
  1. 测定了低山平坝区大熊猫的五种主要食竹微量元素的(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)、锌(Zn)的含量。

    In the article , content of the microelement Fe , Cu , Mn and Zn of five kinds of bamboo - the main feed for the giant panda chiefly at the flatland of the low hill was tested .

  2. 成都地区五种低山平坝竹营养成分分析

    Proximate Analysis of Nutrition for Five Bamboo Varieties Growing in Chengdu

  3. 平坝灰鹅副粘病毒感染的诊断与病原学研究

    Diagnosis of Goose Paramyxovirus Infection and Etiological Study in Pingba County

  4. 贵州省平坝县森林景观异质性研究

    Study on forest landscape heterogeneity of Pingba County of Guizhou

  5. 贵州省平坝酒厂的市场导向与特色之路

    Market Orientation of Pingba Distillery and Its Specific Development Way

  6. 五种低山平坝竹饲喂大熊猫的消化试验

    Digestion trial of five kinds of bamboos on giant pandas

  7. 汉中平坝区种植制度改革的研究

    A Study of Reform of Crop Planting System in Flat Area of Hanzhong

  8. 两种免疫试剂盒在山丘平坝地区现场筛查效果比较

    Effects of two types of immune kits in field examination of mountainous areas

  9. 汉中盆地平坝区水资源分析评价

    Analysis and Appraisal on Water Resources in the Plain Area of Hanzhong Basin

  10. 贵州省平坝县辣椒主要病害及防治试验

    Major Disease and the Prevention and Cure Experiments for Chili Pepper in Pingba County , Guizhou

  11. 安顺平坝桃花村苗族蜡染纹样的内涵

    The Miao people batik 's decorative patterns connotation of peach blossom village of Pingba of Anshun

  12. 低山平坝大熊猫的五种主食竹四种微量元素含量

    Microelement contents in five bamboo varieties as a feed for Giant Panda at the flatland of low hill area

  13. 云南省山丘平坝型流行区以传染源控制为主的血吸虫病综合防治措施效果评价

    Effect of comprehensive schistosomiasis control measures with emphasis on infectious source control in dam areas of mountainous region , Yunnan Province

  14. 青年农民流动的动力机制探讨&基于贵州省平坝县的调查分析

    Discussion on the Driving Mechanism of Young Farmers ' Flow-Analysis & Based on the Investigation of Pingba County in Guizhou Province

  15. 黔中红粘土的物质来源与成因研究&以平坝剖面为例

    The material sources and genesis of weathering crust overlying dolomite rock in Central Guizhou provice & an-example from the Pingba profile

  16. 大山区高原峡谷与高原平坝区血吸虫病流行因素的比较研究

    Comparative study on epidemiological factors of schistosomiasis japonica transmission in the mountainous endemic areas of the subtypes of plateau Canyon and Plateau Basin

  17. 欠发达地区农地流转:新特点、问题与对策&以贵州省平坝县为例

    The New Features , Problems and Countermeasures in the Circulation of Farmland in the Underdeveloped Areas & A case study in Pingba , Guizhou

  18. 区域水资源系统仿真预测及优化决策研究&以汉中盆地平坝区为例

    A study of the simulated calculation and optimal decision-making of regional water resources ── taking the plain area of the Hanzhong Basin as an example

  19. 全市人口绝大部分分布在沿涪江两岸的冲积平坝、沿河两岸的河谷地带和丘间小平坝区。

    Most of the city 's population distribution along both sides of the alluvial Fujiang Pingba , along the river 's valley and dune dam Xiaoping .

  20. 少数民族地区县域农村剩余劳动力转移背景下的土地流转研究&以平坝县为例

    On Rural Land Circulation in the Background of Rural Surplus Labor Forces Transfer in the Counties of the Minority Region & Taking Pingba County As an Example

  21. 看那连绵的高山,串珠式的平坝,深切的峡谷,高海拔的冰川,每一样都能满足我们对旅行生活的想象。

    Look at rolling mountains , beaded style Pingba , deep gorges , high-altitude glaciers , each can be the same as to meet our travel life 's imagination .

  22. 在云南高原平坝型重疫区采取人畜扩大化疗加重点环境灭螺杀蚴及健康教育的防治对策,经3年防治,试区居民感染率由34.19%下降至2.13%,家畜感染率则下降为零;

    The strategy that mass chemotherapy in population and livestock plus control of snail and cercaria in high transmission areas with health education was carried out in Yunnan mountainous plain regions .

  23. 喜洲村位于云南省西北部的大理白族自治州,苍山与洱海之间狭长的平坝地带北端。

    In the north of the long and narrow flatland between Canshan Mountains and Erhai , Xizhou Village lies in Daili Autonomous Prefecture of Bai Nationality , northwest of Yunan Province .

  24. 通过对涪江中游沿岸部分平坝和丘陵台地进行小麦条锈病抽样定点调查,对调查地与河沿不同距离的条锈病病情指数进行方差分析和回归分析。

    Sampling investigations of wheat stripe rust were made in plains and hills on both sides of middle reaches of Fu river . Variance and regression analysis were done on the base of disease indexes .

  25. 解决浅丘平坝区人地矛盾问题的关键技术体系即是采取综合技术措施,进行土地整理,增加土地弹性供给。

    The key technique system that resolves contradictions between human and land resources in the shallow hilly and flatland region is the plan and design of land consolidation through synthetical technique measures , and the increasing of flexibility of land supply .

  26. 在计算淤地坝拦泥量的基础上,将淤地坝分为淤平坝地和正在拦洪时期坝地两部分,分别计算其减洪量,并计算了淤地坝减蚀量;

    Based on calculated sediment retention volumes in warping dams , two types of warping dams are divided , i.e. , warping up dams and flood retention dams , and the flood reduction of both types are calculated separately as well as soil erosion deducted by warping dams .