
  • 网络Overhead Chain Conveyor;trolley conveyor
  1. 悬挂输送机吊装梁强度和刚度计算

    Strength and stiffness calculation of hanging beams for overhead chain conveyor

  2. 用Riccati传递矩阵法计算悬挂输送机金属结构的固有频率

    Calculating the natural frequencies of overhead conveyer structure by riccati 's translative - matrix method

  3. 积放式悬挂输送机在核辐射加工中的应用

    The Application of Free Parking Suspension Transporter In the Radical Processing

  4. 悬挂输送机用双铰接链条的结构及其质量的探索

    The construction and Quality of Double - Hinged Chain for Overhead Conveyor

  5. 积放式推式悬挂输送机特殊工况的线路分析

    Route analysis of power & free push type suspended conveyor for a special application

  6. 悬挂输送机轴承自动注油脂润滑装置的研制

    Auto Lubricating Apparatus for Suspension Chain Carriage Bearing

  7. 悬挂输送机立式加工中心

    Suspension Conveyer Vertical Machining Centres

  8. 邮政通信设备安装工程施工及验收暂行技术规定第一册推式悬挂输送机

    Temporary technical regulation for construction and acceptance of postal equipment installation project volume 1 power and free conveyor

  9. 我厂专业生产悬挂输送机轴承,主要和国内一些大型输送机厂配套。

    I plant specializing in the production of hanging conveyor bearings , main and domestic support some large-scale transmission plant .

  10. 积放式悬挂输送机系统线路布置原则的探讨空间缆索悬索桥倾斜母线索鞍设计位置的计算方法

    Discussion on the Layout Design Principle of Wide Pusher Power and Free Conveyor Calculation Method on Lean Busbar Saddle 's Position of Suspension Bridge with Spatial Cables

  11. 主要产品有水处理设备、除尘器、金属管状空气换热气、加热烧嘴、积放式悬挂输送机和冶金机械等。

    The main products of the factor include handling water equipments , dust catcher , metallic air heat exchanger , burner of heater , and metallurgy machine .

  12. 把悬挂输送机的设计由传统的手工设计改为计算机辅助设计,对设计中的具体问题如数据输入、输出,最小张力点的选取以及由最小张力点至驱动装置的反向计算等进行了详细讨论。

    The manual design of overhead conveyers is replaced by computer aided design ( CAD ) . The main problems such as date input or output and positioning the node with minimum tension is concretely described .