
  • 网络business engine;Enabler;service enabler
  1. 本项目的成果是中国电信3G业务引擎设备选型的依据,将直接支撑中国电信集团公司3G数据业务发展和3G业务运营,对中国电信的移动数据业务发展有积极的影响。

    The results will be the foundation of service enabler estimation when China Telecom constructs its 3G mobile digital service network . It will significantly influence future mobile digital services of China Telecom .

  2. 基于IMS的Group业务引擎的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Group Enabler Based on IMS

  3. RationalRapidDeveloper的XML映射能力提供了在同业务引擎进行交互时的一个巨大的帮助。

    The XML mapping capabilities of Rational Rapid Developer were a significant help in interacting with the rules engine .

  4. 核心路由器中业务引擎交换吞吐量研究

    Research on Switching Throughput of Traffic Manager in Core Routers

  5. 本文给出了核心路由器中业务引擎吞吐量分析的一般模型,并应用此模型研究了实际设计的用于OC-48c接口的业务引擎。

    We made a general model to analyze switching throughput of traffic manager in core routers .

  6. 系统采用监控技术监控各个业务引擎节点的系统信息与业务信息,同时结合容错技术使系统在单个业务引擎节点失效后能自动启用备用引擎。

    The sub-system uses monitoring technology to get system information and business information , it also uses fault tolerance techniques combined with monitoring technology to support automatic switchover to the stand-by business processing engine if active node fails to work .

  7. 告诉业务流程引擎如何定位流程流活动中所用的Web服务。

    Inform the business process engine how to locate the web services utilized within the process flow activities .

  8. WebSphereProcessServer中的业务流程引擎使用几个链式事务来处理长期运行流。

    The business process engine in WebSphere Process Server processes long-running flows using a number of chained transactions .

  9. BusinessRuleTask表示将由某种类型的业务规则引擎执行的活动。

    A Business Rule Task represents an activity that is to be performed by a business rules engine of some kind .

  10. WebSphereProcessServer是一个高性能的业务处理引擎,它安全、连贯地运行关键业务流程,并且保持事务的完整性。

    WebSphere Process Server is a high-performance , business-process engine that runs critical business processes securely , consistently and with transactional integrity .

  11. 业务流程引擎执行流程模型时会通过它的Web服务接口创建一个可运行的流程实例。

    The execution of the process model by a business process engine creates an operational instance of the process with its web service interfaces .

  12. 于是,我们就可以在业务流程引擎(businessprocessengine)内对复杂的、实际的企业流程进行建模和直接执行(更多时候是在引擎上立即执行)。

    As a result , complex , real-world enterprise processes can be modeled and directly executed within a business process engine ( more on which momentarily ) .

  13. 基于EJB的业务规则引擎的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Business Rule Engine Based on EJB

  14. 通常情况下,SOA都将依赖于业务流程引擎实现系统功能流转。

    Most often , a Service Oriented Architecture would rely on a business process engine to perform this function .

  15. 业务流程引擎通常是Web应用程序服务器的运行时的一部分;它管理正执行的流程的流动和控制权。

    The business process engine is usually part of a Web application server 's runtime ; it manages the flow and control of a process that is being executed .

  16. 首先介绍了EJB,然后从设计和实现两个方面讨论了一种基于EJB的业务规则引擎技术。

    This paper first introduces EJB , then discusses a technology of business rule engine based on EJB from design and implementation .

  17. 用户输入搜索词并点击Search按钮后,控制转移到Bonita的业务流程引擎。

    After the user enters a search keyword and clicks the Search button , control is transferred to Bonita 's business process engine .

  18. 显然,在真实的场景中,可以使用外部业务规则引擎(比如ILOGRules)在外部实现这个业务逻辑。

    Clearly in a real world scenario , an external business rules engine , such as ILOG Rules , might be used to externalize this business logic .

  19. 一旦用BPELXML流语言描述了流程,业务流程引擎就必须解释流程描述以便执行和管理业务事务。

    Once a process is described using the BPEL XML flow language , a business process engine must interpret the process description in order to execute and manage the business transaction .

  20. 构建了集成平台的结构模型并分析了模型涉及的接口技术、网络传输技术、业务流程引擎、XML相关技术等具体应用。

    The structure model of the integrated platform was built up . Analysis was made on the concrete application of interface technology , network transmission technology , business process engine and other XML technology that the model concerns .

  21. 例如,不要通过一个流来处理大图像,一个以文件名或图像ID形式指向图像的指针将大大减小业务流引擎中的开销。

    Instead of e.g.passing large images through a flow , a pointer to the image in form of a file name or image id causes much less overhead in the business flow engine .

  22. 这意味着WCF开发人员能够利用BizTalkServer的能力,如编制引擎和业务规则引擎,自动地完成服务的路由。

    This means that WCF developers can take advantage of BizTalk Server capabilities such as the orchestration engine and the business rules engine to automate service routing .

  23. 但协调工具和事务工具的使用将由业务流程引擎根据BPEL流程描述结构来管理。

    However , the use of the coordination and transaction facilities will be managed by the business process engine based on the structure of the BPEL process description .

  24. 除了以上这些,Seam支持整合开源JBossjBPM业务程序引擎,大大提升了Web应用中的状态管理。

    In addition to all the above , Seam takes state management in web applications a big step further by supporting integration with the Open Source JBoss jBPM business process engine .

  25. 通常,刚接触这一类框架的用户会认为他们将要在专门的机器上安装一个中心化的业务流程引擎,但对于jBPM而言恰恰相反。

    Commonly , users that are new to this kind of framework think that they will install a Centralized Business Process Engine on a dedicated machine , but with jBPM it 's the opposite .

  26. 基于业务规则引擎的费用审核系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Expense Approval System Based on Rule Engine

  27. 业务规则引擎技术提高了企业应用系统性能。

    The technology of business rule engine improves capability of enterprise application system .

  28. 业务规则引擎支持用相应的规则语言表达的规则的评估。它们的主要功能是管理事实的集合,并评估由几个断言之一组成的规则组。

    Business rules engines support evaluation of rules expressed in a corresponding rules language .

  29. 业务处理引擎采用内存数据库对大量业务进行缓存。

    Memory database technology is introduced to business processing engine which increases business processing speed .

  30. 业务流程引擎支持流程活动执行的协调和它们之间数据传播。

    The business process engine supports coordination of process activities execution and propagation of data between them .