
  • 网络business process outsourcing;BPO;IT-BPO;BPO Business Process Outsourcing
  1. 大连市的统计数据仍没有将软件和业务流程外包数据区别开来。

    City statistics still do not distinguish between software and BPO .

  2. YX公司是西安的一家业务流程外包企业,主要从事的业务有数据处理和图像处理等。业务的性质决定了YX公司的骨干是高科技人员。

    YX company is one of BPO enterprises , and mainly engaged in the data processing and image processing , etc. The nature of business determines that the backbone of YX company is high-tech personnel .

  3. 中国承接业务流程外包的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of China Undertaking Business Process Outsourcing

  4. BPR使得日桑公司业务流程外包得到更好的效益。

    Finally , makes the business process outsourcing better benefits .

  5. 这叫做业务流程外包,或简称BPO,尚处于设计构想阶段。

    That 's business process outsourcing , or BPO , in nerd talk .

  6. 在这样的背景下,全球BPO(业务流程外包)产业正在高速发展。

    Thanks to this trend , the global Business Process Outsourcing ( BPO ) Industry is under high development .

  7. 英国华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)发布的一项权威IT及业务流程外包业研究报告显示,未来20年,印度仍将在这一快速增长领域保持主导地位,而中国则难以与其比肩。

    India will remain a dominant force in IT and business process outsourcing for two decades , while China will struggle to match its success , says an authoritative study on the fast-growing industry by the Warwick Business School in the UK .

  8. 利用AHP模型分析了业务流程外包承接地的竞争因素的构成及其各组成部分的权重,按照各竞争因素的重要性进行了划分。

    With the AHP Model , the composition of those factors for places competing to undertake the outsourcing and their respective weight in the total composition has been analyzed , and those factors has been divided according to their importance .

  9. 金融BPO,即金融业务流程外包,是指金融企业将部分非核心业务流程委托给专业服务商来完成。

    Financial Business Processing Outsourcing ( BPO ) is that financial institutes outsource some non-core or non-major business to external service companies , and commission them to perform these businesses .

  10. 流程的不易测量性降低了奖惩强度。(4)在BPO交易价值函数为柯布道格拉斯生产函数的两项业务流程外包中,使用了激励机制。

    The measurement difficulty of business process lowers the R & P Intensity factor . ( 4 ) In two business processes outsourcing with Cobb-Douglas production function , incentive mechanism is used .

  11. 服务外包主要以信息技术外包(ITO)和业务流程外包(BPO)为主,已经成为拉动经济发展的重要手段,并成为全球瞩目的焦点。

    Service outsourcing is based on information technology outsourcing ( ITO ) and business process outsourcing ( BPO ) . It has become an important means to promote economic development and become the focus in the world .

  12. 信息不对称下业务流程外包的双向选择模型

    The Mutual Selection Model for Business Process Outsourcing under Asymmetric Information

  13. 不过,中国也有一些显而易见的业务流程外包领域可以开发。

    China , however , has some obvious BPO niches to exploit .

  14. 这种业务流程外包策略不仅大胆,而且带来了重大改变。

    This business process outsourcing strategy was bold and a big change .

  15. 业务流程外包的概念化分析

    A conceptual analysis of business-process outsourcing

  16. 在这种大势所趋之下,业务流程外包服务提供了非常大的帮助。

    In such a trend under the business process outsourcing services provide a very big help .

  17. 业务流程外包领域可能会有些放缓,但规模不大。

    There is probably some slowdown in the business process outsourcing business , but not a massive one .

  18. 卢比最近的强势与印度在软件业的实力以及最近兴起的将电话中心等项目的业务流程外包有一定的关系。

    India 's prowess in software and the mushrooming of " business-process outsourcing " in such projects as call-centres .

  19. 本文首先对信任概念和维度、信任修复、业务流程外包的研究文献进行了回顾。

    The first business trust , trust relationship of trust repair process outsourcing and business process outsourcing literature review .

  20. 在菲律宾,业务流程外包的这一行业的崛起已经成为一种现象了。

    The rise of what is known as business-process outsourcing ( BPO ) in the Philippines has been nothing short of phenomenal .

  21. 业务流程外包已经成为欧美等发达国家金融企业提高核心竞争力的主要手段。

    Now financial BPO has become one of the major measures to improve their core competitiveness in developed countries of European and America .

  22. 这种热情意味着,大连正成为一个针对中国、日本和韩国客户的业务流程外包服务重镇。

    Such enthusiasm means Dalian is emerging as an important provider of BPO services for customers in China , Japan and South Korea .

  23. 软件与业务流程外包出口从零增长到200亿美元,这一数字2008年将增长到350亿美元。

    Software and business-process outsourcing exports have grown from practically nothing to $ 20 billion and are expected to reach $ 35 billion by2008 .

  24. 菲律宾业务流程外包行业已经征服了呼叫中心市场,现在的大问题是它是否能提升企业价值链。

    The big question is whether the Philippine BPO industry , having conquered the call-centre market , can now move up the value chain .

  25. 同时,业务流程外包服务也简化了业务管理中诸多繁琐的内部流程,提高了员工的满意度。

    Meanwhile , the business process outsourcing services will simplify the enterprise management of a number of complicated internal processes , and improve employee satisfaction .

  26. 由偶发性外包、业务流程外包到模块化外包,加速了服务产业组织的变革,服务企业逐渐呈现出模块化组织的状态。

    By being outsourcing , business process outsourcing , modular outsourcing , accelerate the transformation of the service industry organization , service enterprise showing a modular organization .

  27. 业务流程外包对自主创新贡献度研究四川观光农业发展对策&以自贡为例

    The Contribution Degree of BPO to the Capability of Independent Innovation ; Countermeasures for the Development of Tourism Agriculture in Sichuan & A Case Study of Zigong

  28. 这些都为中国承接业务流程外包,迎接新一轮的产业转移创造了良好的机遇和条件。

    All these have created great opportunities and conditions for China to grow its business process outsourcing ( BPO ) and embrace this new round of industry transfer .

  29. 本文同时设计了企业业务流程外包实践方案和绩效指标体系,便于客观、公正地进行企业范围内的业务流程外包管理。

    This paper also designed the enterprise business process outsourcing practice program and performance indicator system to facilitate objective and impartial conduct of an enterprise-wide business process outsourcing management .

  30. 靳国卫表示,软件销售额的增长相对稳定,而业务流程外包收入也正以每年60%至70%的速度增长,业务流程外包市场的机会非常大。

    And while software sales are relatively steady , BPO revenues are growing by 60-70 per cent a year , Mr Jin says : The BPO market opportunity is very big .