
  1. “我年青的时候,只要能一个人独处”

    When I was a young man , I was always saying

  2. 他年青的时候没能上学。

    When he was young , he couldn t go to school .

  3. 她年青的时候就学会做饭了。

    She learned to cook when she was young .

  4. 我要在年青的时候生3个小孩子。

    And I want three children , and I want them when I 'm young .

  5. 在她年青的时候,也穿这样的泳衣游泳。

    Ln her youth , she used to also wear a swimming costume like this and swim .

  6. 当我年青的时候,我想去控制是出于恐惧,是缺乏信任和不安全感。

    When I was younger , my need to control arose out of fear , a lack of trust , insecurity .

  7. 他自己年青的时候曾经做过水手和标枪手,但是,他献身于教会事业已经多年了。

    He had been a sailor and a harpooneer in his youth , but for many years past had dedicated his life to the ministry .

  8. 年青的时候就有一种梦想:有一天我会在一个四面环山,溪水潺潺的幽静处过着与世隔绝的田园生活。

    When girls have a dream : that one day I will be surrounded by mountains in one , the quiet stream gurgling Department of the pastoral life lived in isolation .

  9. 有许多职业都可以通向国会大厦,如律师、商人、医学、房地产——但是,一名成功的国家职业政客,职业生涯通常在很年青的时候就从地方开始。

    Many careers feed into the Capitol -- law , business , medicine , real estate -- but a successful career in national politics usually starts at a young age at the local level .

  10. 文章结合《年青的时候》这篇张爱玲的小说汉译英的翻译实例,说明了英汉语句差异以及汉语长句的英译技巧。

    The thesis explains the difference between English and Chinese sentences and the techniques of translating long sentences from Chinese to English by giving examples from When He Was Young written by Eileen Chang .