
cān jīn
  • napkin;serviette;table napkin
餐巾 [cān jīn]
  • [napkin;table napkin] 用餐时用来遮挡前胸和膝部的方块布

餐巾[cān jīn]
  1. 他拿起腿上的餐巾,放在盘子旁边。

    He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate

  2. 他用餐巾拭了拭嘴唇。

    He dabbed at his lips with the napkin .

  3. 服务员笔直站立着,餐巾折叠着放在他们的手臂上。

    The waiters stood to attention with napkins folded over their arms .

  4. 玛丽·安撕掉了餐巾的边儿。

    Mary Ann tore the edge off her napkin

  5. 迈克尔迅速用餐巾将其揩干。

    Michael mopped up quickly with his napkin .

  6. 她小口地吃着热狗,用餐巾优雅地擦着嘴。

    She was taking tiny bites of a hot dog and daintily wiping her lips with a napkin .

  7. 她递给他一条餐巾。

    She handed him a napkin .

  8. 同时它还制作烟灰缸、酒吧餐巾、杯垫子、杯托子、足球赛用的三角旗以及诸如此类的物品用于销售

    Bud ashtrays , bar towels , coasters , football pennants , and similar items were offered for sale .

  9. napkin:餐巾duty:任务,(应完成的)事务,职责好吧Eric和Jenny负责摆放餐巾。

    Okay , Eric and Jenny , napkin duty .

  10. 他在YouTube上学折餐巾-他做事周密-

    He 's YouTubing serviettes . - He 's thorough .

  11. 亚麻餐巾也已经摆好,餐巾上绣着KKR字样。

    Our places have been set with linen napkins , embroidered with the KKR initials .

  12. 在自己的诗作《如何在社交场得心应手》(HowtoGetoninSociety)中,约翰•贝杰曼(JohnBetjeman)以食鱼刀、餐巾、烤肉架、调味瓶、点心叉以及桌布为例,对餐桌礼仪的细枝末节娓娓道来。

    John Betjeman 's poem " How to Get on in Society " ruthlessly minces such pretensions , listing fish knives , serviettes , frills on cutlets , cruets , pastry forks and doilies .

  13. 这就是这个价值数百万美元的想法的开始。DanRoam就是“写在餐巾背后的主义”的作者。他认为每个人都有足够的智慧解决世界上最大的公司的一部分问题。

    Well , it has been the start of some multi-million-dollar ideas , Dan Roam is the author of " the Back of the Napkin , " he thinks everyone has a talent when it comes to visual thinking and he thinks they can solve the problems of some of the world 's largest companies .

  14. 金器还不错.餐巾圈太简陋。

    The gold is fine . The napkin rings are vulgar .

  15. 大餐巾会事先备好,以免被食物烫伤。

    Large napkins will presumably be provided to prevent unfortunate burns .

  16. 她为他摆好饭菜并递给他一块餐巾。

    She set his dinner down and handed him a napkin .

  17. 小孩吃东西时系在下巴下面的餐巾。

    A napkin tied under the chin a child while eating .

  18. 餐巾要放在左边还是右边?

    Do the napkins go on the right or the left ?

  19. 叠起餐巾并且要卷的很紧。

    You fold the napkin and roll it up really tight .

  20. 他坐在那里双眉紧锁,不住地捻弄餐巾。

    He sat there knitting his brows and twisting his napkin .

  21. 你有没有在餐巾背面乱写乱画过呢?

    Have you ever doodled on the back of the napkin ?

  22. 而且我不想挂一条餐巾。

    Plus , I think I prefer not to wear a bib .

  23. 一个用来套住某人餐巾的圆形金属小环。

    A circular band used to hold a particular person 's napkin .

  24. 餐巾下又有400美元。

    Under the napkin were four more $ 100 bills .

  25. 斯莱德:给我餐巾,我都流口水了。

    Slade : Get me a napkin , my mouth 's watering .

  26. 餐巾一条,啤酒一瓶。

    Assemble the unopened beer bottle and the paper napkin .

  27. 我家卫生间的卫生设备都是名牌的。餐巾;

    The sanitary equipments in my home are all of the best brands

  28. 主人打开餐巾即意味着开始进餐。

    The meal begins when the host opens his or her napkin .

  29. 他以前从来没有用过布制餐巾

    And he had never held cloth napkin in his hands before .

  30. 比起收拾里面有恶心东西的餐巾。

    Than picking up wadded-up napkins with gross stuff inside .