的功能。

    The syntax of mental verbs include verbs as syntactic components of psychological function and mental verbs combined with other functions of the word .

  21. 结果表明,句子语境加工中,对内容词语义整合过程中存在一个句法成分的独立加工水平。

    The results suggested the existence of an isolatable level of syntactic assignment that preceded the semantic integration of content words in sentence comprehension .

  22. 人们在语法研究中,常常注重常见语法成分的分析,而对于例外的句法成分很少分析。

    During studying grammar , generally people pay more attention to grammatical analysis , it is not easy to find analysis of extra component .

  23. 我们考察了性质形容词和状态形容词的语义类别、受副词修饰、充当句法成分的能力等方面的特点。

    We investigated the semantic category of the qualitative adjectives and state adjectives , which modified by adverbs , the syntactic ability and other characteristics .

  24. 其三为变异性分布,包括单音反义形容词转换成叠合式的内部结构变异,也包括不同句法成分转换的外部功能变异。

    The last is transitional positioning , including transition from monosyllabic adjectival antonyms to repeated internal structure and that from different sentence elements to external functions .

  25. 在现代汉语中,动词音节个数对其搭配功能、充当句法成分等功能都有影响。

    In modem Chinese , the number of verb syllables has certain influence upon the collocation function of the verb and its function as a syntax element .

  26. 本文是在大规模标注语料库的支持下,研究各种语义成分的特征以及语义成分与句法成分的对应关系。

    In the base of the large-scale tagged corpus , this paper studies the characteristics of various semantic components and corresponding relations between semantic components and syntactic components .

  27. “很”和“太”结构的否定形式可以作不同的句法成分,这些都体现了肯定与否定宏观上的不对称性。

    When the negative form of " Very " and " Too " structure acts as different syntax element , it always demonstrates the asymmetry between affirmation and negation .

  28. 标点句的边界是清楚的,但很多标点句的句法成分不完整,需要到上下文语境中去寻找。

    The border of Punctuation sentence is clear , but the syntactic elements of many of punctuation sentences is incomplete , and we need to find them in context .

  29. 本文在描写了不同类型的补语完句情况的基础上,主要探讨现代汉语中补语这一句法成分的完句功能。

    This article describes the different types of complements of sentence-accomplishment . It focuses on the function of sentence - accomplishment of the complement as sentence-accomplishment element in modern Chinese .

  30. 这就是说,循环性体现了语言中的句子能够有更多的成分,并且使说话者能够在同一个句子中重复一些句法成分。

    That is , the recursive property captures the ability of language to generate more constituents to a sentence and enables speakers to repeat syntactic constituents within the same sentence .