
  • 网络Center diameter;mid-diameter
  1. 用胸高直径和树高计算中央直径的研究

    Central station a study on the calculation of mid-diameter with the breast-hight diameter and the height of tree

  2. 在完成玻璃体手术和眼内激光光凝后,做角巩膜缘切口,将人工晶状体植入前囊上,然后环形切除前囊中央直径5mm组织。

    After vitreous surgery and endolaser , IOL was inserted via the corneoscleral incision on the anterior capsule , of which the center area 5 mm in diameter was cut .

  3. 通过12年的火炬松种源试验研究表明,火炬松种源生长性状差异极其显著,12年生平均树高、胸径和树高中央直径分别比对照马尾松大40.2%、78.8%和103%。

    Twelve-years test for Pinus taeda shows that significant differences existed in growth among different provenances . The averaged height , diameter at breast height ( dbh ) and middle diameter for 12-year growth are 40.2 % , 78.8 % and 103 % greater than those of Pinus massoniana .

  4. 依左右眼手术不同又分左眼和右眼组。右眼刮除中央3mm直径区域内角膜上皮,保持前弹力膜完整;

    In the right eye of the experimental groups , a 3 mm diameter central corneal area will be demarcated and the epithelium within the region will be removed , leaving the basement membrane intact .

  5. 中央管直径和面积百分比的图像分析结果显示人与动物骨的差异均有显著意义。

    Significant differences in the central canal diameter and total area percentage between human and animal bones were shown by imaging analysis .

  6. 初生根解剖结构分析表明,抗旱性强的品种表现为初生根直径大,皮层厚,中央大导管直径小。

    The anatomy structure photos of primal root showed the stronger drought-resistance varieties had the bigger diameter of primal root , the thicker cortex and smaller diameter of the main xylem vessel .

  7. 电针组脾小体直径、中央动脉管腔直径都增加,与模型组比较差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    Diameter of splenic nodules and central artery in the electroacupuncture group were increased than those in the model group , and the difference had markedly significance between the two groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 所有术眼的角膜地形图提示角膜中央呈规则圆形变扁区,角膜中央3mm直径的屈光力平均下降4.25D。

    In the corneal topography , the central regions were flattened regularly and round or approximately round in shape ; the mean refraction at central 3 mm region was reduced in an average of 4.25 D.