
  1. 厨房提供24小时餐饮服务,可通过前台进行联系。

    The kitchen maintains a twenty-four hour service and can be contacted via Reception

  2. 学校餐饮服务以特许权经营。

    Catering in the schools is run on a franchise basis .

  3. 餐饮服务经营者可以对参与“光盘行动”的消费者给予奖励。

    Catering service providers can reward customers who eat everything they order .

  4. 餐饮服务经营者可以对造成明显浪费的消费者收取处理厨余垃圾的相应费用,收费标准应当明示。

    Catering service providers could charge customers who leave excessive amount of leftovers a disposal fee , but rates for the charge must be clearly advertised .

  5. 餐饮服务提供者可以根据剩菜量对消费者收取相应费用。

    Catering service providers can ask consumers who waste too much food to pay a fee based on the amount of their leftovers , it said .

  6. 试运行期间,受邀客人将在指定日期体验主题公园中部分景点、娱乐设施、演出和餐饮服务。

    During trial operations , invited guests will experience selected rides , attractions , shows and dining services throughout the Universal Studios Beijing theme park on designated dates .

  7. 草案要求餐饮服务提供者引导消费者按需适量点餐,菜单应提供更多菜品信息及不同规格选择。

    The draft law requires catering service providers to guide consumers to order food in accordance with their actual needs . Their menus should include more information and offer different dish sizes , it said .

  8. 草案规定,餐饮服务提供者诱导、误导消费者超量点餐造成明显浪费的,由市场监督管理部门给予警告,拒不改正的,处一千元以上一万元以下罚款。

    Catering service providers may face a fine ranging from 1000 yuan to 10000 yuan if they encourage or mislead consumers into ordering excessive quantities of food which causes waste , and refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by market supervision departments , according to the draft law .

  9. 餐饮服务业废水的COD(cr)与BOD5相关研究

    Research on correlation between COD_ ( cr ) and BOD_5 of restaurant industry wastewater

  10. BPR在服务业的应用&一个集中式餐饮服务流程改造的案例研究

    Application of BPR in Service Indusry & A case study on BPR in a mass refectory service process

  11. 70%的乘客可以忍受迟钝的飞行餐饮服务,却无法忍受缓慢的WiFi连接。

    Seven in 10 would be more frustrated by a slow connection than by slow food or beverage service .

  12. 那份工作是科尔进入餐饮服务行业的介绍信,同时也是她迈向Cinnamon总裁宝座的第一步。

    It was her introduction to the food service industry and also the first step toward becoming the head honcho at Cinnabon .

  13. 本月,中国两大房地产开发商万科(Vanke)和碧桂园(CountryGarden)称,它们将开始在其住宅区内提供老年人护理、课外班和餐饮服务。

    Two of China 's biggest property developers , Vanke and Country Garden , this month said they will start providing elderly care , after-school classes and catering in their residential areas .

  14. 2005年,经营提供餐饮服务的日式居酒屋的和民有限公司(WatamiCo.)开始涉足养老院经营这一全新业务。

    In 2005 , Watami Co. , which operates Japanese-style izakaya pubs serving food and drinks , entered a new business of running nursing homes .

  15. 在享受Aman度假酒店提供的多种富有特色的餐饮服务、水疗和休闲设施的同时,客人还可以领略到Aman具有江南特色的建筑风格。

    Reflecting traditional architecture in the south China , the resort also features a variety of dinning areas , a comprehensive spa and a range of recreational facilities .

  16. 来自伦敦的某科技企业高管、英国航空公司的顶级贵宾杰米?摩尔(JamieMoore)表示,虽然短途航班的餐饮服务与日俱下,但他认为洲际长途航班的餐饮水平似乎提高了。

    Jamie Moore , a London technology executive and top-tier flier on British Airways , says that while food service has gone downhill on shorter flights , he thinks food on long trips across oceans has subtly improved .

  17. 创新机制推进餐饮服务环节食品安全监管

    Innovate Mechanism to Advance the Food Safety Supervision in Catering Service

  18. 您好,这里是行政餐饮服务,我是安娜。

    Woman : Hello , Executive Catering Services , Anna speaking .

  19. 提高餐饮服务质量可靠性的重要措施

    Important Measures of Increasing Quality-Dependability of the Food and Beverage Service

  20. 对于餐饮服务,要求加强管理,展现优秀服务质量。

    The food served to strengthen management and good quality of service .

  21. 乌鲁木齐市餐饮服务业污染现状及管理对策探讨

    Discussion on Pollution Status and Management Countermeasure of Catering Trade in Urumqi

  22. 应用供应链管理提升高校餐饮服务水平

    Applying supplying chain to promote the level of catering service in colleges

  23. 为您公司各类形式的会议,提供全方位餐饮服务。

    Provide complete food & beverage service for company meeting .

  24. 酒店将为您提供一流的餐饮服务。

    Our hotel will offer first-class food and beverage service for you .

  25. 基于服务接触理论的餐饮服务交互模式研究

    Interactive Model of Catering Service based on Service Encounter Theory

  26. 在这其中,餐饮服务扮演着重要的角色。

    During this process , Chinese food service plays a significant role .

  27. 浅谈小型餐饮服务业排污申报登记

    Preliminary Study on Discharge Reporting and Registering of Small Restaurant Service Business

  28. 白宫每年要为70000名客人提供餐饮服务。

    The white house serves food to70000 guests a year .

  29. 人事部经理——帮助人们脱离餐饮服务行业

    Hiring Manager - Helping People Get Out of the Food Service Industry

  30. 论顾客心理需求与餐饮服务的关系

    On the relationship between restaurant & beverage service and customers ' psychological needs