
  • 网络standby letter of credit;SBLC;Stand-by Letter of Credit;standby credit;standby L/C
  1. 如果买方的备用信用证暂未生效,该备用信用证将由卖方履约保证激活生效。

    If buyer 's SBLC is non-operative , it shall be activated by seller 's PB .

  2. 备用信用证的费用会依据之前的发货返回现金或者在到期时通过银行返还。

    The SBLC will be cashed back against the last deliveries or sent back at maturity day .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,在我国的涉外经济领域,备用信用证势必越来越多地被应用。

    With china 's entry of WTO , in the field of foreign-related business , standby letter of credit will become the more and more popular financial product .

  4. 备用信用证业已由《跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP)》(1983年版,第400号出版物)来调整。

    Standby credits are already governed by the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ( UCP )( 1983 Revision NO.400 ) .

  5. WTO背景下药品专利与公共健康之冲突与协调尽管备用信用证,或称具有独立性的担保的出现是对传统的担保制度的一次重大突破,但却没有突破传统担保制度的极限。

    The Conflict and Coordination between Pharmaceutical Patents and Public Health in the Scope of WTO & And on the Legislation Countermeasures of China However different from the traditional suretyship , Standby , or say guarantee with character of independence , is still within the scope of guarantee system .

  6. 《国际备用信用证惯例》(简称ISP98)自适用于备用信用证以来,虽然获得了广泛的好评,但也不可避免地存在一些问题。

    Although International Standby Practice ( ISP98 ) has been received high appraise , it has some defects in practice .

  7. 目前,国际金融担保实务中当事人首选《国际备用信用证惯例》(ISP98)作为备用信用证的适用规范。

    Nowadays , the International Standby Practices ( ISP98 ) has become the first selected rule for applying Standby Letter of Credit by the parties in international trade .

  8. 此备用信用证项下允许分批提款。

    Partial drawings under this Standby Letter of Credit are allowed .

  9. 这份备用信用证在即期付款方式下才有效。

    This Stand-by Letter of Credit is available by sight payment .

  10. 备用信用证法律研究

    Study on the Law of Standby Letter of Credit

  11. 担保和备用信用证统一法

    Uniform Law on Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit

  12. 备用信用证适用中的几个误区之矫正分析

    An Analysis on Several Mistaken Ideas in the Application of the Stand-by Credit

  13. 因此从其起源来讲,备用信用证的产生是出于替代银行保函的目的。

    Therefore , in its origin , Standby was a substitution of bank guaranties .

  14. 浅谈备用信用证的法律性质与银行的风险防范

    On Legal Nature of the Reserve Letter of Credit and Guard against Risk for Bank

  15. 第二章,探讨了备用信用证的独特法律原理:独立性原则和严格相符原则。

    Chapter II explores the principles of standby letter of credit , independence and strict compliance .

  16. 未经我们事先允许本备用信用证不得转让和分配。

    This Standby Letter of Credit is not transferable or assignable without our prior written consent .

  17. 第二部分明确界定了备用信用证当事人的权利和义务。

    The second part defines clearly rights and obligations of the party of standby letter of credit .

  18. 从这个意义上讲,备用信用证是一种新型的具有独立性特点的担保。

    In this term , Standby is a new kind of guarantee operated under Principle of Autonomy .

  19. 担保是福费廷无追索权实现的间接保证,保付签字、独立保函及备用信用证是福费廷中担保的主要方式。

    Certified signatures , independent guarantees and standby letters of credit is the main guarantee way of forfeiting .

  20. 备用信用证担保人民币贷款的性质、条件及风险控制

    The Nature , Condition and Risk Control of RMB Loan Secured by the Stand - by Letter of Credit

  21. 银行独立担保在当前的实务中主要有见索即付保函和备用信用证两种形式。

    The independent guarantee has two forms in practice , the demand guarantee and the standby letter of credit .

  22. 然后论述了备用信用证的基本运作程序,以进一步界定备用信用证。

    By brief introduction of the operating procedures of a standby letter of credit , it is further defined .

  23. 好,艾迪。看来你还是更倾向于采用信托基金来代替备用信用证便利。

    OK , Eddy . So you 'd prefer a trust fund to the standby letter of credit facility .

  24. 现今,备用信用证已被广泛运用于社会经济生活的各方各面,其业务量也远远超过了传统的商业信用证,成为一种重要的国际金融工具。

    Currently , Standby has been widely used with its transaction amount far exceeding that of the traditional commercial credits .

  25. 为了有效控制国际商务活动中的风险,独立担保和备用信用证出现了。

    In order to control international trade risk effectively , independent guarantee and standby letter of credit come into being .

  26. 要求你,一旦在此备用信用证项下提款时,应以电讯通知开证行。

    You are required to advise the credit issuing office by telecommunication upon drawing under this Standby Letter of Credit .

  27. 备用信用证与银行独立保证和跟单商业信用证在许多方面都有不同。

    The standby letter of credit is quite different from bank guarantee and commercial documentary letter of credit in many aspects .

  28. 再接着分析了备用信用证的运作模式,最后就这两种不同的运作机制作了一个简单的小结。

    Then the operation model of standby letter of credit , then make a summarization of these two different operation models .

  29. 现在,备用信用证在欧洲及世界其他地区的国际商务中应用不断扩大。

    But now , it has been more and more used in international business in Europe and other areas of the word .

  30. 采用新的支付方式扩大我国产品出口&推荐使用O/A和备用信用证相结合的新的综合结算方式

    A Comparison between International Factoring and Traditional Ways of International Settlemen 's Adopting New Means of Payment to Expand Export of Chinese Products