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  • Chevrolet;Chevy
  1. 这辆1979款的雪佛兰轿车纤尘不染。

    The 1979 Chevrolet is in immaculate condition .

  2. 那儿是C组车,包括雪佛兰和海洋之箭。

    That 's group C , which includes Chevrolet and Sea-arrows .

  3. 我们刚才去过卢米斯市的汽车市场他们有辆雪佛兰的G系列

    We were just in the Motor Market in Loomis , They had a Chevy G SERIES ?

  4. 之前,她曾担任美国“儿童奇迹网络”的发言人,她还与雪佛兰汽车合作发起了一个面向年轻人的R。

    She was previously a spokeswoman for Children 's Miracle Network , and she partnered with Chevrolet to sponsor a R.

  5. 在超过800起事故中,雪佛兰土星Ion以及科尔伯特车型的安全气囊并未弹出,这些官员也跟进了这些案子的进展。

    They also tracked more than 800 incidents where airbags did not deployed in the Saturn Ion and in the Cobalt .

  6. 一句上世纪50年代通用汽车(generalmotor)的广告词邀请人们“开着雪佛兰车看美国”,帮助通用汽车成为美国驰名品牌。

    A 1950s advertising jingle inviting people to " see the USA in your Chevrolet " helped turn the General Motors Automotive into an American brand .

  7. 比如在2013车型年度之后,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)旗下的雪佛兰(Chevy)Avalanche皮卡将宣告停产。

    General Motors is saying goodbye to the Chevy avalanche after the 2013 model year .

  8. 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)正试图在全球各地推广雪佛兰(Chevrolet)汽车。

    Chevy goes global general motors ( GM ) is trying to push Chevrolet cars in countries all over the world .

  9. 紧接着,著名的奇瑞QQ(以雪佛兰spark为原型)就出现了。

    Then , the storied Chery QQ ( based on the Chevy Spark ) was released .

  10. 雪佛兰SSR型拖车

    Chevrolet SSR Pick-up Shaped Trailer

  11. 通用汽车公司因十年来长期存在的故障问题召回两个车型:2003年至2007年产的雪佛兰科伯尔特以及土星ION,而通用公司也因此受到了指责。

    GM is coming under criticism for decade 's long failure issues recall of its 2 models : Chevrolet Cobalt and Saturn Ion in between 2003 to 2007 .

  12. 通用汽车公司(GM)亦将这款车冠以自身品牌雪佛兰追踪者(ChevroletTracker)进行销售,但市场效果不佳。

    GM sold a rebadged version , known as the Chevrolet tracker , but without notable success .

  13. 1960雪佛兰科维尔/1971雪佛兰Vega

    1960 Chevrolet Corvair / 1971 Chevrolet Vega

  14. 你可以很快认出福特(Ford)的F-150,雪佛兰(Chevrolet)的Suburban“巨无霸”SUV和吉普(Jeep)的名字。

    You recognize the names immediately : Ford F-150 , Chevrolet suburban , jeep .

  15. 召回车型为2005年至2007年款雪佛兰Cobalt和2007年款庞蒂亚克G5。

    The recalling applies to some 2005 through 2007 model year Chevrolet Cobalts and Pontiac G5s .

  16. 但在周二,苹果却公开了它的雪佛兰(Chevrolet)策略。

    On Tuesday , it unveiled its Chevrolet strategy .

  17. 在1912年,一辆雪佛兰(Chevrolet)六缸房车的生产成本为2150美元;

    Chevrolet six-cylinder touring car cost $ 2,150 in1912 ;

  18. 在近期举办的纽约车展上,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)正式宣布:全新推出的2013款雪佛兰迈瑞宝将拥有2014年的改款&这至少比原计划提前了两年。

    General Motors recently made it official at the New York Auto Show : it is giving the all-new 2013 Chevy Malibu a makeover for 2014 & at least two years ahead of schedule .

  19. 1936年,丰田生产的第一个款式的汽车AA,依据的是Chevrolet(雪佛兰)的原型。

    In1936 , Toyota produced the first models of cars AA , based on the Chevrolet ( Chevrolet ) prototype .

  20. 另一辆是雪佛兰伏特(chevyvolt),使用电力时速能达到近40英里。

    The other is a Chevy Volt . This goes on electric for close to 40 miles .

  21. 尽管通用汽车(GeneralMotors)仍将自己定义为后破产时代,但其还是在推进破产前就已经进行的一个重要项目:开发雪佛兰Volt(ChevyVolt)电动汽车。

    While General Motors continues to define itself post-bankruptcy , it is pushing ahead with one of its key pre-bankruptcy projects : developing the Chevy Volt .

  22. 你怎么拼“Malibu”(雪佛兰一款车)

    How do you spell " Malibu . "

  23. 通用公司希望能够改变它汽油吞噬者的形象,为此它将在2010年推出电力驱动的雪佛兰Volt汽车。

    GM hopes to counter its image as a maker of gas guzzlers with the2010 introduction of the electric-powered Chevrolet Volt .

  24. 比如说,上汽集团与GM合作,生产和销售雪佛兰、别克以及卡迪拉克;与大众合作,生产桑塔纳以及其他车型。

    Shanghai Automotive Industry , for instance , works with GM to build and sell Chevrolets , Buicks , and Cadillacs , and with Volkswagen to make its Santana and other models .

  25. 尽管雪佛兰科鲁兹(ChevyCruze)和福特福克斯(Focus)这种小型车在市场上很有竞争力,但是美国市场上的畅销车型还是以全尺寸皮卡和中型轿车为主。

    Full-size pickups and mid-size sedans still dominate the best-seller list despite newly competitive small entries like the Chevy Cruze and Ford Focus .

  26. 别克、凯迪拉克、雪佛兰和GMC的制造商正在召回150多万辆汽车。

    The maker of Buick , Cadillac , Chevrolet and GMC is recalling more than 1.5 million vehicles .

  27. 最后他们放弃了了(?)通用公司在经过两年的实验后抛弃了他们100辆雪佛兰Equinox氢动力车概念。

    When they finally did , General Motors ditched its fleet of100 Chevrolet Equinox fuel-cell cars after a two-year trial .

  28. 《汽车新闻》(AutomotiveNews)报道称,一帮雪佛兰经销商正在密谋,售价高达52000美元的雪佛兰科尔维特今年秋季上市后,他们要加价20000美元。

    Automotive News reports that a handful of Chevy dealers are planning on add on up to $ 20,000 to the sticker price of the 2014 Corvette when the $ 52,000 car goes on sale in the fall .

  29. 这就相当于把一块巨大的市场蛋糕拱手让给了丰田(Toyota)卡罗拉、本田(Honda)思域、福特福克斯和雪佛兰(Chevrolet)克鲁兹等竞争对手。

    That leaves a huge chunk of the market to competitors like the Toyota Corolla , Honda Civic , Ford Focus , and Chevrolet Cruze .

  30. 通用汽车已用雪佛兰Bolt(ChevyBolt)证明,其能够制造一款在续航里程(充一次电行驶238英里)和价格上与Model3相近的电动汽车。

    GM has shown with the Chevy Bolt that it can make an electric car with both a range - 238 miles on one charge - and a pricetag similar to the Model 3 .