
  • 网络Exit strategy;WITHDRAWAL STRATEGY
  1. 1936年至1937年,美联储(Fed)曾在退出战略方面犯下严重错误。

    In 1936-37 , the Federal Reserve made a colossal mistake in its exit strategy .

  2. 正如亨利基辛格(HenryKissinger)所说,退出战略变成了只讲退出,毫无战略可言。

    The exit strategy , as Henry Kissinger has observed , has become all exit and no strategy .

  3. 北约(NATO)退出战略,取决于单个地区逐一过渡到阿富汗政府控制之下。

    The NATO exit strategy is pinned to the transition of individual districts to Afghan government control on a one-by-one basis .

  4. rockbridge强调,它并不急于确定退出战略。

    Rockbridge insists it is in no hurry to decide an exit strategy .

  5. 财政政策的退出战略,是八国集团(G8)财长本周六议程的首要内容,在这一点上,欧洲显得比其它地区更为急切。

    Fiscal policy exit strategies were at the top of the Group of Eight finance ministers ' agenda on Saturday , with the Europeans in greater haste than others .

  6. 美国政府将于本月底公布的一项审计,将令人对构建阿富汗兵力和警力的250亿美元努力产生质疑,从而打击美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)退出战略的基石。

    A US government audit to be released at the end of this month will cast doubt on the $ 25bn effort to build Afghan military and police forces , a blow to the cornerstone of President Barack Obama 's exit strategy .

  7. 在启程前往伦敦参加20国集团(G20)财长会议之前,盖特纳在美国财政部发表讲话。他说,这些退出战略对金融市场的信心非常重要。

    Speaking at the US Treasury before flying to London for a meeting of finance ministers of the G20 group of nations , Mr Geithner said these exit strategies were very important to confidence of the financial markets .

  8. 会议纪要还显示,美联储倾向于改变其宽松货币政策的退出战略。按照这一战略,美联储将持有抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)至到期,而不会出售这些证券。

    The minutes also showed that the Fed was leaning towards a change in its exit strategy from easy monetary policy , under which it would hold mortgage-backed securities until they mature instead of selling them .

  9. 在考虑退出战略时,我引用了WPP首席执行官马丁索雷尔爵士(SirMartinSorrell)创造的一个表意符号:LUV,分别描述了欧洲、北美和新兴经济体的复苏轨迹。

    In considering the exit strategy , I cited an ideogram invented by Sir Martin Sorrell of WPP : LUV , which describes the shape of the recoveries of European , North American and emerging economies respectively .

  10. 上周,美国白宫预算办公室主任彼得奥扎格(PeterOrszag)宣布了自己的退出战略。他表示他将辞职;他的同僚们表示(尽管他否认这点),白宫在中期财政控制上的犹豫不决让他失望。

    Last week its budget director , Peter Orszag , disclosed his own . He said he was quitting ; colleagues said ( though he denied ) that he was frustrated by White House indecision over medium-term fiscal control .

  11. 荷兰财政大臣乌特博斯(wouterbos)警告说:“我们需要考虑退出战略,因为庞大的赤字最终将威胁到欧元。”

    Wouter BOS , the Dutch finance minister , warned : " we will need to think about exit strategies , because in the end the huge deficits will threaten the euro . "

  12. 因此,本次峰会的重点,应当是协调各国的退出战略。

    Co-ordinating exit strategies is therefore the priority at this summit .

  13. 我国国有饭店产权退出战略

    On Property Right Withdrawing Strategies of China 's State-owned Hotels

  14. 美联储信贷宽松政策的退出战略分析

    The Exit Strategy of the Fed 's " Easy Credit " Policy

  15. 市场退出战略是企业战略选择的重要内容。

    Market withdrawal strategy is an important content in enterprise strategy selectivity .

  16. 论创业资本的退出战略

    A Study on the Exit Strategy of Venture Capital

  17. 创业投资机构的投资退出战略

    Strategies of Investment Withdraw for Venture Investment Organisations

  18. 对退出战略不要太看重。

    Don 't obsess over an exit strategy .

  19. 论企业的市场退出战略

    The Research on the Market Withdrawal Strategy

  20. 国有商业银行实施低效信贷客户退出战略初探

    Probe into the Lower-efficiency Credit Customers Withdrawing Strategy Carried out by the State-owned Commercial Banks

  21. 这都是政府新退出战略的组成部分,“逆向心理”。

    It 's all part of the Administration 's new exit strategy , 'Reverse Psychology .

  22. 道德上惟一可接受的退出战略是将预防艾滋病毒感染放在首位。

    The only ethically acceptable exit strategy is to prevent HIV infections in the first place .

  23. 处于衰退期的企业,应该实行战略创新,合理选择退出战略。

    Enterprises hi decline stage of industries should innovate actively or choose to withdraw strategy rationally .

  24. 对于政府部门不宜长期发挥作用的领域,他们还需要制定一项退出战略。

    They also need an exit strategy for those areas in which it has no long-term role .

  25. 所有这一切,使得各国及全球退出战略的落实成为一个敏锐判断的问题。

    All this makes the implementation of national and global exit strategies a matter of exquisite judgment .

  26. 本文根据创业投资的运作过程,创造性地提出了我国创业投资机构的投资退出战略。

    Based on the process of venture capital 's operation , it puts forward the strategies of investment withdrawal .

  27. 因此在1936年,高桥着手实施退出战略,减少公共支出,收紧货币政策。

    So in 1936 , Takahashi embarked on an exit strategy , cutting public spending and tightening monetary policy .

  28. 但美国在考虑打击计划的退出战略时,内部出现不同的声音,文职官员对各种军事行动方案的可行性提出异议;

    However , there was different voice from the State Department about the feasibility and about the exit strategy .

  29. 如果国家重建是唯一的选择,或许奥巴马应该想一想退出战略了。

    If nation-building is the only alternative , perhaps Mr Obama should be thinking instead about an exit strategy .

  30. 但西方经济体越是沉溺于刺激方案,实施退出战略就越是困难。

    But the more addicted Western economies become to aid , the harder it will be to implement exit strategies .