
tuì xiū zhì dù
  • retirement system
  1. 实行退休制度是不是看不起哪个同志?

    Will a retirement system mean that some comrades will be slighted ?

  2. 我们将来要建立退休制度。

    A retirement system will be worked out .

  3. OECD国家的退休制度改革由来已久,上个世纪90年代就开始对退休年龄进行调整。

    Pension reform in OECD countries a long time , the 1990s began to adjust the retirement age .

  4. 强迫退休制度侵犯法律赋予人们的工作权利。

    The compulsory retirement deprives people of the right which the renders .

  5. 而下议院和国民议会已经通过了退休制度改革的议案。

    The lower house , the National Assembly has already approved the package .

  6. 山东省企业职工退休制度运行现状及对策研究

    Study on Current Situation and Countermeasures of Shandong Enterprises Superannuation and Retirement Institution

  7. 金维刚表示,政府还将向其他国家借鉴弹性退休制度。

    Jin said the government could learn from flexible retirement policies in other countries .

  8. 第五部分,关于建立老干部离退休制度的一点思考。

    Part V is some thinking about establishing the old cadres ' retirement system .

  9. 退休制度是国家为保障劳动者退休生活而实行的一种福利制度。

    Retirement system is national welfare system to protect the living standard of the retiree .

  10. 美国公务员退休制度

    United States Civil Service Retirement System

  11. 世界各国都有自己的退休制度。

    Other countries have retirement systems .

  12. 本文针对退休制度所涉及劳动权中几个问题进行讨论。

    This thesis intends to discuss several problems about labor rights relating to our country 's retire system .

  13. 建立公务员辞职、辞退、退休制度的意义分别是什么?

    What is the significance of building the civil service system of resignation , dismissal and retirement respectively ?

  14. 下次党代表大会不搞顾问委员会了,还是搞退休制度。

    At the next national Party congress the Central Advisory Commission will be abolished and a retirement system established .

  15. 邓:我提倡废除终身制,而且提倡建立退休制度。

    Deng : I am all for the abolition of life tenure and the institution of a retirement system .

  16. 弹性退休制度与养老保险保障制度整合初论依法报告药品不良反应切实保障公众用药安全

    Flexible Retirement System and Pension Security System According to the regulation reporting ADR and assuring the safety for the people

  17. 我国有必要对现行退休制度做出调整,实施弹性退休制度。

    China there is a need to adjust the current retirement system , the implementation of a flexible retirement system .

  18. 我过去多次讲,可能我最后的作用是带头建立退休制度。

    I have stated on many occasions that my last task is to take the lead in establishing a retirement system .

  19. 从人口结构趋于老化、养老金收支情况日益恶化的现实分析了退休制度调整的背景。

    From the aging population , pension income and expenditure analysis of the deteriorating real retirement system to adjust the background .

  20. 将来地方的干部制度,比如退休制度,也应该有个年龄规定。

    In the future , systems relating to civilian cadres the retirement system , for instance should also have specific age regulations .

  21. 分析人士认为,这些抗议活动不仅仅是针对退休制度改革的,也反映了民众对总统萨科齐的不满。

    Analysts say the protests are about more than just retirement reform , and reflect the public 's discontent with the president .

  22. 在这样的背景之下,我国于上世纪50年代制定的退休制度尤其是有关退休年龄的规定越发显得不合时宜。

    In this context , the 1950s retirement system especially the provisions of the relevant retirement age in our country is converging malapropos .

  23. 当然,组织路线方面还有其他的问题,如机关臃肿怎样解决,退休制度问题怎样解决等等。

    Of course , the organizational line also involves other problems , such as how to reduce overstaffing and establish a retirement system .

  24. 宋代以前,中国社会尚未形成完整而严密的官吏致仕即官吏退休制度。

    Before Song Dynasty , the Chinese society had not formed a intact and rigorous system of governments ' officials ' retirements from governments .

  25. 与此相关联的,在人事制度方面,可以考虑把退休制度建立起来。

    With regard to the personnel system , which is connected with the promotion of talented people , we should establish a retirement system .

  26. 上海不久前正式建立了养老保险制度,率先在全国建立了退休制度改革。

    A pension insurance system has just taken shape in Shanghai , making the city the first in the country in reforming the old retirement .

  27. 此外,让退休制度更加符合西方标准并不是亚洲老龄化国家增加劳动力的唯一措施。

    Moreover , bringing retirement systems more into line with western norms is not the only measure that would increase the workforce in ageing Asian nations .

  28. 摘要公务员退休制度是社会保障制度的重要组成部分,而退休安置中的养老保险制度又是其重中之重。

    The officeholder 's endowment system is an important part of social security system , and the endowment system in pension center is of most importance .

  29. 顾问委员会一成立,我就说这是过渡形式,归根到底还是要建立退休制度。

    At the time the Central Advisory Commission was established , I said it was a transitional form to be replaced ultimately by a retirement system .

  30. 在法国政府就退休制度改革展开辩论的同时,法国各地罢工浪潮导致的骚乱仍在继续。一个多星期来,反对退休制度改革的罢工工人把目标对准交通系统。

    Unrest continues in France as the government debates a reform to France 's retirement system that has sparked more than a week of action targeting transport .