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  • 网络Shanxi;shanxi merchant;JIN Entrepreneurs
  1. 明清晋商行会,在其产生之初就是商人自发的群体性民间组织,这恰好与NGO所具有的特性相一致。

    Shanxi merchants Guild in Ming and Qing dynasties , at the beginning of its produce was businessman spontaneous mass civil society organizations , which happen to be consistent with the characteristics of the NGO .

  2. 晋商成功的根本在于儒商精神。

    Shanxi Merchants is fundamental to the success of Confucian spirit .

  3. 运用MDS对明清晋商组织管理结构的分析

    An analysis on organizational management structure of the Jin-merchant in the Ming and Qing Dynasty with MDS

  4. 心理表征与认知推理&Fodor与Jackendoff概念语义观之不同新晋商对明清晋商组织管理的认同心理分析

    Mental Representation and Abduction : Different Opinions on Conceptual Semantics Between Fodor and Jackendoff ; Identification Psychological Analysis of Modern Jin-merchant to Organization Management of Jin-merchant in the Ming and Qing dynasty

  5. 晋商会馆、公所与近代山西商会

    Jin Merchants ' Guild Hall and the Moden Shanxi Commercial Association

  6. 从晋商题材的电视剧中看晋商理念的特质

    The Characteristics of Shanxi Merchants from Shanxi Merchants themes TV Series

  7. 晋商望族常氏家族的民居文化

    Folk Residence Culture of the Celebrated Chang 's Family in Shanxi

  8. 晋商对传统诚信文化的继承与创新

    Shanxi Merchants ' Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Culture of Sincerity

  9. 试论晋商信用的历史制度分析模式

    On the Historical Institutional Analysis Mode of the Credibility of Jin Merchants

  10. 河东盐商是晋商群体的重要组成部分。

    Hedong salt merchants were an important part of Jin merchants colony .

  11. 晋商衰败的原因及历史反思

    Cause of the Decline of Shanxi Business and Historical Reflections

  12. 晋商信用制度的生成机理及实施方式

    The Generic Mechanism and Adoption of Jin-Merchants ' Credit System

  13. 论晋商伦理及其现代价值

    The Ethics of Ancient Shanxi Merchants and its Modern Values

  14. 晋商的商业伦理及其现代价值研究

    The Research on Shanxi Merchants ' Commercial Ethics and Its Modern Value

  15. 晋商在会计发展史上的贡献

    Contributions of Shanxi Merchants in the History of Accounting Development

  16. 晋商信用的经济学分析及历史启示

    The Economic Analysis and Historic Enlightenments from the Credit of Shanxi Merchants

  17. 山西归来不看院院落深处看文化晋商大院

    The Culture of the Depth Shanxi Business Courtyard & Shanxi Business Courtyard

  18. 对开发晋商大院文化旅游带的思考

    Reflections on Developing a Tourism Belt of Shanxi Businessmen 's Compound Culture

  19. 这其中的代表就是徽商和晋商。

    Among these Hui business and Jin business were most representative groups .

  20. 浅谈晋商会馆建筑

    On the buildings of assembly hall for the merchants from Shanxi province

  21. 晚清晋商与茶文化

    Shanxi Businessmen and Tea Culture in the Late Qing Dynasty

  22. 晋商&晋中旅游大品牌

    Shanxi Merchants : a Promising Brand of Jinzhong 's Tourism

  23. 接着,进一步挖掘晋商商业伦理的现代价值。

    Then it explores the modern values of Shanxi merchants ' commercial ethics .

  24. 晋商票号的人身股与股票期权的比较

    A Contrast on the Jin-Merchant Exchange Shop 's Personnal Share and Stock Options

  25. 其中最具代表性的两大商帮集团为晋商和徽商。

    Shanxi merchants and Huizhou merchants are the more representative among those groups .

  26. 清代后期晋商在张家口的经营活动

    Business Activities Conducted by Shanxi Merchants in Zhangjiakou in the Late Qing Dynasty

  27. 山西生态环境的变迁与晋商的兴起

    On the Changes of shanxi Ecological Environment and the Appearance of Shanxi Merchants

  28. 晋商制度系统的开放性与制度配置

    The Openess of the Institution System and the Institution Disposition of Shanxi Merchants

  29. 明清晋商与传统法律文化论纲

    On Jin Merchants of Ming & Qing Dynasties and the Traditional Legal Culture

  30. 晚清晋商与湖北茶业的发展

    Shanxi Traders in Late Qing Dynasty and the Development of Hubei Tea Industry