
cì shēnɡ mù zhì bù
  • secondary xylem
  1. 次生木质部由孔纹导管、薄壁组织及射线所组成。

    Secondary xylem consists of pitted vessels , parenchyma fibers and rays .

  2. 葡萄枝条次生木质部细胞的解剖研究

    Anatomical Studies on the Secondary Xylem Cells of Grape Canes

  3. PP(333)对温室葡萄枝条次生木质部细胞解剖结构的影响

    Effect of PP_ ( 333 ) on the Cell Anatomy Structure of the Secondary Xylem of Greenhouse Cultivated Grape

  4. 沉香(Aquilariaagallocha)次生木质部导管分子研究

    Study of vessel elements of secondary xylem in Aquilaria agallocha

  5. 12种豆科植物次生木质部导管分子比较观察

    Comparative studies on the vessel elements of 12 species in Leguminosae

  6. 中国金缕梅科12属植物次生木质部的比较解剖

    Comparative anatomical studies on the secondary xylem of twelve genera in Hamamelidaceae

  7. 根的次生木质部导管大。

    The secondary structure of root has large vessel diameter .

  8. 白檀茎次生木质部结构研究

    Structures of the stem secondary xylem of Symplocos paniculata

  9. 红树植物次生木质部的结构与进化

    Evolution ecology and structure of secondary xylem of mangroves

  10. 卫矛科16种藤本与乔木次生木质部比较解剖学研究

    Studies on Comparative Wood Anatomy of 16 species of vines and trees in Celastraceae

  11. 大豆属植物茎的次生木质部结构研究

    Structural study on secondary xylem of Glycine stem

  12. 在茎原生木质部和次生木质部的形成过程中可以看到这种类型的分化。

    Basipetal differentiation is seen in the formation of proto-and metaxylem in the stem .

  13. 牛迭肚茎和根次生木质部的解剖学研究

    Anatomy study of the secondary xylem of the stem and root of Rubus crataegifolius Burge

  14. 在领春木次生木质部中也观察到了端壁多穿孔板及侧壁穿孔板。

    Multiple end wall and lateral-wall perforation plates were also observed in the secondary xylem .

  15. 杨树木材主要指次生木质部,是主要的产品器官。

    The poplar timber points the secondary xylem mainly , is a main products organ .

  16. 珙桐与喜树茎次生木质部解剖构造的比较

    Comparison on the Anatomical Structure of Secondary Xylem in Stem Between Davidia involucrata and Camptotheca acuminata

  17. 两种麻黄根与茎次生木质部的解剖与进化和干旱环境的关系

    Anatomy and adaptability to desert on root and stem secondary xylems of 2 plants of Ephedra

  18. 猕猴桃枝条新梢次生木质部细胞解剖学研究

    Studies on the Cyto - anatomy of the Secondary Xylem in the new branches of Actinidia deliciosa

  19. 本文对槲寄生的次生木质部&木材进行了解剖学研究。

    The secondary xylem of viscum coloratum , namely , the wood , is reported in the paper .

  20. 淮北相山三种群落中优势树种次生木质部的解剖学特征

    Secondary Xylem Anatomic Characteristics of Dominant Plant Species in Three Communities in Xiangshan Mountain , Huaibei , China

  21. 块根的次生木质部发达,导管周围存在额外形成层。

    The secondary xylem of tuberous root is well developed , and there is supernumerary cambium around the vessels .

  22. 使用光学显微镜技术,对大豆属不同进化类型植物次生木质部导管分子进行离析。

    Using microscopical technique in this experiment , vessel elements of different evolvement type soybean plants have been dispersed .

  23. 梨树和桃树新梢次生木质部细胞解离的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Cell Separation of the Secondary Xylem of the Annual Branch of Pear and Peach Tree

  24. 此外,根的次生木质部中木纤维发达,且成群分布。

    In addition , there were many developed wood fibers which distributed in a clumped manner in secondary xylem .

  25. 研究白檀茎次生木质部结构研究,其为散孔材。

    The study on the stem secondary xylem of Symplocos paniculata , reveals the wood belongs to diffuse-porous wood .

  26. 枣树不同枝类次生木质部细胞解剖学研究初探

    Studies on the Cyto-anatomy of the Secondary Xylem in the Different Branches of Jun-jujube , Li-jujube and Fuji Apple

  27. 本文对我国木兰科的39种木兰属和含笑属植物次生木质部的导管分子进行了初步分析。

    This paper deals mainly with comparative studies on elements of secondary xylem in39 species of Chinese Magnolia and Michelia .

  28. 管状分子是维管植物次生木质部的主要组成成分,包括导管,管胞和木质部纤维三种类型。

    Tracheary elements , including vessel elements , tracheids and fibres , are important members of secondary xylem in vascular plants .

  29. 根中导管数量少,孔径小,次生木质部不含射线。

    There are no many vessels whose bore diameter is small in the root , and no ray in the xylem .

  30. 摘要运用细胞图像分析系统及显微照相的方法,对荔枝次生木质部导管分子进行了观察研究。

    The vessel elements of secondary xylem in Litchi chinensis are observed and studied by bio-microscope image analysis system and micrography .