
zhǔ ɡàn
  • trunk;main force;mainstay;bole
  • artery;main body;main part
主干 [zhǔ gàn]
  • (1) [trunk]∶植物的主茎

  • (2) [artery]∶主要的河流或道路

  • (3) [main body;main part;main force;mainstay]∶主体部分;起决定作用的人物或力量

  1. 数值计算方法是Computing学科的九大主干课程之一。

    The numerical calculation is one of the nine great trunk subjects of the Computing branch .

  2. 当然是衍生出XML技术大树的主干。

    [ W3C Recommendation ] is , of course , the trunk of the sprawling XML technology tree .

  3. 波尔多位于巴黎到马德里的铁路主干线上,来往列车频繁。

    Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are frequent trains

  4. 据称有数百人堵住了一条往北的主干公路。

    Hundreds of people are said to have blocked a main highway leading north .

  5. 克拉伦斯街是中央商业区北段部分的主干路之一。

    Clarence Street was one of the northbound arteries of the central business district .

  6. 如果任其自然生长,主干可以长到约12英尺。

    The main stem will extend to around 12ft , if left to develop naturally

  7. 美索不达米亚地区可能是世界上人类最早征服主干河流的地区。

    Mesopotamia was probably the first region of the world where humans gained mastery over major rivers .

  8. 一辆公共汽车和三辆小车今天上午在主干道上相撞。

    A bus and three cars piled up on the main road this morning .

  9. 但它没有。相反,它坏在了一个很完美的地方,不在主干道上,从这里走路就能到。

    But it didn 't. Instead , it broke down in the perfect place-off the main road , within walking distance of here .

  10. ISP主干网&架起Internet世界

    ISP Backbone Networks & Propping up the Internet World

  11. 近年来,在IP主干网络的VPN建设中,MPLS已经被广泛使用。

    Recently MPLS is used for building up VPN in IP backbone .

  12. Fe含量为根>叶片>主干韧皮部、新梢>主干木质部;

    Fe content was root > leaf > trunk phloem and vegetative shoot > trunk xylem ;

  13. 校园主干网中的ATM与千兆以太网之争

    ATM and Gigabit Ethernet in Backbone of Campus Network

  14. 一种有效的簇集主干点P2P网络结构模型

    An Efficient Clustered Global-Peer P2P Architecture Model

  15. 用免疫组化染色和图像分析,检测主动脉、肺动脉主干及肺内小动脉平滑肌细胞中VEGF及PCNA的表达量。

    Expression of VEGF and PCNA were detected by immunohistochemical staining and image analysis .

  16. 如何在开发中的主干运行持续集成(ContinuousIntegration,CI),以定期测试分支与主干的合并

    How to run Continuous Integration ( CI ) against a branch that is under development and regularly test the merge against the trunk

  17. 也许相对于支持Internet的协议、主干线和服务器来说,开放源码许可更加促进了源代码和思想的交换。

    Perhaps more than the protocols , backbones , and servers that underlie the Internet , open source licenses have facilitated the exchange of source code and ideas .

  18. MRA检出脑血管主干闭塞的灵敏度为100%,特异度为86.70%,高度狭窄者可能过诊为闭塞。

    Sensitivity and specificity were 100 % for detection of vessel displacement .

  19. 治疗组中主干支组、深穿支组的神经功能恢复程度在治疗后1周、1月后分别较对照组中的主干支组、深穿支组明显(P<0.01)。

    The therapy group was better than the control about the extent of functional or neurological improvement on the 7-day and one month after therapy ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. HFC主干网络原理和常见故障检修

    Working Principle and Trouble shooting of HFC Trunk Network

  21. 方案具有很低的网络和路由器开销,也容易扩充到IPv6和未来的主干网。

    The scheme has very low network and router overhead and support incremental deployment in IPv 6 .

  22. 老格林威治(人口6600人)的中心地带,是位于主干道桑德海滩大道(SoundBeachAvenue)的一片商业区。

    The heart of Old Greenwich ( population 6,600 ) is its business district on Sound Beach Avenue , the main thoroughfare .

  23. 主干网络采用工业以太网结构,将以纤维缠绕机为主的缠绕装备组建成一个小型的监控网络,并实现与上层网络(企业局域网或Internet)的互联。

    Using the industrial Ethernet technology , we connect many filament winding machines and auxiliary equipments into a small monitoring control network , which can also be connected with enterprise network or Internet .

  24. 结果5只兔栓塞后DSA显示颈内动脉细小分支及主干发生闭塞,CT平扫和增强在缺血6小时可见栓塞侧大脑半球片状低密度梗死区。

    Results Small branches and trunk of ICA were all obliterated after embolization . CT scanning showed patchy low - density areas after 6h of embolization .

  25. 为了减轻当前IP网的阻塞现象,主干网路由器必须采取有效地策略来避免和控制网络拥塞,从而保证整个网络的稳定性。

    To alleviate the congestion of current Internet , an effective congestion avoid / control strategy must be adopted in backbone routes , to keep the stability of the whole network .

  26. 推覆构造的主干断层不是F2,而是在推覆体之下的硬石膏段中,硬石膏岩是理想的润滑层;

    The backbone fault of the nappe tectonic was not F.2 , but within the anhydrite member underlaid the nappe , and the anhydrock was an ideal lubricating layer ;

  27. 急性冠脉综合征急诊PCI的初步总结无保护左主干的急诊介入治疗

    Preliminary summary of urgent percutaneous coronary intervention of acute coronary syndrome Urgent percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) in unprotected left main coronary artery lesion

  28. 门静脉血栓(portalveinthrombosis,PVT)是指发生在门静脉主干、肠系膜上静脉、肠系膜下静脉或脾静脉的血栓。

    Portal vein thrombosis is a kind of thrombus that occurs in the portal vein , superior mesenteric vein , inferior mesenteric vein or splenic vein .

  29. N、K+含量在叶片中含量最高,P在新梢中含量最高,N、P、K+在主干木质部中含量均最低。

    The contents of N , K + was the highest in leaves , P was the highest in vegetative shoot , and contents N , P and K + were the lowest in xylem of trunk .

  30. ESB实际上已成为跨企业不同操作环境提供消息传递、通知和调用服务的扩展的企业主干系统。

    The ESB essentially becomes the extended enterprise 's arterial system providing messaging , notification , and invocation services across the enterprise 's various operating environments .