
  • 网络Business process improvement;BPI
  1. 六西格玛与业务流程改进

    Six Sigma vs Business Process Improvement

  2. 此方法允许组织支持通过连续的业务流程改进周期重新设计迭代过程。

    This approach enables organizations to support iterative process re-engineering through a continuous business process improvement cycle .

  3. 同时,将ERP管理中的业务流程改进通过企业数据预处理来实现;

    With the data pre-disposal , the management of business flow improvement was finished ;

  4. 平衡计分卡方法还可以和业务流程改进项目联系起来,以便组织更好地进行战略的实施。

    The BSC may connect the project operation process with the strategy carrying into effect .

  5. 业务流程改进包括现有的业务流程管理、业务流程再造、流程管理工具及六西格玛管理等。

    It includes the existing business process management , business process reengineering , process management tools and Six Sigma .

  6. 最佳解决方案可以通过包含着业务流程改进(以面向服务的形式)、技术以及恰当业务规划的综合战略来实现。

    The best solution is attained through an integrated strategy that includes business process improvement ( in the form of service orientation ), technology , and an appropriate business strategy .

  7. 业务流程的改进-一般而言,任何SOA与业务流程的再次思考都是相关的。

    Business Process Improvements-Typically any SOA is associated with a rethinking of business processes .

  8. 论文以制造企业ERP系统的实施为背景,提出了一个面向制造企业的BPM与ERP的融合框架,以及在此框架下的业务流程循环改进模型。

    Against the background of the ERP implementation , a BPM-ERP integrated framework of manufacturing enterprises is put forward , as well as the Process Improvement Model based on the integrated framework in this article .

  9. 三是,建立了业务流程持续改进机制。

    Thirdly it sets up a continuous improvement system of the business processes .

  10. 您还需要帮助改进并编制业务流程以改进数据管理。

    You may also need to help improve and document business processes to improve data management .

  11. 分析现有业务流程,改进不足之处,进行企业的业务流程再造。

    Analysis the current business processes , find insufficiency , and carry out business process rebuilding . 3 .

  12. 此次系统规划的过程主要遵循的原则为业务流程的改进、优化和重组的三阶段方式。

    The system planning process the main principles for business process improvement , optimization and reorganization of the three stage method .

  13. 当我们看到纯手工的操作例如家务管理时,就更容易发现自动控制和业务流程的改进机会。

    Discovering the automation and business process improvement opportunities becomes more obvious when we look at purely manual processes , such as housekeeping .

  14. 提出了改进的基本思路、整体方案和改进的基本原则。进行了组织机构和检验业务流程的改进方案的实施措施研究。

    The basic consideration , integral plan and basic principle for innovation is put forward , study on measures for innovation plan of organizational mechanism and inspection process is carried out .

  15. 新闻出版业迫切需要整合出版资源、优化内部业务流程、改进和加强管理、提高决策水平和服务水平,从而提高综合竞争力。

    In order to improve integrative rivalrousness , Press and Publication needs immediately to conform publication resource optimize inside operation flow improve and enhance management improve the level of decision-making and service .

  16. 然后对JTPS营销业务流程进行分析改进,减少不必要的环节,缩短流程流转时间,提高客户满意度。

    Then JTPS marketing analysis to improve business processes and reduce unnecessary links , reducing the flow circulation time , improving customer satisfaction .

  17. 作业分解在业务流程分析和改进中的应用国产磷酸阿奇霉素体外抗菌作用试验

    The use of activity decomposing in process analyzing and ameliorating Antibacterial Activity in Vitro of Domestic Azithromycin Phosphate

  18. 随着企业管理水平的和业务流程的不断改进,系统架构和功能还将进一步的完善和提高。

    As the level of enterprise management and business process continuous improvement , system architecture and function will also be further perfected and improved .

  19. 并通过施工总进度分析与优化、主要业务流程仿真运行改进,验证了该方法的可行性及实效性。

    And the progress of construction through analysis and optimization , simulation run major business process improvement , test the feasibility of the method and effectiveness .

  20. 作为一种高度有效的业务流程设计、改进和优化技术,六西格玛已经成为企业追求卓越的重要战略举措。

    As a most effective business flow design , improvement and optimization technology , 6 σ has become the most important strategy pursued by enterprises reaching for excellence .

  21. 最后根据本文提出的烟草行业的动态同城配送新模式,对济南市烟草配送公司业务流程进行了改进,证实了该模型的可行性和应用价值。

    At last , the " dynamic distribution model " is used to improve the work efficiency of the Jinan tobacco distribution company , so that to confirm the possibility of building up it and the application value .

  22. 在此背景下,众多中小民营企业迫切需要通过业务流程的持续改进来促进管理创新和效益长优,实现流程优化的良性循环和持续发展,有力提升企业的核心竞争力。

    Against this backdrop , many private enterprises to the urgent need for continuous improvement through business processes to facilitate management innovation and effectiveness of long-good , to achieve a virtuous cycle of process optimization and continued development of a strong enhance their core competitiveness .

  23. 这次初步成功使AtlasAir开始考虑对其从购买到支付的业务流程实施流程管理改进。

    Success with this initial step allowed Atlas Air the flexibility to consider and commence process management improvements in their purchase to pay business process .

  24. 较之BPMN,人们更需要业务流程的管理并改进。

    There is so much more to managing business processes , and improving them , than BPMN .

  25. 对业务流程的识别、改进、再造进行了简单介绍。

    A briefing was given in the paper about the business process identification , improvement and re-engineering .

  26. 本文介绍了对平台中的业务流程进行监控、改进和完善的方法。

    We monitor all the business processes on the platform , and modify the problems of each business process , and perfect each business process .

  27. 如有必要,参与公司业务流程或系统改造项目,为公司业务及流程的改进提出建议。

    If necessary , participating in the business system / process re-engineering projects , providing advisory service for the improvement .

  28. 阐述水路内贸集装箱运输业务流程分类及水路内贸集装箱运输单证作用,分析整箱货物门到门交货的水路内贸集装箱运输业务流程,提出改进建议。

    For waterway container transportation in the internal trade , the operational flow is classified and the function of simple document is analyzed . This paper discusses about the operational flow of door-to-door transportation mode and proposes some improving measures .

  29. 基于工作流技术的业务流程管理的目标是提供任何类型流程的控制和视图,在此基础上进行可靠的评估以对业务流程进行分析和改进。

    The business process management objective based on workflow technology is to provide whatever types of process control and view and conduct a reliable assessment of the business process , in order to do analysis and make an improvement of it .

  30. 业务流程管理基于计算机网络技术以及工作流、企业应用集成、XML等技术。它从业务流程的角度对企业进行全方位的管理,并支持业务流程的持续改进。

    Business process management base on computer network technology and work flow , Enterprise Application Integration , XML technology , etc. It manage the enterprise from the perspective of business process , and support the continued improvement of business processes .