
  1. 王生满口答应,就和她同床共枕。

    Wang gave her a promise and then slept together with her .

  2. 厉鬼赶上,拉住王生,挖出了他的心。

    The devil caught him , cut open his chest and ate his heart .

  3. 不懈的追求&江苏省启东中学校长王生个案研究

    The Unremitting Pursuit & A Case Study of Wang Sheng , Principal of Qidong Middle School

  4. 道士就将一把蝇甩子交给王生,叫他挂在寝室的门上。

    The priest gave Wang a duster and asked him to hang it on the outsidedoorframe of his bedroom .

  5. 王生到处寻找道士的踪迹,最后在野外遇到了,于是长跪不起,苦苦求救。

    Searching everywhere , the scholar found the priest at last in the wildfields and knelt down before him for help .

  6. 通过求学、科研管理之路的轨迹对江苏省启东中学王生校长进行了个案研究。

    A case study was made of Wang Sheng , Principal of Qidong Middle School , by tracing his road of seeking knowledge and scientific research .

  7. 又忙把人皮往身上一披,立刻变作一位美丽的少女,王生吓得魂飞魄散,拔腿就跑。

    Upon hearing his footsteps the devil hurriedly draped the hide and became the beautiful girl again . Frightened almost to death , Wang broke into a run , but it was too late .

  8. 王生妻子陈氏,亲眼看到丈夫被害,悲痛欲绝,她急忙找到道士,跪地哀求道士救她丈夫。

    Wang 's wife saw this . The grieved woman fled to seek help from the priest . To see if the woman was sincere about saving her husband , the priest made fun of her .