
  • 网络Food culture;Culinary Culture
  1. 除此之外,双方还将引进美国黑人音乐和影视娱乐产品,并在国内推广美国黑人餐饮文化。

    In addition , the strategic partnership will also introduce African-American music and film and TV entertainment products to China ; as well as uniquely African-American culinary culture .

  2. 试析安阳餐饮文化旅游资源的开发

    Exploitation of Tourism Resource of Food Culture in Anyang City

  3. 餐饮文化建设中的扬弃

    Sifting in the Construction of Dining and Drinking Culture

  4. 心路历程&食物旅游餐饮文化资源的开发

    Exploitation of tourism food culture resource

  5. 西北和湖南菜肴不是唯一入侵英国餐饮文化的。

    North-eastern and Hunanese cuisines are not the only ones making gradual inroads into British restaurant culture .

  6. 西方的食品和餐饮文化和中国略有不同。

    The culture of food and dining in the west is a little different from that in China .

  7. 餐饮文化营销充分运用了文化力量实现企业战略目标。

    The culture marketing is a new marketing stratagem , witch bring about business target with culture efficacy .

  8. 只有丰富的餐饮文化,才能使餐厅的形象丰满起来,唤起顾客的情感认同。

    Only colorful dining and drinking culture can well develop the image of restaurants and arouse the emotional approval of customers .

  9. 新加坡大海鲜是以风格鲜明的海鲜料理为主题,为宾客呈现独特的南洋海鲜餐饮文化。

    Deep Blue Singapore Seafood Restaurant , featuring unique seafood cuisine , is now bringing the splendid South Asian seafood culture to you .

  10. 餐饮文化是一个国家和民族在长期历史发展过程中逐渐形成和传承的一种饮食习惯和文化传统。

    Food culture is a habit and also a culture which formed gradually from the development of a state and an ethnic group .

  11. 在世界全球化进程的不断加快,中国传统餐饮文化强烈受到西方文化的冲击。

    In the accelerating process of globalization in the world , the traditional Chinese food culture is strongly influenced by the impact of Western culture .

  12. 丰富和完善已有的地方性餐饮文化、大量引入非本地的菜系餐馆、建立古城中相对集中的饮食一条街。

    We also can enrich and improve our local food culture , introduce different food from different places and set up a eating and drinking street .

  13. 更让我们感受到餐饮文化的大交流、大融合,共同打造中国菜国际文化品牌,创建和谐餐饮文化之魅力。

    Food made us feel grand cultural exchange , the fusion together to build international cultural brand of Chinese cuisine , catering to create a harmonious cultural charm .

  14. 首先了解朝鲜族的概况和餐饮文化,其中包括朝鲜民族的形成、发展,日常饮食习惯。

    First of all know the general situation of the Korean nationality and food culture , including north Korea national to the formation and development , the daily diet .

  15. 我国的餐饮文化源远流长,反映了人们饮食活动过程中关于饮食品质、审美体验、情感活动、社会功能等诸多方面的独特文化意蕴。

    China has a long food history , and it reflect the connotation of lots of aspect including food quality , aesthetic experience , emotion activity , and social function .

  16. 本文认为,素食餐饮文化丰富的内容与源远流长的历史为素食餐饮文化营销的运用和发展提供了雄厚的应用基础和广阔的发展空间。

    The authors point out that the abundant content and long history of vegetarian catering culture lay a solid foundation for the application and development of vegetarian catering culture marketing .

  17. 随着理论研究的深入和建设水平的提高,温室生态餐厅会朝着更科学的方向发展,将引领餐饮文化的新潮流。

    With the deepening of the research and the enhancing construction level , the greenhouse ecological restaurant will toward a more scientific direction , and it will lead a new trend in catering culture .

  18. 假日海滩由东至西划分为海上运动区、海鲜餐饮文化区、沙滩日浴区、休闲度假区四大功能区域。

    The Beach is comprised of four areas , in order from the east to west , namely Water Sports Zone , Seafood Delicacies & Beverages Zone , Beach Sunbathing Zone , Holiday Resorts .

  19. 他的抱怨颇具普遍性:空气污染严重、异常拥堵的交通以及仍显稚嫩的餐饮文化(尽管北京餐饮文化发展势头迅猛,但与纽约与伦敦相比,立马显得黯然失色)。

    His complaints are common : choking pollution , standstill traffic , and a restaurant scene which is still young ( although improving rapidly , Beijing is easily eclipsed by New York and London ) .

  20. 首先要了解快餐业及快餐家具市场现状,其次,快餐家具设计背后承载着丰厚的餐饮文化,其深刻内涵是造型以外蕴含的社会风俗习惯。

    First , fast food industry and fast food furniture market situation should be understood . Second , fast food furniture design bearing the rich food culture , its deep meaning is social customs beside products modeling .

  21. 室内景观文化就在公共空间设计中日益凸显其重要,室内景观作为人文内涵的载体之一,在餐饮文化形成中发挥着重要的作用,已成为室内空间景观设计的重点关注对象。

    Therefore interior landscape culture plays an important role in public space design . Interior landscaping is the one of the most important part that embodies the humanistic connotation , and plays an important role in the dining cultures forming .

  22. 广州作为岭南文化的中心,有食在广州的美称,其酒家园林是岭南园林研究的一个重要组成部分,餐饮文化的一大特色,是岭南文化、饮食文化与建筑文化高度融合的结晶。

    The restaurant garden is an important part of LingNan garden , and the food culture is a major feature of LingNan culture . So the restaurant garden building is a highly integrated form of LingNan culture , food culture and architectural culture .

  23. 这个计划还与宾馆、餐饮和文化元素相联。

    Our initiative is also linked with hotels , catering and cultural elements .

  24. 因此多数高校存在不同区域、不同分校、多餐饮企业文化并存的现代高校饮食管理系统。

    This explains the modern college catering management system appeared in most colleges , highlighting the coexistence of varied regions , campuses , and multi catering industrial culture .

  25. 伦敦拥有世界金融中心和欧洲跳板的优势,英国的高级工程、基础设施、零售餐饮、文化创意、生命科技及医药等领域也具有诸多有价值的投资机会。

    London is a global financial hub . It can be a springboard for Chinese companies to go to Europe . Britain holds out great investment opportunities in engineering , creative industry , life science and pharmaceutics .

  26. 通过对陶陶居的研究,了解到广州社会的历史百态,为岭南的商业文化,尤其是其中的餐饮业文化提供史料和借鉴,这就是研究陶陶居的出发点和归属点。

    Through the " Tao Taoju " study , about the history of Guangzhou Academy of social phenomena , to Lingnan commercial culture , especially catering culture of historical materials and references , this is the study of " Tao Taoju " the starting point and the point of belonging .

  27. 第三章从理论高度分析清真餐饮业的文化与社会资本,总结出清真餐饮业现代性转型理论。

    Chapter three analyzes it 's cultural and social capital theoretically in order to sum up the modernity transformation theory of it .

  28. 通过对其旅游业的研究提出改善其淡旺季经济、餐饮业、文化娱乐服务业的经营状况的措施。

    Through analyzing the tourism research are presented to improve its season economy , catering , entertainment and cultural services operating status measures .

  29. 基于餐饮业的企业文化构建制度模型研究

    Research on the System Model for Corporate Culture Building Based on the Catering Industry

  30. 餐饮的灵魂是文化,文化是餐饮企业的竞争力和生命力所在。

    Culture , the soul of catering industry , is the key part of competition and the vitality in F & B enterprises .