
  • 网络Business Process Design
  1. 当今有很多关于重要主题的培训可供选择,例如业务流程设计,SOA分析和设计,架构等等。

    Michael : There is lots of training available today on important topics such as business process design , SOA analysis and design , architecture etc.

  2. 论文先采用基于SOA的工作流系统模型,把工作流技术与面向服务的设计思想结合起来,将逻辑控制部分与业务流程设计部分相分离,实现松耦合的架构。

    A workflow system model based-SOA is mentioned firstly . It combines workflow technology with service-oriented designing ideas while separating the logic control part from the business process design , and achieves a loosely coupled architecture .

  3. 第四,提出了一种基于Web动态报表系统模型,并对该系统进行了总体设计,业务流程设计,数据表设计。

    Fourth , this paper proposed a Web-based dynamic report system model , and overall designed , business process designed , and table designed the system .

  4. 在业务流程设计中,用Petri网对大部分业务逻辑加以描述,以优化运输子系统;

    In the business flow design , Petri net was adopted to describe most business logics in order to optimize the transportation subsystem ;

  5. BPMN是一种专门针对业务流程设计优化的标准。

    BPMN is a standard optimized for designing business processes .

  6. 基于上述需求,通过分析该五金公司的业务流程设计出了以集团公司的SAP为依托的这样一个进销存系统,该系统对五金公司的采购、销售和库存进行了全面管理。

    Based on these requirements , a Purchasing , Selling and Storing system is designed on the platform of SAP system applied in the company .

  7. 首先,从现有支持长事务的业务流程设计语言和理论研究中,抽象出了基于进程代数的长事务设计语言BaT。

    First , an algebra-based design language BaT is abstracted from current business process implementation languages and theoretical work supporting long-running transactions .

  8. 基于WS-BPEL的业务流程设计研究

    Research on Design of Business Process Management Based on WS-BPEL

  9. 叙述了CIS的主要功能,并通过自身实践,探讨CIS在军队医院实施中的业务流程设计、数据共享、标准化以及质量控制等问题。

    This paper introduces the functions of CIS and discusses the service flow design , data share , standardization and quality control of CIS .

  10. 在完成需求分析之后,开始对Conductor的总体设计进行了全面而细致的阐述,这包括Conductor界面的总体设计,业务流程设计,数据库设计以及相关服务的设计四个大的方面。

    After the analysis , paper start to do comprehensive introduction of the high level design of Conductor , these designs include the UI design , the business process design , database design and service design .

  11. 分析了将DEA法用于跨组织业务流程设计方案综合评价的实施方法,解决了跨组织业务流程多个设计方案的择优问题。

    In order to solve the problem of selecting the superior from multiple design plans , this paper has analyzed how to use DEA method for the comprehensive evaluation of interorganizational business process design plans .

  12. DaveIngs)BPMN定义了建模(业务流程设计)环境,而BPEL标准定义了部署(运行时)环境的核心。

    ( IBM , Dave Ings ) BPMN defines the modeling ( business process design ) environment whereas the BPEL standard defines the core of the deployment ( runtime ) environment .

  13. 合同模块的业务流程设计主要采用工作流技术。

    The system was built with workflow technology in contract module .

  14. 电子商务环境下跨组织业务流程设计和评价研究

    The Study on Interorganizational Business Process Redesign and Evaluation in Electronic Commerce

  15. 完成了图书管理系统的业务流程设计和系统实现的详细设计;

    Designed the system of operation flow - process and system achievement ;

  16. 同时对轻量级工作流技术进行了分析,对工作流引擎设计和业务流程设计进行了论述,并将其引入到系统中,实现了对系统的可视化流程控制。

    Also the lightweight workflow and engine design are discussed in this paper .

  17. 动态-程序正文的执行模型驱动的业务流程设计工具的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Model-Driven Business Process Designer

  18. 纳税筹划中的业务流程设计

    Business Process Design in Tax Paying Arrangement

  19. 主要内容包括系统架构设计以及系统功能模块的业务流程设计。

    The main content includes system architecture design and the modular design of business processes .

  20. 管理业务流程设计方法研究

    Study on Design Method of Management Process

  21. 业务流程设计对于企业业务流程的建立和重组的成功与否往往起到了至关重要的作用。

    Business process design is vital for the success of enterprise business process built and reengineer .

  22. 捕获业务流程设计。

    Capture business process design .

  23. 这包括模式,服务描述,业务流程设计模型,策略文档等等。

    This includes such things as schemas , service descriptions , business process design models , policy documents and so on .

  24. 优秀业务流程设计的关键是人工任务与服务(自动化的)任务之间的区别。

    At the heart of good business process design is the distinction between a human task and a service ( automated ) task .

  25. 对A公司管理信息系统进行了总体设计,包括系统业务流程设计,软硬件平台配置、总体架构设计等。

    Make overall-design to the OP MIS in A Company , including operation flow design , soft and hard ware platform allocation , overall-structure design .

  26. 从业务流程设计背景、理论依据、研究方法、设计原则和要点,阐明了卓越运维流程体系的设计思路。

    From business process design background , theoretical basis , research methods , design principles and elements to clarify the outstanding operation process system design ideas .

  27. 提出了银行呼叫中心项目的项目规划、总体方案和业务流程设计。

    The thesis also proposes the project planning , the overall scheme , and the business flow designing of the project of the bank 's call-center .

  28. 最后,从财务组织架构、业务流程设计、IT系统设计三个方面对中国移动以以集中核算支点的更深层次的财务集中管理方案进行了设计。

    Finally , design the China 's mobile financial management program from the three aspects of financial organization structure , business process design , IT system design .

  29. 作为一种高度有效的业务流程设计、改进和优化技术,六西格玛已经成为企业追求卓越的重要战略举措。

    As a most effective business flow design , improvement and optimization technology , 6 σ has become the most important strategy pursued by enterprises reaching for excellence .

  30. 设计方案主要包括总体架构设计、功能分析、数据库设计、业务流程设计、界面设计以及实际应用效果分析几个部分。

    The design content includes the overall architecture , function demand analysis , database design , business process design , user interface design , and application effect analysis .